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7. Oops! (The less obvious one)

6. Sarah thanks Karyn...

5. Clothes make the woman

4. Jon continues to adjust to his

3. Jon tries to adjust

2. The Living Bra

1. You Are What You Wish

Oh My Goddess!

on 2002-02-17 16:35:06

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Suddenly, Karyn's body gave up its fight against Sarah's pleasuring. And as a result of her orgasm, Karyn didn't finish the sentence she had started. As it was, that was a good thing. Because what she was going to say, in response to Jon's suggestion that it would be better if she was made of stone, was "I wish I was." And the obvious end result of that would have been a rather erotic Karyn statue in the locker room of her high school.

Not that what she actually said was any better, however. As the panties she had turned her rival into drove her over the end, Karyn threw her head back and shouted, "Sarah! My God!"

After that, things quieted down considerably in the locker room. The only real sound was the panting breaths that Karyn was taking to try and bring herself back under control. Even Jon had stopped complaining, as he waited for his friend to tell him that she was alright.

And then felt a new sensation inside her gym shorts. Looking down, she saw a strange silvery liquid slip out of one of the legs and flow across the floor. "What the hell?" she asked herself at the sight. Granted, she had just had the most intense sexual experience of her young life, and some body fluids were to be expected. But nothing like this.

The pool of liquid, once it had cleared her pants, move to the center of the locker room floor. Then, it began to rise up from the floor, taking on a familiar female shape. Moments later, Sarah stood naked before the girl that had transformed her. "Ah," she breathed, "that's better."

Karyn could only stare at the restored cheerleader. How could this have happened? She had wished that Sarah would be her panties for the rest of the day. And was it just her, or did Sarah seem to be glowing somewhat?

Just then, the door of the locker room open, and a girl came in. Karyn recognized her immediately as Ann DeFranco, another cheerleader at the high school. "Hey, Sarah," she called, without looking up, "Coach Johnson wants to know what's tak..."

"Not now," Sarah interrupted, waving her hand toward her fellow cheerleader.

The effect was instantaneous. Ann froze in mid-step, as her body and gym clothes took on the look and texture of white marble. In less than a second, the girl had been turned into a statue of herself.

Karyn stared at the statue by the doorway, trying to put together what was happening. And then she remembered her last wish. Slowly, she got to her feet, using the wall for support. "Jon," she called softly to her bra, "I think I screwed up."

What do you mean? Jon asked from inside her gym shirt.

"I think I've given Sarah the powers of a god," she replied.

"That's right, Karyn," Sarah said, turning away from the statue she had created. "You did. And now, I think it's time that I repay you for the honor of being your panties. Don't you?"

Karyn looked into the eyes of her rival. She should have been scared. She should have been ready to scream. But instead, all she could do was say the one thing that came to her mind. And that was, "Oops."

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