Sarah settled into her class, careful to let her aching breasts press into the desk as she sat down. The math class droned on for some time, and Sarah couldn't help but shift her attention to her growing, aching, breasts.
Jon only felt as he rubbed and jiggled around in Sarah's shirt, aching and throbbing all the way before Sarah took her seat. Trapped as a pair of breasts, he had no choice but to listen to the same lecture as Sarah as he observed the inside of her shirt, which had already begun to feel tighter against him than it had before.
Sitting at the back of the room, Sarah went largely unnoticed as she rubbed one of her hands into her the cleavage of her breasts, sending a strong wave of desire and pleasure through her. Jon felt as her hands pressed into him, softly at first, but soon with ever increasing firmness. Without the desire of the spell, Jon was only left to notice how the pressure made him ache even more, and the way his soft body flowed around Sarah's hands.
Sarah closed her eyes, the desire and pleasure mounting.
"I just wish I could give someone a good titfucking right now."