Sarah was just a tad preoccupied with looking at her shirt, and the parts of her body beneath said shirt, for a few moments, until she heard someone approaching. "Hey, are you alright in there, miss?"
Sarah stopped what she was doing, forgot everything that didn't matter for the moment, and gathered her story, "Yes I'm fine."
Suddenly the officer came into the room, "Did you find what you were look-ing..."
Sarah, a talented actor in her own right, had been making a show of scratching her head, "Yeah, but wasn't there supposed to be some sort of statue in here or something?"
Jon couldn't help but give the girl props, 'You're pretty good.'
Ignoring her breasts, Sarah moved over so the officer could inspect where the statue, to his knowledge, had been sitting since the beginning of his watch that morning. He hadn't been there for too long, but it looked like some prankster had gotten in, taken the statue, and gotten it out. He'd been fairly lax, partly because most of his shift had been over night and he figured that no one could make off with a human sized statue of solid stone without making enough noise to wake the dead, but it looked like there was a prankster involved, and he was being put-upon, or something.
Uttering something under his breath, the young officer sighed, "Stay here, I have to make some calls."
Sarah nodded her agreement/understanding as the officer left the locker room, presumably to make some calls about a missing four-hundred-pound statue.