(I actually wrote the choices from on scraps of paper and drew them from a hat so they are random)
"Karyn, what are you thinking!" Jon said as his hand reached into the bowl and began to mix the papers before drawing a scrap.:
"Having fun," Karyn said with a wink. "Relax Its only for a week, plus I'll be there somewhere."
Jon pulled the first scrap, "Height Less Than 5'2," he read, he looked at Karyn who was "5'7", two inches shorter then he currently was, meaning he would be dropping at least seven inches.
"Aw, your gonna be short Jon, should be fun" Karyn chuckled shaking the bowl..
He reached in once again and pulled out another scrap "Less then 110lbs" he gulped "Great, I'll be short and a light weight" he said
"Quit being a baby" Karyn said once again waving the bowl in front of Jon.
"Fine" Jon sighed as he drew his final scrap and read it out load "At least 2'6 long hair." He looked up at Karyn and began to feel the magic begin to work.
"Karyn your a.... " he began to say before he blacked out.