knock knock knock "Time to get up, sweeite" Karyn's mom chirped.
Karyn groaned, rolling onto her back, "mrrf 10 more minutes".
"You better get down there before breakfast goes cold, dear." her mom answered, "I'm heading to work, you have a good day, sweetie."
Karyn listened to the clack of her mom's heels fade away, followed by the thud of the front door locking.
Yawning and rubbing her eyes, Karyn slipped herself up against her pillow into a half-sitting position, suddenly noticing her breathing wasn't impeded by her chest.
In fact, she was also no longer wearing her pyjama top. Brushing the long blonde hair her earlier wish had given her away from her eyes, she saw her chest was flat!
"Jon... What did you-" she grumbled, stopping when she noticed the tented bedsheet. Her eyes went wide, quickly she flung aside the bedsheet, revealing an erect bulge in her panties, which had adjusted to home her new member, even featuring a keyhole-fly.
"the fu- JON! What the hell did you wish for!" she cursed at the erect flesh in her crotch.
Karyn's Morning
Episode last modified by TheScienceWizard on
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