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16. Karyn wishes you were her puss

15. Next steps

14. The cliche actual sex scene

13. Karyn's roommate comes home

12. The cliche oral sex scene

11. Going to Karyn's

10. Will out

9. Talking with Karyn

8. Your first time

7. Taking it further

6. Now what?

5. Showering off

4. On the bus

3. What's it like to be a pussy?

2. Jon's (perverted) fantasies

1. You Are What You Wish

Karyn wishes you were her pussy

on 2019-02-07 22:25:30
Episode last modified by Literally Noone on 2019-02-08 19:45:30

6352 hits, 239 views, 5 upvotes.

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Karyn pauses, and gives you a mischevious look.
"I wish that Jon was my pussy, until I wished him back."
The more rational part of you feels a chill of intense fear, you're going to have the nonexistent autonomy of a vagina for as long as Karyn decides. What if something goes wrong?
The less rational part of you, a part that is still pointed up at Karyn's ass, is already thrilled at the idea.
At this point, the feeling of blacking out is familiar. You go limp against the bed as all of your senses fade away...
and you wake up as a woman's genitals for the third time.
The taste is overpowering. You had a pretty good idea of what being a wet pussy tasted like after that woman got herself off with you, but Karyn's taste is both subtly different from hers, and mixed with a generous amount of your own cum. It reeks, or rather you reek, of sex.
The way your lips and clit are sitting is different, too. It feels like you're a bit shallower, and a bit tighter than last time.
And your vision is not obstructed by a bush of hair, although all you're getting is a close up of Karyn's bed. There's a little bit of black fuzz fordering the top of your view.
"Jon?" you hear.
Your world spins and pans up to a pair of enourmous thighs as Karyn moves to lie back against the bed. There's a mirror on the opposite wall, what looks like miles away. You see Karyn sitting up against the headboard, legs apart,
and the dripping, swollen pussy between her thighs.
"Are you down there?" Karyn asks, looking down towards you.
You tense up as a reply, and she jumps.
"Holy! Okay, right. Got it."
The rock is still in her hand, barely visible in the mirror.
"I wish for a compact mirror."
As Karyn moves the little mirror between her legs, you're treated to a close up view of yourself. Everything is shimmering with moisture. A mixture of you and Karyn is oozing out of the hole towards your bottom, and you're as red and open as a pussy gets.
But you cal also see up Karyn's gorgeous body, into her eyes. She looks surprised, and a bit confused.
"So... you're really my.... I almost didn't think it would work. This is way beyond what I've seen so far."
You tense up again, and Karyn gives a little yell.
"Okay, wow, I'm going to have to get used to that."
Karyn had forgotten the wish to make her room soundproof, so the sound of knocking startled her again.
"Fuck!" She said, looking down at the mess. "I wish I was clean and in pyjamas."
Even in your current state, unable to "close your eyes", it feels like you have to "look away" for a second. When your vision returns, there's an expanse of red fabric in front of you, and you're no longer drowning in sex goo.
You feel bitterwseet about that.
It looks like the wish didn't include any underwear, because it's still pretty roomy. Though you're are a bit frustrated that you can't see what's going on.
You hear from above,
"And I wish the room smelled clean."
Of course, from your vantage point, the smell of pussy is inescapable. It's probably not getting very far out of these pants.
You hear the door creak open again.
"Oh, Karyn!" Abby says happily "you are home. It's getting late, I was kinda worried."
"Haha, yep! Just got back!"
Karyn has never been a good liar.
"Did you come in through the back door? I didn't hear you."
"Uhhh, yeah. Yeah, the back door."
"Well say something when you get home!" Abby says, pretending to be exhasperated. "You don't know what you might be walking in on!"
Karyn chuckles, a motion which shakes your world a bit. You tense up once, and she jumps a little.
"Karyn, are you alright?" Abby asks, a little cautiously. "Something up?"
"No! Nothing. I'm normal." Karyn stammers.
GIven your front row seat, you've very aware of karyn's growing arousal. You're starting to get warmer, her heartbeat is fast.
"Mmm hmm." Abby pauses.
" Jon hiding in here?"
Even though you can't see anything, you can almost feel Karyn's mortified look.
"No!" Abby giggles. "Karyn, naughty girl."
You can hear the door creaking shut.
"I knew something was up. Have a good time you two, just try not to make too much noise!"
The door shuts, and Karyn sits motionless. Then, she burts into laughter.
"Holy shit Jon, that... that was fun."
You tense in agreement. Karyn doesn't react this time.
"Okay, yeah, let's work out a system. One for yes, two for no. Alright?"
You compress once.
A pause.
"Jon, you're... you're really down there. You're my pussy. I can just go out, walk around, talk to people, and they'd have no idea."
You tense. It's getting very warm in here.

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