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13. It's over?

12. Now to fix the rest of the pro

11. Teaching Miss Ogletree

10. No, Karyn, don't leave me!

9. Apparently so...

8. A good witch or a bad witch?

7. Witch way?

6. A new wrinkle...

5. Trolls...

4. Take a look...

3. Casting straws

2. I'm rubber and you're glue

1. You Are What You Wish

Problem over... but there's another they never knew about

on 2005-03-21 05:39:26

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"Then," said Karyn, "I wish that the Jon wishing stone could speak."

And then the stone said, "Meg, you're Jon, without the super-wish ability."

Jon turned into himself again.

"That's not the only wish we need to reverse," said Jon. He picked up the rock that Ms. Ogletree had left behind, the original wishing stone from his grandfather, and said "I wish that my recent wish about making the change permanent referred to the change that I had meant it to refer to, so that the combination of the body swap and the Meg-change that fixes it was permanent, leaving me in a version of my original body and Karyn in hers."

"There's one more," said Karyn. "The wish on Meg. That seemed so simple, and it ended up so dangerous. Give me the stone, Jon, please?"

Jon handed it to Karyn.

"I wish," said Karyn, "that the wish about anyone who calls Meg a name only worked on people calling her names--that is, on people who were insulting her or speaking badly of her, not on everyone who even mentions her. I also wish that they would turn into powerless versions if at all possible, so that if someone calls her a witch, for instance, they turn into a witch without powers. Finally, I wish that me and Jon knew if this series of wishes worked the way we want it to."

Karyn let out a loud sigh. "It worked. But I hope we never have to go through that again."

"You know," said Jon, "there is one thing left."

"Hm?" asked Karyn.

"Ms. Ogletree. She was a real witch. Even before the stone. If there's a real witch who knows Meg, then real witches must be pretty common. And that means we're in danger. The moment some evil witch happens to find out we have the stone, we're a target."

"Well," said Karyn, "that's an interesting idea. But the stone can also help us. We can find out who the witches are. I wish that me and Jon knew which person around here is the most dangerous witch to us."

And Jon and Karyn learned the answer.

After all, if someone was an evil witch, and they liked to use power for their own benefit, what would they do? They'd make themselves beautiful, of course. They'd make themselves popular. They'd get followers. They'd probably take on the attitude that they were something special and that nobody could do anything to them, because it was true. They'd somehow be found blameless every time there was a problem. They could almost run the school.

Jon and Karyn, almost together, learned who was the most dangerous witch to them, and they both uttered the witch's name out loud. It was so obvious, in hindsight.

"Sarah!" they exclamed.

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