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6. Jade & Riley try more bimbo te

5. Jade tries the bimbo tech lips

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Jade & Riley try more bimbo tech products

on 2019-02-02 03:22:34

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Jade giggled, but immediately covered her mouth. “What possessed me to giggle?”, she asked out loud. As she though, her face adopted a ditzy look. Unbeknownst to her and Riley, the lipstick was also lowering their IQ, making them dumber.

-15 mins later-
“OMG, these clothes are so dull”, said Jade as she stripped off her clothes and undergarments. Riley only nodded as she followed suit, the stripping process turning into a strip tease. Reaching into the box, Jade pulled out a rather large bra, each cup looking like it could fit a bowling ball in there. Putting it on, she turned to Riley, and they both giggled, Riley also grabbing one. However, their giggles were cut short as their breasts began to grow. They swelled like ripe grapefruits, until they were bursting from the massive bras that they were wearing. Jade was wearing a red lace one, which did nothing to hide her erect nipples under the fabric, now at least 6 cm long. Her breasts were the size of large bowling balls, which bobbled and bounced naturally (HH cup). Riley was wearing a blue lace bra, with her breasts now the size of medium bowling balls, just a bit smaller than Jade(GG cup).

Both girls looked at each other, and giggled, their voices suddenly more high pitched and ditzy. Their hair had growth out to their mid-back, and it swayed gently with their movements.

Reaching into the box again, Jade pulled out two large pairs of panties. Tossing one to Riley, she held it up, giggling at the size, before slipping them on, reaching around her new massive tits to do so. As with the bra, both girls, or rather, womens’ hips began to push outward, their asses gaining more mass, until the panties, despite their size, were wedged in the crack of a large heart shaped ass. The front immediately became wet, their pussies becoming permanently drenched with juices.

Jade licked her lips slowly, lusciously, before looking at Riley. It was done.

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