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7. SSRTS - Cheer: Kick Ass

6. SSTRS - Cheer: At the Hospital

5. Cheering Up

4. Three Cheers for Twins!


2. A Horrible Mistake...(Reboot)

1. You Are What You Wish

SSRTS - Cheer:Battle of The Blondes

on 2019-01-31 17:56:39

2519 hits, 184 views, 10 upvotes.

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Please note, there is very strong swearing in this episode, if this bothers you I apologise

As Jon and Sarah were sharing a tender moment it was rudely interrupted as Sarah was pulled away from Jon and thrown away to a corner of the room, Karyn was taller than Sarah and her training as a Kickboxer made her strong too, so Sarah landed hard and looked up as a furious Karyn screamed at her.

"Get your fucking hands off of him! This is just like you Sarah, you take and you take and you take and you give ZERO fucks how many people you hurt or step over to get what you want! I had ONE person that was mine, my special someone! I had a plan you stupid selfish bitch, we were going to be happy but you stole that from me like you steal everything else! I'm going to rip the hair off that empty fucking head and stuff it down your fucking throat you fucking cunt!!!

Karyn launched herself at Sarah who cowered into a ball, her hands over her head to protect herself. Jon leapt out of bed and tackled Karyn, wrapping his slim girlish arms around her and he began pleading with her.
"Karyn, Please! Don't do it! I couldn't bear it if you ruined your life because you got sent to jail for killing Sarah, why are you so angry? Do you think that just because I'm becoming Sarah's twin that I am going to stop loving you? You are my very best friend, I could never abandon you!

"That's just it! You're going to become all perfect and MacMillany, she'll have you dressing like her, hanging out with all those cheerleader popular bitches and mocking and manipulating all the Little People, she's going to make you Just. Like. Her! A selfish, manipulative arrogant, vapid, shallow whore that shits on everyone else. She dropped us like Hot potatoes when it suited her, she has shown she cannot be trusted I... I refuse to <sob> let her take you from me!
Karyn began sobbing hysterically as Jon held onto her for dear life, he made soothing sounds as he stroked her hair and held her, Sarah came over, her blouse was torn and her hair was in disarray, she even had a bruise on her leg from where it had struck the side of the door.

"Karyn, I swear , I would NEVER come between you and Jon, I was just telling Jon what a fool I've been and how much I want to be a better person for my new sister, I want us to be friends again, I know you don't believe me but give me a chance, if I let you down I will let you kick the shit out of me and I promise I won't complain or sue or anything (in a quieter voice) I deserve it for being such a horrible person..."

What a sight two busty blondes and an androgynous blonde almost girl all crying and hugging, Srah babbling and begging as she poured out her heart to the other two, Karyn listening and crying with all of the pent up emotion and Jon crying from distress that the girl he loved and the girl he was starting to see as a beloved sister were fighting.
As the sobbing subsided Karyn suddenly grabbed Jon and kissed him on the lips with wild passion, then did the same to Sarah.

"Jon, the real reason Sarah abandoned us was because of me, when I was 13 I kissed Sarah and she freaked out, we never spoke again after that and I tried to pretend that my feelings for her were just some sort of phase but I'm tired of lying, if you are becoming a sexy version of Sarah and you really love me then maybe there is hope that we can both get the girl of our dreams?"

"I...I..Oh Heck - Yes! Definitely! Just one thing, Please don't beat up my twin any more?"

"No promises, if she stabs us in the back I'm kicking her to next Tuesday"
With the release of tension laughter and hugs were the order of the day, and it was this scene which greeted the nurse with two security guards as they burst in.

"It's alright guys" , said Jon "Just a little disagreement but we're fine now."

After the nurse and guards left them the three blondes got to talking it was during this that Karyn noticed that Jon, normally two inches taller than her 5' 9"was now two inches shorter, just the same height as Sarah, Jon's hair was also now just as luxurious a mane of golden blonde as her's and Sarah's and his eyes were the prettiest shade of a summer sky blue, the front of his shirt was being pushed out by a pair of breasts which were swelling past B into the C cup range and he had fallen out of a pair of shoes now much too large for the dainty feet at the end of long, toned dancers legs, she also noted his arms and hands, his lips and eyebrows and all the other parts of Jon's changing body, not much remained of the boy she had grown up with.
After talking with the nurse and getting discharged the three went back to Sarah's, after all, soon Jon would need clothes that would fit her new body.

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