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8. SSTRS: The School Slut - Lovel

7. Conflicting desires

6. The Sister's meet

5. Exotic Jon

4. Even Sluts need love


2. A Horrible Mistake...(Reboot)

1. You Are What You Wish

SSTRS: The School Slut - Tamara Emerges

on 2019-01-29 14:56:31

2399 hits, 198 views, 6 upvotes.

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The beating of her heart, the waves of pleasure, the rush of blood , the hot , wet kisses, inquisitive fingers and tongues exploring every inch of her Jon felt less and less like a man as a new female sense of empowerment over came her . As Tiffany lost herself in bonding with Tamara the two merged in a way that rarely happened with the disease, Jon acquired Tiffany's exhibitionist streak and her sexuality, Jon was now comfortably bisexual, however, she preferred girls, Tiffany meanwhile acquired a greater degree of self control and received a boost to her IQ, not that she was dumb before but now as long as the twins remained in proximity they could concentrate well enough to be able to study, to work hard for a better future, however, if they were separated then they would both become overcome with nymphomania, their IQ would drop and they would suffer a very different fate, so now Tiff would need Tamara to help her get her grades up so they could both go to the same college. As the girls minds merged and the bond between them was forged into the sort of deep love that most can only dream off Jon's body altered further, as his hips widened and his waist narrowed he finally had the perfect hourglass figure she desired, her feet and hands became dainty, small and feminine, her limbs took on the lithe, shapely form that represented the female ideal and Jon's face altered into that of an exotic beauty, perfect straight white teeth, adorable little nose, and fine, beautiful features, finally, her genitalia altered completely as waves of orgasm rocked her new body she BECAME Tamara, in every way, as she finished her changes Tiffany transformed too, becoming her ideal self, now both stunningly beautiful and the epitome of sexiness the two sisters collapsed in each others arms , I love you they cooed at each other in chorus as they fell into a deep sleep as she slept Jon's brain altered configuration, becoming an entirely female brain, Tamara was all woman now and she wouldn't have it any other way.

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