When Karyn heard about Jon's illness she began to think about the possibilities, she had always been a little insecure about her looks, hence the wish for big boobs and long blonde hair, so the thought of becoming more beautiful really appealed to her, more to the point she really liked the idea of Jon becoming her twin sister, the two had always been close, and Karyn as an only child had always wanted a sister, she knew that Jon would become someone's twin, that was inevitable and she thought that it might as well be her. Later that night she climbed up to Jon's open bedroom window and crept in, she cuddled up to Jon, just long enough to be sure he had imprinted on her before leaving, on the way out she had a thought and picked up the stone.
" I wish that the reason why my hair is blonde is because it was professionally coloured by a hairdresser, and that when Jon becomes my twin she will have red hair like I used to have".
Karyn then put the stone back where she found it and quietly left. She couldn't wait for her new sister to arrive.