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16. Hat of names: Making the world

15. Abigail Isn't Much Closer to F

14. Hat of Names: You can't go wro

13. Zoe Makes Some Suggestions to

12. Hat of names: Jon broods, Zoe

11. Jon's Alarm Goes Off

10. Hat of names(Interlude): Where

9. Hat of names: You never get a

8. Hat of names: An exciting way

7. Athena DeVries

6. Sarah McMillan

5. Three Changes to the Person, P

4. Jon Picks a Name Out of a Hat,

3. Someone At the Front Door

2. A Horrible Mistake...(Reboot)

1. You Are What You Wish

Hat of names: Making the world a more magical place on wish at a time

on 2019-01-17 13:06:41

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When Athena returned to her room a moment later with a peanut-butter sandwich in hand, a message from Zoe was waiting on her phone. [It worked! Btw could you maybe do something about the bruises on Jons throat too?]

“Might as well throw that in there.” Athena murmured to herself. She had been thinking on how to make Jon more interressting to have around since yesterday.

What life outside her books lacked, Athena felt, was a distinct lack of magic. And magical creatures. So she had been thinking what kind of mystic creature she could turn Jon into. Zoe knew Athena was probably behind anything weird happening to Jon, so she couldn’t do turn him into anything that would be a huge inconvenience to Jon.

Not that Athena really wanted to be mean. Jon was a bit boring but she didn’t have anything against him. It was just that seeing a real life Harpy or Dragon would have been really really cool.

But alas, she’d already resolved to go a more subtle route. The question had just been which humanoid creature to choose. There were so many cultures to choose from after all.

But when Zoe had mentioned her brother having ‘relationship troubles’, it had suddenly come to Athena: an Incubus.

Zoe would probably love the ‘creature of the night’-angle of it, and Athena might get a chuckle out of watching the stuck-up Jon trying to deal with being a creature of seductive whispers in the dark and forbidden passion.
Athena had already prepared one of her good paper-sheets on her desk (the ones that looked almost like real yellowed pergament) for the moment she decided what Jons destiny would be. All that was left was to fetch her quill and ink and make the wish.

She had been hoping to do this at night, when a few candles could have added to the atmosphere, but you had to strike while the iron of inspiration was hot. “I wish that whatever is written on this paper would become the truth about Jon, when I burn it.”

And then she began to write her spell of transformation:
“One of Jons distant ancestors 13 generations ago was an incubus, and as of this morning as the stars move into the proper alignment the slumbering magic in his blood has begun to awaken. Jon is the last remaining descendant whose blood is still strong enough for this occur.
The only sign of his burgeoning magic so far will be that Jon recovers from minor injuries in a matter of minutes.

But shortly after he goes to sleep tonight the stars will be in the right position to completely awaken the magic slumbering in Jons blood, turning him into a full-fledged incubus, bringing with it a host of rather harmless minor abilities and changes appropriate to a spirit of erotic dreams made flesh. All of these can be easily concealed.

The most prominent change to Jons life will be:
Each night, when he is asleep, an Jon will enter the dreams of a random woman who has fantasized about being intimate with him, during the past seven days.

The probability of a women being chosen will depend on:

  1. How long it has been since she dreamt about doing something romantic or erotic with Jon, and how intense these fantasies were.
  2. How much Jon would like to get intimate with her.
  3. How often the woman has indulged in these kinds of daydreams.
  4. Physical proximity to Jon.
  5. Whether or not the girl is in a relationship. The more committed she is to her beau the less likely it is that she will be chosen. With the obvious exception of things being reversed for women in an official relationship with Jon.

These dreams will always be extremely vivid, and Jon will always be able to recall the with perfect clarity upon waking up. For the women it will depend on how intense the dreamed adventure was.

The womens’ appearance will always be very close to their true self, and Jon too will always be recognizable as himself. Hairstyles, clothing, or minor physical features -like pointed ears- however might vary to accommodate the setting of the specific fantasy.

The dreams Jon enters will always be at least mildly titillating in nature, but will err on the side of romance before crossing any boundaries Jon or the girl in question would be truly uncomfortable with. They will more often than not shift to recreate scenes inspired by the girls most prominent provocative daydream featuring Jon or vice versa.

Jon the Incubus will not have to feed on the life or soul of the women he visits, and will not be ruled by his libido any more than any other teenaged guy.

Jon will never enter the dreams of any women he’d find inappropriate lovers based on age, blood-ties, mental health or similar grave concerns.

After roughly a week Jon will learn to control his abilities for the most part, but until then they will have a tendency to act up at the inopportune times. ”

Satisfied with her work Athena placed the paper in a large copper-bowl, and struck a match. “May the winds of chance look charitably on your journey, Jon Gibbson ” she intoned, as she watched her magic scroll crumble to ash.

“And let no one say I wasn’t a good wingwoman.” She added with a chuckle as the last flame guttered out.

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