Sarah Duncan and Kyla Leeson were in the library, eating and trying to get to the bottom of the mystery surrounding their Facebook accounts.
"Okay, I found that account you logged into the morning. You did say it was Sarah McMillan, right?" Kyla asked, clicking the link to the page.
"That's right." Sarah said, staring at the screen. "I honestly don't understand why anyone would do this?" she said. Before she could continue her line of thought, the latest wish's power hit her, forcing her changes to completion. Her shoulders widened slightly, her hair receded becoming much shorter, her face became more masculine, and shifted to look more like Mr. Duncan, her new father. Her breasts completely disappeared, leaving her flat. Her hips became wide as well. Finally, a shifting in her underwear left her unmistakably male.
"Sam? You okay?" Kyla asked, looking at her friend.
Sam Duncan shook his head. "Of course I am." he said, turning back to the screen. "As I was saying, why would anyone go to all of this trouble to make fake accounts that are almost like students here. I mean, this Sarah McMillan...the only McMillan in this school is Jennifer. And I saw a Jay Duncan earlier, and yet I'm the only one with that last name in this school."
"It could all just be some elaborate prank..." Kyla said. "Someone with too much time on their hands."
"Perhaps, but there are still only a limited number of people who would be capable of something on this scale. I'd still like to speak to that goth girl, Zelda." Sam said. He placed his hand on Kyla's shoulder. "But first, let's gather some more information. Please head back to your profile, and let's see what other fake accounts we can find."
Kyla looked at Sam's hand on her shoulder and blushed a bit, before quickly turning back to the screen and clicking on the home button. "Y-yeah."
Back in the cafeteria, everyone at Jon's table was finishing their conversations, getting ready for the end of the lunch period. Jay was gathering up his trash when the magic struck him.
Like Jennifer, his change was not too far from being complete when Mikey made his latest wish. His face shifted slightly, his lips plumping a bit more and his overall features becoming more feminine (though most who saw him near his new parents would comment that he bore more of a resemblance to his new father's side of the family). His breasts grew a bit more, ending up just a bit smaller than Jennifer's. Finally, his genitals shifted.
Jayme Sanders stood up from the table. "Well, I need to book it to reach my next class in time. I'll see you all later." she said, taking her trash and dumping it into a trash can on the way out of the cafeteria.
A moment later, the bell rang, and the rest of the students filed out, heading off to their next class.
Karyn separated from her friends to go to her locker and get her books for her next class. As she was entering her combination, the lumbering form of the former Mike Matthews approached her. The lock opened with a click, but before she could remove her books from the locker, Mike began to remove her clothing and put it on himself. In a minute, Karyn was left naked, and Mike was wearing her outfit. Karyn wandered off, and Mike grabbed the books she was going to get from her locker.
He then pulled Karyn's cell phone out of his pocket and checked the time. "Oh crap, how'd it get so late?" he asked. He slammed the locker shut and locked it, and began running to the class that was now next on his schedule.