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10. Hat of names(Interlude): Where

9. Hat of names: You never get a

8. Hat of names: An exciting way

7. Athena DeVries

6. Sarah McMillan

5. Three Changes to the Person, P

4. Jon Picks a Name Out of a Hat,

3. Someone At the Front Door

2. A Horrible Mistake...(Reboot)

1. You Are What You Wish

Hat of names(Interlude): Where there's a ballot, there is someone trying to game the system

on 2019-01-15 16:07:02
Episode last modified by broom11 on 2019-01-24 22:32:59

3921 hits, 294 views, 3 upvotes.

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-The day before -

*Authors note: To make it easier to branch of with other storylines, I kept the victims name an ambigous […]. *

“So, are we doing this or what?”

“I don’t know.” Nate Harris said, clutching the hat protectively to his chest.

“Look, you and me are the only people who know why she cried herself to sleep for a week last year. And she might be too nice to hold a grudge, but come on! Nobody should get away with shitty stuff like that scot free. And we both know she can’t be the only one. ”

“Yeah.” Nate agreed “But…. ”

“Look. You know me. ” Nates conversation partner interrupted him “ Planning is what I do. It’s what I’m good at. And we both know my strategies have saved us more times than you can count. ”

“In a game.” Nate interjected.

“Same skillset.” His objection was brushed aside “ You give me the name, and I will deal with this in a calm and rational manner. No infantile power fantasies. No knee jerk reactions. ” seeing Nates grip on the hat relax slightly, they added “ I can do this with any name, and I will if I have to. But in my opinion turning a bystander into a Manchurian candidate would be worse than fudging the selection process a tiny bit. ”

Nate sighed “Knowing you you’d actually do it.” He held out the hat with a resigned expression “Go ahead.” And waited calmly as strips of paper were removed and put back until the right name lay in the palm of his co-conspirator.

“You made the right choice Nate.”

As soon as midnight came around, the paper with the name was laid out on a desk, besides several sheets of paper covered in scribbles. After taking a deep breath the owner read out a note underlined with red

“I wish […] would wake up in the body and life of a sweet tomboyish exchange student who didn't exist before this wish and who will be living with Jons family for the next year and has fallen head over heels for Jon in the week she has already been here, and everybody but me and […] will remain convinced the person he used to be is definitely still around and it’s just bad luck that you can never get a hold of him.”

They had been practicing, getting the entire sentence out in one breath a dozen times before making the wish, but it was still a close call.

After taking a few seconds to catch their breath they started on the second – mercifully much shorter - wish.

“I wish every time […] tries to communicate anything about his old life, any details that would actually help narrow down his identity will slip his mind.”

The previous two wishes had been spoken in a calm methodical manner, but when it came to the third a gleeful note accompanied the words.

“I wish […]'s new body was a 17 year old version of the last person Jon masturbated to who doesn’t live in this town , and it came complete with muscle memory and a strong physical attraction to guys in general and to guys like Jon in particular instead of girls.”

With the days work done, […]’s self-appointed judge went to bed, smiling at the thought of being three steps closer to a wold they considered fair and just.

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