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8. Everyone in Jon's Family is Zo

7. Waking up the Family

6. Didn't Get Off That Easy

5. Zoe Seems Different

4. Jon Breathes a Sigh of Relief

3. Everything Appears Normal

2. A Horrible Mistake...(Reboot)

1. You Are What You Wish

A Fistful of Zoes

avatar on 2019-01-04 02:06:37

2051 hits, 175 views, 3 upvotes.

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The person still in bed squirmed, then pulled off the covers with a huff. "Zoe, can't I just sleep a little longer?"

"Sorry, Zoe, but you have school today. You have to get up," Zoe said ... that was, the Zoe that had just come from the kitchen. For a moment, she felt like there was something out of the ordinary happening here. Almost like she and her daughter Zoe were the same person, but that was ridiculous. After all, she was much older, in her late 30's, in fact. Okay, maybe it was strange that they had the same name, but Zoe was a very popular name.

The Zoe that was in bed groaned, then said "Fine. I'm getting up. But don't expect me to look after Zoe after she gets up."

"Of course not, honey. That's my job," the older Zoe said, pleasantly. She then headed down the hall and opened the door to her youngest child's bedroom. Her 10-year old daughter Zoe was fast asleep. That was odd. There was that strange feeling again, as if she and Zoe were the same person. Why was she having these weird feelings?

"Zoe?" Jon asked, standing at the top of the stairs, staring down the hall at her. She looked older now, and was wearing something that his mom (Linda) might wear. Was she his mother now? If she was, then why did she kiss him on the lips back in the kitchen moments ago?

"Yes, Zoe?" she asked, turning in Jon's direction.

Wait, why did she call him 'Zoe'? He looked down at himself and got a shock. Jon looked just like Zoe! Except that he had a kind of geeky tomboy look about him, or rather her. He walked down the hall and joined "mom" Zoe and looked into Mikey's bedroom. But instead of Mikey in the bed, he saw a little girl that looked like Zoe when she was 10 years old, but dressed in Pokemon pajamas. Was this what his wish was doing? Turning people into versions of Zoe? It seemed so, but was it only happening to his family, or was it happening all across the town of Lake Point?

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