For a time, Tiffany had this weird feeling that she had never done a day of serious work in her life, that she just got by on looks. But that was ridiculous, right? She was pretty, of course, but she wasn't like one of those bombshells. And being 28 years old, she was beginning to get away from her college years and more towards her mid-life years. She, by no means, looked old, but she felt like it was just around the corner (she had no idea how true that was) and she wasn't fooling herself into thinking that she would be pretty forever.
She finished up her paperwork, then headed into Gary's office. "I'm gonna go mail something," she told him.
He nodded, then she turned and left. She grabbed a package from her desk, then headed out of the building to go to the post office down the street.
By now, she was about eleven years older than when she took Linda Madison's place, and it was becoming easier for her to think of Mikey and Jon as her children. Well, maybe Mikey more than Jon, but still ...
Her body looked much more mature and her hairstyle had shifted to the one that Linda originally had. But her breasts stayed the same - a D-cup. Whereas Linda's was a C-cup. And as it turned out, Tiffany's breast size wouldn't change, even after the changes to her body stopped.
Mikey's wish never stated that the person who took another person's place (like Tiffany took Linda's place) would become an exact replica of that person. He only stated in the wish that the person would change the more he or she wore the other person's clothes. And, as it turned out, the people directly being affected by the "musical closets" phenomenon would not become exact replicas, but instead would become like the person they replaced. Of course, there would be more similarities than differences, but in the end, the person replacing the other person would not be an exact copy. So in Tiffany's case, there would still be something of the original Tiffany Sanders present. And one of those things was her breast size.