Kyla Foster was also heading to the weight room, just like Steve Meadows, wanting to get some lifting in before early morning football practice (she had just enough time), when suddenly she became disoriented as a multitude of memories appeared in her head. She didn't know where they came from, but she now remembered the life of Kyla Leeson, a shy and plain-looking geeky girl. It disturbed her, having memories of being not only a girl but also being a total loser. And more than anything, she wanted to forget about the new memories.
But that was going to be harder than she thought, especially after she took a look at her body. She had the body of a girl! But not only that, she also looked almost exactly like Kyla Leeson, the geeky girl whose memories she now had.
Thinking that someone might see her looking like a girl, she ran away, in the direction opposite of the weight room, gym, and locker rooms. She didn't want any of the other football players or the coach to see her like this.
And out on the streets of Lake Point, the former Derek Lettman continued his seemingly aimless search for a new identity, as the "musical closets" phenomenon kept going.