The bell rang, he closed his binder (which was now filled with doodles of dragons, snakes, skulls and gargoyles) and headed to his next class, which was Algebra, his worst subject that year. In years past he had been rather good at the subject, but now, in his last year of high school, he was finding the topics to be a bit too difficult to him. The prospect of sitting through another boring class did not improve his mood.
He moped down the hall, hating the establishment that forced him into studying things he despised. He thought of his sister Zoe (did he have a sister? he wasn't sure for some reason), who had always been good at math. She would breeze through this class without even trying. He adjusted his bra unconsciously as he turned into the classroom and, once again, took an empty desk at the back.
A groan came unbidden from his black lips. After sitting down and crossing his legs to the left, he noticed the words POP QUIZ written on the blackboard at the front of the room. He had arrived just before the bell, so before he knew it the teacher, a skinny dweebish sheep in his forties named Mr. Kratz was handing out the cursed papers.
When Jon's test arrived at his desk, he started right away on the problems. The first one seemed pretty easy, and so did the second. What the fuck, he thought to himself, as he looked around and saw everyone else struggling with the calculations. To him, the formerly difficult problems seemed to be child's play. He laughed at his fellow students who were struggling around him.
"Fucking retards," he mumbled under his breath.
"Ahem!" Mr. Kratz cleared his through, indicating a desire for silence in the classroom. Jon eagerly complied, finished the test in a matter of moments, then asked to be excused to go freshen up. A look like his had to be maintained.
Meanwhile, Zoe...