Jon felt very dark as he walked to school that morning. He could hear the stomping of his black knee-high boots and thought that they echoed his mood very well. His day had been going well until his stupid brother poked his head into his bedroom while he was getting ready. Sure, he wasn't in his panties or anything, but he needed to concentrate while putting on his make-up.
He'd seen his friend Karyn on the way, but didn't want to hang out with her for some reason that day. He'd ducked around the corner and behind a hedge until she'd passed, relieved that she hadn't seen him. After she was gone, he smoothed out his skirt and kept walking to school. The sun was bright and warm, but that didn't help; inside he felt damp and cold.
Arriving on the school grounds, he took note of the different types of people milling about. Funny how he'd never noticed the cliques as distinctly as he did then; jocks, sluts, ass-holes, dorks, and goths. Everyone else, that day, seemed to be so stupid; everyone but the goths, that was. He was tempted to go over and introduce himself, noting that they not only dressed cool, but they had found the shadiest, most reclusive spot to hang out as well. His kind of people.
Noticing that he would have to rush if he was to make his first class, he decided to check them out later. Moving as quickly as he could in the his boots, he made his way into the school.