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13. ...a french maid costume.

12. Jon's turn to do the chores

11. Jon's Bouffant

10. Mikey's The Boss :Jon gets his

9. Day One

8. Going Out With Mikey

7. The next morning

6. Mikey Cross(dress)es Jon

5. Mikey deal with Jon

4. The Idea

3. Leave me alone!

2. Little brother's turn

1. You Are What You Wish

Mikey's the Boss: Jon the French Maid.

on 2010-12-09 03:12:25

2149 hits, 191 views, 2 upvotes.

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Almost not believing what his eyes saw, Jon went closer to the bed. On it was a french maid dress, complete with a black cap with white frills around it and fishnet stockings, all neatly folded at the foot of his bed, where a pair of high heeled black pumps similar to the ones he wore in the morning were laying on the floor.

Holding the dress, Jon began to worry, "This is beyond your average 10 year old, where the hell is getting Mikey all this damn ideas?" thought Jon, considering whether to call Mikey or not. Jon could almost imagine Mikey with the smug smile he liked to show lately, holding the wishing stone and trying to get Jon to do some sort of deal with him in exchange for something that probably would be much worse in the long run, something that, admittedly, Jon did to Mikey a few times. No, he won't give Mikey that satisfaction, the sooner he finished this, the sooner Mikey would leave him alone and sooner he would recover the stone.

Sighing, Jon took off the clothes he was wearing and began to put on the clothes on the bed. After getting into the dress and putting on the stockings, Jon was startled when he got to the heels, having got rid of one pair to end wearing another only a few minutes later. Once fully dressed, Jon stumbled to the closet and looked himself in the mirror hanging on one of the doors, not being able to avoid blushing of shame. He looked completely ridiculous, and it looked like that nothing was to improve during the rest of the day, not while Mikey was there to make it worse.

"First the clothes, then this hair, and now this..." said Jon to himself, angry and humiliated. Suddenly closing the closet door he went to the door of his room, heels clicking all the way, tempting him to just tear the clothes off him and end Mikey's stupid game. Opening the door, Jon saw Mikey already waiting in the hallway in front of it.

"Well, looks like you put the clothes on your own, in the end." said Mikey, smiling.

"Yes, I did. Happy?" snapped Jon.

"Not quite," Mikey said holding the stone, "I wish that Jon couldn't remove his clothes until he has finished all his chores today", the stone flashed in his hand, "Now I am."

"What?" exclaimed Jon, raising his hands to his head and trying to remove the cap resting on his feminine haircut, without any success, prompting laughter from his younger brother, "Why did you do that?"

"It's just a small incentive," said Mikey, recovering from the laughter, "just so you won't goof off. Or if you don't want to do the chores, you can always keep wearing them on until the end of the week."

Struggling to hold back, knowing that Mikey could make things even worse for him, Jon just gave a look of anger to his younger brother, "What do I need to do?" he asked as calmly as possible.

"That's better. You know, cleaning a little here and there, dust off things, do the laundry... that kind of stuff. I'll let you know when is enough." settled Mikey, turning around and going into his room, leaving Jon standing there.

Not knowing where to start, Jon thought it would be best to start with the suggestions Mikey gave him, hoping that his brother would consider it was enough. Deciding to do the laundry first, Jon went to each of the rooms collecting dirty laundry that might was on them. When only Mikey's room was left, Jon went inside without any hesitation. Mikey was there, playing videogames in a certainly new, wish-created, videogames console connected to a large television.

"You should learn to knock before going in," said Mikey, pausing the game, "what if I had been naked? Wasn't that what you used to tell me?"

"But you're not, so leave me alone. I will not play your stupid game, just give me your dirty clothes, if you have "said Jon, annoyed.

"No, first go out of the room and enter showing good manners, or I won't give them to you and you won't be able to finish your chores."

Giving up, Jon went out of the room and closed the door, knocking and opening the door immediately.

"I don't remember giving you permission to enter, go out and repeat, this time asking for it." said Mikey, grinning.

Starting to get angry, Jon did what his brother said, waiting for Mikey to answer before opening the door.

"It wasn't that hard, right? Here it is." said Mikey, grabbing his dirty clothes and throwing them at Jon's feet.

"I hate you." Jon whispered under his breath, bending down to pick them up and immediately stepping out of the room as hard as he could, which only caused the clicking of his heels to sound even louder, causing Mikey to burst out laughing when he closed the door.

Jon was starting to falling apart. Jon knew that Mikey only did all this to tease him, making him to do something stupid and have an excuse to use the stone on him even more, but each time Jon found harder to control himself. At first he had obeyed Mikey without hesitation, thinking it would only be a week and after that he would recover the stone, but Mikey was going further each time, and Jon began to wonder if it was being worth it.

Loaded with the dirty laundry basket, Jon went to the basement, carefully going down the stairs. Once there, he loaded the washing machine with the dirty clothes and turned it on.

"One down, now the others" he said to himself, going upstairs. Opening the closet where they kept the cleaning supplies, Jon cringed when he took out a feather duster. If the hair and the full french maid attire was not enough, now he really must looked like the stereotypical french maid, duster in hand. Sighing, Jon began to clean the dust as best he could.

After a while, and having cleaned the dust from every corner of the house that went through his head, Jon sat a moment to rest. His feet were really killing him in those heels, and having to walk back and forth around the house was not helping at all. Even knowing it would not work, Jon couldn't help to tug at one of them, that didn't even budge an inch. Dejected, he returned that foot down and stood up, not wanting to delay the inevitable, and went back to the closet of with the cleaning supplies, passing by Mikey on the stairs.

"Looking good like that," remarked Mikey, "particularly with that duster, it suits you, just like it was maid just for you" and then went back into his room, giggling at his own bad pun.

Trying to ignore him, Jon put the duster down and pulled out the vacuum cleaner.

Going from room to room, Jon ran the vacuum cleaner over the floor, which took him a considerable time, unable to move freely because of his clothing, continually reminding him about his predicament, and when he finally finished it was almost lunch time. Really tired, Jon went into the kitchen and dropped into a chair unceremoniously, legs wide open, not even caring about his skirt hitching up to the chair making him show his underwear and the lace of his stockings, only trying to give a break to his aching feet and unable to understand how some women, such as his mother, spent all day using such devices of torture. That moment, Mikey appeared to check on him. Involuntarily, Jon closed his legs together and straightened the skirt over his fishnets, suddenly feeling self conscious about his clothes.

"I see you've taken it seriously," said Mikey chuckling, passing in front of Jon.

"I just wanted to finish everything early and get rid of all this," said Jon, with almost no strength to feel offended or humiliated by Mikey anymore, "I've done what you asked, can I take this off now? My feet are killing me."

"Well, maybe it wasn't such a bright idea to put those shoes to clean the entire house."

"What? It was you who made me to dress like this!" jumped Jon.

"No, I just put them in your room, but it was you who chose to wear those clothes" reasoned Mikey, "It's only your fault and you can't blame anyone but yourself. Does this sound familiar to you, Jonny-maid?"

It certainly did. It was what Jon used to tell him when Jon talked Mikey into doing something, knowing it would certainly end bad for his younger brother, and then blame him for doing it in the first place. Mikey was getting back revenge on him doing the exact same things Jon sometimes did to Mikey.

"Whatever, I'm sure that I if I hadn't put them on in the first place, you probably would have transformed mine and made me wear them all the week." said Jon, getting up and standing in front of Mikey.

"Maybe, but now we won't know, since you made your decision, and you can not go around blaming others because of your own actions, right?" finished Mikey smiling.

Then they both heard the sound of the front door opening and someone walking down the hall to enter the kitchen. It was...

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