Mikey smiled and said, "Jon, we're going to hair stylist."
"Hair stylist?" Jon asked suprised.
"Yup." Mikey nodded "I want you to get some unique hairstyle."
Jon shivered at what that could mean. Well, it was already freaky enough, according to his ID he was a WOMAN and one 10 years older than he actually was.
"Jon, its our stop" Mikey said after some time. Jon had no choice than to stand up, balance himself on his pumps and get out from the bus.
Just before them was a hair stylist salon. Jon dreaded entering there but followed Mikey.
Inside, it seemed that everything was already prepared. While Mikey sat on a chair and got some candies , middle-aged lady led Jon to the chair. Jon expected her to start working on his hair, but the only things she did was placing a big hair dryer on top of Jon's head and turning it on. Jon could barely see now, though he felt something strange...like the hairdryer were getting tighter and and tighter, stuffed with something.
"I think its enough Mrs" Mickey said from over some comic he found there and woman removed the hair dryer, revealing.....