Mikey took out the gun.
"See this gun, it can tranform people to what I want. I got it by wishing it with my magical stone." Mikey said
"Ok Mikey thats a little silly, even I know there's no such things as magic." Rikey replied.
"No I'm serious, oh I wish you knew about this" Mikey saad without even realizing.
The stone flashed.
"WHOA IT IS MAGIC! Dude that was halarious what you did to Fred, but why give Ms. Warren and guy's head, she was so pretty." Rickey asked.
"It was by mistake., but watch this now." Mikey told him.
He zapped the doll. In a flash was Jon back to his regular old self. Mikey commanded him to stay
"So Rickey boy what do you like Jon to become?" Mikey asked.