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7. Some physical changes for Jon.

6. Jon's Maternal Instincts Kick

5. Mikey's new mom.

4. More kid stuff

3. Leave me alone!

2. Little brother's turn

1. You Are What You Wish

Time to Make Jon a Mom For Real.

on 2005-05-02 09:07:24

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"More pizza coming through!" Jon, the middle-aged mother laughed, as she placed another plate of pepperoni and marshmellow pizza in front of Mikey.

No one thought it was odd that Chuck E. Cheese offered such a strange combination on their menu. In fact, thanks to Mikey and his wishing rock, most people in the world assumed this was a perfectly logical combination. They also saw nothing strange about the fact that a 16 year-old boy was dressed as a 42 year-old woman.

Mikey however, started to get a little creeped out. His hand rested on his cheek and he couldn't help but stare at his brother's freakish appearance, made all the more strange by her seemingly gleeful acceptance of the new role she played in life.

"What's the matter, honey? You're staring at me like I had alligators coming out of my ears."

Wow, Jon was even using his mother's expressions. She stroked his cheek and he recoiled a little bit. This was too freaky.

"Well, mom, this is really cool and all..." Mikey began. "You're really fun now and I can do whatever I want without you yelling at me, but I'm getting a bit weirded out watching my brother act like a girl... a woman even."

"What on earth are you talking about, Mikey?" Jon asked, genuinely confused. As far as she was concerned, she was Linda Madison--a 42 year-old divorced real estate agent with 2 beautiful sons. And as far as she knew, neither one of them had a tendency to act like a girl. Or a woman.

"Ah, right. You don't even know." Mikey said, jokingly slapping the side of his head. "Alright, well, it doesn't matter. You make a good mom, Jon. You just need to look the part. I wish that Jon not only dressed and acted like our mom, but would actually turn into her."

"Woooooow..." Jon said breathlessly, placing her hands on the bright plastic table to steady herself.

The amsuing image of a teenage boy dressed as a mom slowly corrected itself. Full womanly breasts pressed out from her chest, filling the bra she already wore. She shrank a couple of inches in height and her frame narrowed noticably. Her face changed shape dramatically. A strong adolescent male jawline receded into a softer, rounder shape. Her nose shrank slightly and her lips pouted a bit more. Some signs of aging faded in as well. Some laugh lines here. A hint of crows feet there. In no time, Jon's youthful face was gone. A slight resemblance remained, but this was now clearly the angular face of a woman in her early forties, though by anyone's reckoning, she was still quite attractive.

The last change would go unseen, but Mikey, even though he was only in forth grade, knew enough to figure what would happen. Jon's pee-pee would dissapear. And it did, replaced by the very female genitals that brought him and his brother into this world.

"I'm sorry, baby, I must have wandered for a second. Were you saying something?" Jon asked now sounding exactly like his mother and looking the part to boot.

"Yeah, mom. I said get me some more Pepsi!" Mikey squealed enthusiastically.

This was MUCH better. He had tied up all his loose ends. Jon swayed off to get another pitcher of soda for her boy, her full ass shimmying back and forth with feminine precision. Mikey looked on and couldn't help but giggle. Even the image of the now female Jon stopping to flirt with a man who was easily in his fifties didn't bother Mikey now. Hell, as far as he was concerned, this WAS his mother, only better. And if he had his way, Jon would stay that way.

Meanwhile, across town, an interesting development Mikey had all but forgotten about was under way. In a small movie theater, a cheap horror film flickered on screen. A young teenage girl in the audience had slipped her hand into a pair of jeans that was not her own and began stroking the invisible penis of the middle-aged woman who she thought was her boyfriend.

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