Mikey grinned at what he'd produced. Karen made a beautiful fountain as a mermaid. Her clothes had vanished during the transformation, and her new larger breasts were clearly displayed. She was mounted on a pedestal in the middle of a seven foot fountain bowl lying on her stomach, her back arched to raise her torso up and her face looking slightly upwards. Her fish tail was curved up as well, the broad delicate fin at the end of her long scaled tail frozen in a position that looked like she was trying to splash with it when he'd petrified her. A strong stream of clear water quickly started to spout from between her lips, arching over a foot into the air before splashing into the bowl surrounding her. Mikey was happily thinking that he could do no wrong now when he was startled by a baby crying. He quickly turned around and picked up the baby that was once his mother and worried that he would be in trouble if he restored her now. His thoughts were running all over how he could keep having his fun. He looked at his new fountain and then at the crying baby and smiled as he said "I want Karyn also to be made of glass and the size of a goldfish bowl. An instant later there was a new glass fishbowl sized fountain on the ground in front of him. He then chuckled as he exclaimed "I want Karyn to also have everything a fishbowl needs to work built in to her. He amazed himself as he watched her transform into a fully functional fishbowl fountain. He then held his other over the fishbowl and stated I want my mom to now be a goldfish." Mikey was quickly startled when he instantly began a juggling act when his new goldfish started flapping around in his hands. A moment later he was able to let out a relaxed sigh as his new goldfish finally flopped into his new fishbowl. Mikey then picked up the fishbowl and quickly carried it up to his room. When he walked into his room, he turned to his dresser and set it beside his old goldfish bowl. Mikey then plugged it in and started the filter and fountain working. He spent the next ten minutes entranced in watching the water flow. He then sighed as he transferred his old goldfish into his new bowl with his mother. Mikey then smiled as he thought "This is so cool! I now have super powers and the ultimate goldfish bowl." He then fed his fish and then left with his old bowl to store in the garage.
A new use
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