"... I knew what was wrong" he said. Suddenly he realised what was wrong. He walked over and removed his mother from Karyn's arm and placed her on the table. He took off his mother's nappy and looked straigth at the problem, Karyn wasthe first to react.
"She has a..." she exaspaerated.
"Well if he can only do it to women and girls then this explains what's wrong with, um, mum." he said, lookibng down at what was without a shadow of a doubt a baby boy. Jon sighed and then rubbed the stone.
"I wish" he said, remembering to avert his ey-sight, "my mum was back here." She returned instantly, to the little girl she was before.
"Um" said Karyn. "Did you know that would happen?"
"Yes" Said Jon. "Only Mikey can undo it.". Jon sat down and started to wonder whether he had been sent a curse by some enemy of his.