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8. Wish Redux

7. Jon wakes up

6. Human?

5. Man In The Moon

4. Allignment of the stars

3. Jon sleeps on it.

2. A wish for something interesti

1. You Are What You Wish

Keeping Things Interesting

on 2018-11-26 10:33:26

1574 hits, 140 views, 1 upvotes.

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It take Jon long to reach the usual bus stop that he and Karyn always met at. As clean as clockwork, Jon and Karyn arrived at the stop at the same time. This time, however, Jon did finally notice something strange about this day. Somehow, Karyn’s wish yesterday had reversed itself. Jon stood stock still upon seeing it, not really sure if this is what his wish did or if something stranger was going on. Still, it was an interesting change. Her long blonde hair and enhanced breasts were definitely something he could have gotten used to. Something that would have made his life less ordinary.

Therefore, it will remain interesting. A strange voice seemed to speak in Jon’s head. However, he couldn’t stop to ponder as Karyn’s hair and breasts transformed back into her wish induced ones yesterday. His jaw drop as the sheer suddenness of it. “Uh, K-karyn.” He stammered.

“What Jon?” She said in a slightly irritated manner.

“Did you notice what just happened to you?”

Karyn glanced around, then looked down. “Wait, JON?!” She stormed up to him, “What did you do!?”

Jon backed away slightly, terrified. “I didn’t do anything. I just wished for something interesting to happen and thought your hair and breasts you wished for yesterday looked nice.” He spout out as he cowered. “Pleasedonthurtme.”

She paused, “Wait wish? What are you talking about?”

Jon relaxes a bit, “You know the wishing stone I showed you yesterday?”

She crosses her arms. “All I remember yesterday is you showing off some way to change things, I don’t remember anything about a wishing stone.”

Oh no, this must have something to do with my wish last night. “W-well,” Jon starts, “turns out something I did made something interesting happen.” He nervously laughs.

“Doesn’t matter to me what you did, just fix whatever you did.” Karyn balks at my story.

“O-okay…” Focus, what was it that triggered it last time? I was looking at an unchanged Karyn and thought that her change was interesting. Something I could have gotten used to. Hmm maybe I could experiment? Or should I just turn her back? Agh! I don’t know, I’ll just try to do something.

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