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9. A Small Oversight

8. Making it Stick

7. Good For the Goose, Good for .

6. Karyn Changed Herself - Person

5. skin

4. Jon tests the pencil on Karyn

3. the magic pencil.

2. Jon wishes up a device

1. You Are What You Wish

Magic Pencil: A Small Oversight

on 2018-11-24 09:07:29
Episode last modified by redneckdemon on 2018-11-24 09:50:17

3198 hits, 277 views, 1 upvotes.

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The statuesque, 5'11" blonde tore off the top page of the notepad. She actually did giggle then, seeing the look on his face!

Karyn handed over the now-blank notepad and magic pencil to Jon, tucking the folded slip of paper between her huge breasts with her other hand.

"K-Karyn! That's no fair!" he nearly whined, gritting his teeth in annoyance. Forced to look up at the busty blonde, since the top of his head was just barely chin-level to her, his face went red. He certainly wasn't going to fishing around in there after it! Well...not unless she dared him to, maybe...

"Tough titty," came the smirking reply.

Karyn took a seat on the corner of the bed, crossing her legs and folding her hands in her lap and watching Jon with a patronizing smile.

"What are you gonna do about it, Little Guy?" she teased, giggling again.

That was it! It was against his better judgement, but she was just asking for it. Jon's mouth pulled tight with consternation and he took a step back, balancing the back of the notepad across his forearm. With his right hand, he quickly scrawled a line in cursive, anticipating that his friend would try to stop him!

I am 2 inches taller than Karyn!

Karyn just kept smiling, meeting his gaze with an unnerving confidence when he looked up again.

Jon felt something was different, alright. The room didn't seem quite the same, and he WAS a little bit taller than Karyn. It just took him a second or two to realize than she was still sitting on his bed: he'd gotten even smaller!

Jon gasped and Karyn giggled. Stretching, she rose to her feet again, towering above him! Okay, he'd only lost another inch or two...maybe three? Looking straight ahead, he found his nose nearly buried in Karyn's cleavage when she stood, forcing him to take a step back.

"Well, this has been fun, but unless you want to maybe do something about these tits and this ridiculous hair, I'm getting hungry. Why don't we go and get something to eat while you plot your diabolical revenge?"

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