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10. Jo goes to next period

9. Follow Jo

8. Avoiding a shower

7. Learning to live without pocke

6. Quick Action

5. "What's so unusual about....."

4. Nothing Unusual Here.

3. duh

2. what tomorrow brings

1. You Are What You Wish

Biology is hard

on 2018-11-21 10:43:54

1921 hits, 163 views, 1 upvotes.

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I entered the Biology classroom, anxious to get the day other with so I could get them stone from Nicole. I was happy to find that I still sat with Karyn at the front of the classroom.

“Joanne, will you hand out the work books and remind everyone what we did last week?” Mrs Jones asked. I happily accepted, but regretted it as I handed out the books. The guys suddenly looked so different, their smiles made me smile and when Bigf smacked my ass as I walked by I giggled. The looks of the other girls also made me feel odd, Nicole was so tall and looked amazing in her pink dress, Sarah had guys drooling over her, other girls had prettier eyes or more perfect noses. I felt happy to be sat back down with Karyn and her amazing boobs and hair. I felt hot.

“Wow Jobyou are bright red are you ok” asked Karyn, “I’m gone” I snapped back.

The lesson continued and soon I was at re front of class labeling to label a plant cell, I loved science and maths, but again my eyes were drawn to Nicole who was giggling again in a way that made me uncomfortable.

“Those are all wrong, are you ok Jo you knew those last week” Mra Jones asked.

I looked up at what I had written, The Brain like thingy, the skin, food, Ecto plasham... they seemed like ok words, it wasn’t like I’d ever need to know this stuff for a job anyway, I shrugged “whatever” and sat down with Karyn.

“I’ll do it miss, I think Jon... Jo isn’t as much of a miss smarty pants as she thought” Nicole said stroking past me to the board

The teacher handed her a pen and the board eraser and she corrected my mistake, winking at me and sticking her tongue out on the way back to her seat. Everyone laughed.

Wow she is so tall and sexy is all I could think as the strode past. I wish I had those legs, maybe if I bought some heels?

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