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30. Character Editor

29. Something's wrong here

28. Time to go exploring

27. I slipped down the helmet

26. How did I know?

25. Yes

24. Problems

23. Options

22. More than you can imagine

21. Explanations

20. Wake up

19. Trouble

18. War

17. Enter Fight

16. Explanations

15. French Maid

14. Profession

13. Destination unknown

12. More Details

11. The Outside World

Character Editor

avatar on 2009-06-16 23:58:04

676 hits, 17 views, 0 upvotes.

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With a trembling hand, I reached out and touched [Character Editor].

Suddenly, the door closed and another glowing blue grid appeared, with several raised panels, similar to before:


They were aspects of my character, the one I was in at the moment. Apparently, I could make changes to Leslie as I saw fit.

Curious, I reached out and touched ...

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