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7. Callum, the perverted insta-fa

6. Brother and Sister

5. Two sets

4. Fake ID

3. That Night...

2. A wish for something interesti

1. You Are What You Wish

Fake ID: Meeting Callum

on 2018-11-18 18:24:44
Episode last modified by Turtler on 2018-11-18 18:24:55

1515 hits, 141 views, 1 upvotes.

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Tom stood outside Callum's house, giving a little sigh. Callum was not going to be happy with this.

"I'm not happy with this." Callum said. "I paid for decent fake IDs. I think a good example of a fake ID is one that looks like me." He brandished the ID of Katrina. "And even though some ex-girlfriends of mine have questioned my masculinity, this most certainly does not look like me."

Tom rolled his eyes. "I know, and I'm sorry. I'll talk to someone, try and get in contact with the guy and get our actual cards. Eventually."

"Uuuuuuuurgh," Callum groaned, "That is nowhere near good enough. Sinner's Den is opening tonight! They're giving away free drinks tonight only!" Callum stood up from his chair and began walking to his closet. "And not to mention, Kinky is going to be there! This is my only chance to get her autograph!" He exclaimed, as he opened the door to his closet revealing the poster on the inside of the door.

Tom suppressed a choke. Callum always seemed to show him the same perverted poster each time he came over and it still always took him by surprise. How a woman could handle that many of those at once, he had no idea. Callum was obsessed with Kinky Rammer, the porn star turned Insta-Celeb, and telling him about the club opening had been the only way to get Callum to pay for his half of the cash for the IDs. Well, two-thirds, but Callum didn't need to know about that. Either way, if Callum didn't get a chance to go to the club tonight, Tom was never going to hear the end of it.

Callum snapped his fingers. "Wait, I think I have an idea!"

"I'm not going to dress in drag." Tom replied.

"Dang." Callum turned away, fingers pressed against his lips as he thought. "Hmm... Maybe if... Doesn't Sinner's Den have a balcony?"

Tom looked at him, confused. "Yeah, I think it does, why?"

Callum sat back down at his desk, and began fiddling with the ID card of Kyle. "Well, it's a bit of a long shot, but what if we both use the same ID?"

"What? How would that work?"

"Well, we both put a hat on, make sure that our hair can't be seen and one of us goes in first. We show the ID, then make our way to the balcony and then drop the ID for the other person, who then uses it to enter the room. Simple!"

Tom paused to think about it. "That might actually work. Most of the people on the door are probably still learning English, they'll never notice the similar IDs. And as only people 21 or over are allowed in, they won't be checking at the bar." He started to grin. "Well done Callum! You've actually come up with a decent idea! Now we just need to work out who goes in first."

"Well, that's kind of obvious. You are the one who messed up, while I'm the one who saved us. It's only fair that I go first."

"Hey!" Tom exclaimed. "The whole thing was my idea in the first place!"

"Yeah, but..." Callum gestured to the poster in his closet. "I have more at stake here!"

Tom rolled his eyes again. "At least I'm less likely to get arrested at the end of the night."

"Tell you what." He said, as he took out a coin of his pocket. "We'll flip for it." He pinged the coin up into the air. "Call it!"

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