Karyn/ Cateline joined the other three girls who were standing at the edge of the stage waiting to perform their next routine. Each of them wearing the same black and light purple corsets and matching purple skirts.
As she stood there waiting to start their number, she thought back to Jon that was the name of the boy who was talking to her in the dressing room wasn't it. She was trying to remember where she had seen him before this evening. One second she was sure she had known him for years maybe even gone to school with him. No that couldn't be right she went to an all girls' school. Besides that she was at least ten years older than him.
Karyn/ Cateline was brought back to the here and now by the stage manager saying to her and the other three girls "La của des filles Droit maintenant" (Right girls' your on now). She had no more time to think about that strange American Boy she had a routine to perform with Eloise, Rosamonde and Melisande. She could worry about the American later.
The Necklace of Infinite Possibilities began to glow a little bright round Karyn's neck or was that Cateline's neck now.