"Jenny!" Jon said with a worried break in his voice, "Jenny, where are you?"
Karyn could only stare as Jon walked away into the crowd, searching for who he believed to be his daughter. She also noticed something different in the way he moved. Jon was definitely carrying himself in a very feminine manner, but he didn't think anything of it.
Karyn picked the device up off the ground, and saw that there was a large crack along one side. "Maybe it still works," she assured herself. Then she heard a shriek from up ahead.
"JENNY." Jon's male voice boomed through the mall. Karyn rushed ahead and saw Jon standing face to face with the little girl's real mother. "Who are you and what are you doing with my daughter?" Jon said.
"Are you insane?" the women said, dumbfounded.
"No, I'm this girl's mother. Come on, Jenny, come with mommy. Let's go home." Jenny just stared at Jon with wide eyes.
"Listen, if you don't leave us alone, I'm going to call security."
"Good, then I can tell them you're trying to take my little girl from me."
Karyn knew this could get out of hand. She looked at the device in her hand and wondered what to do...