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11. Meet Maureen the lovely guide

10. The rewards of virtue

9. Dressing for the job

8. The introductory cut-scene

7. Life will be one big game for

6. Jon got a free show, so Sarah

5. Don't Look

4. All gone

3. The Bitch Makes Her Move

2. episode two

1. You Are What You Wish

Meet Maureen the lovely guide

on 2018-11-08 17:28:29

2827 hits, 169 views, 4 upvotes.

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‘Yeah. This won’t be too bad’ Jon tried to convince himself as he looked at the girl in the reflection. As befitted an archetype called ‘Nerd chique’ she looked cute in a bookish sort of way standing there in her tracksuit giving the mirror a shy smile from beneath her oversized glasses. With her hair pulled into two braids to keep it out of the way and a white cloth headband spelling ‘Determination’ she looked every inch the stereotypical university student from manga settling in for an overnight study session.

If Jon had one major complaint about the girl in the reflection it was this ‘Oh god, why did she have to be so short’. Jon had probably already lost some height when Sarah turned him into a girl, but his reflection was eye-level with Jons chin. Barely.

The room behind him had changed too, Jon observed. There was a small bookshelf above the bed, where books had been stacked to the point that he was worried it would collapse under the weight any minute now. More books and folders were stacked on the desk beside an open laptop.
His observation was interrupted as additional options appeared in the mirror.

Name: Toriko
Last Name: Gibbson
Age: 26
Occupation: University Student
Variant: Underappreciated Genius
Relation: Running a research project

Almost at once the ‘Age’ category dropped from 26 all the way down to 18, and Jon mentally sighed with relief. Even if it was only temporary loosing nearly a decade hadn’t felt well. That his reflection lost another inch or two as she grew younger, however was something Jon could have done without.

As the counter reached 18 it turned red. “Phantasm Inc. has a strict policy against employing minors. For obvious reasons.” Jon explained.
The unknown player started fiddling with the Variants next, and as usual he went for the strangest one first.

‘They all laughed’ was wearing a slightly singed labcoat and grinning manically as she stared at her reflection with eyes that hadn’t seen sleep for days by the look of them. And her hair probably ate combs and spit them back out in pieces. ‘Oh yes, ve are going to do great things togetha!’ Jon cackled, rubbing his hands in glee. Electrical parts and coffee-stained notes occupied every free place and some large contraption with sparks arcing of exposed wiring was sitting against one wall. The player took his time considering this mad-science version, but quickly discarded most of the other choices offered in favor of the default option.

Jon was glad when the Occupation of his new persona switched to ‘Student’ with the name of his school in parentheses behind it. The relation shifted to ‘Childhood friend’ at the same time, before the player changed it to ‘Professional’ – thankfully not even considering ‘Big Sister Figure’.
“I like how you think.” The Toriko persona said approvingly, turning slightly to view her reflection from different angles, as the camera zoomed out to show both Jon and his reflection “Are you sure this is what you want?”

After a long moment the player turned his attention to the ‘randomize’ button beside the Name. It seemed, like Jon, he found the combination of the Japanese sounding Toriko with Gibbson ( the maiden name of Jons mother before becoming a Merlin ) a bit strange. When he was done fiddling with a pop-up menu that was too small for Jon to decipher in the reflection, the name tab said :

First name: Maureen
Middle Name: Caileigh
Last Name: Gibbson

“Thank you. I knew I could trust you to pick something nice. ’” Jon continued when the player hit ‘Yes’ , giving the reflection on last glance before turning around ‘This concludes the tutorial. ’ Tor…Maureen said with a small bow. ‘Are you ready to enter the game proper or do you wish to make any additional changes?’

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