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6. Jon got a free show, so Sarah

5. Don't Look

4. All gone

3. The Bitch Makes Her Move

2. episode two

1. You Are What You Wish

Sarah makes her own entertainment

on 2018-11-08 17:09:02

5438 hits, 289 views, 4 upvotes.

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She was still holding the rock and that gave her an idea. She pointed at the chair in front of her desk "I wish the peeping-tom would sit in this chair and be unable to move until I say so."
And just like that Jon found himself sitting in a chair, in front of a very annoyed looking Sarah. "It's not what you think, Sarah. I just want the stone back. It’s dangerous." Jon pleaded with her.

Sarah glared at him, "Uh huh. Is it now. Well then I wish you’d tell me all about the stone and shut up afterwards until I decide what to do with you. “
Once Jon had finished there was a dangerous glint in Sarah eye, the news that there was no way to reverse her hasty wishes had hit her hard. But true to form Sarah instinctively focused that anger on something that didn’t require her to admit fault.
“So that is what you and your dumpy friend were up to. “ she gave Jon a cruel smile “ But it won’t work. It needs more than just copying my looks to become popular. I spent years - years you hear - becoming the undefeated queen of this school, and you and your little bitch couldn’t even make it when you had a wishing stone. If you need any proof that you don’t deserve it there you have it."
“I bet you thought of using it to take revenge on me, didn’t you Jon?” she asked sweetly, nodding in self-satisfaction as Jon refused to meet her eyes.

Sarahs next words sent cold showers running down Jons back, despite her sweet tone. “Well, then it is only fair I turn the tables on you and that little skank.”

As she saw Jons expression go from dread to fullfledged panic at the mention of Karyn, inspiration struck Sarah.
“You really DO care for her, don’t you.” Sarah cooed “I always knew you had a thing for her. So tell me would you be wiling to sacrifice yourself so she can be happy?”
To his own amazement, Jon found himself nodding without hesitation. That he was actually willing to take a bullet for his crush, filled Jon with pride. Not that it would do him much good, the way Sarah was smiling now.
“Very noble. I wish Karyn would think the rock had only been good for one wish and was destroyed when she wasted it.” Giving Jon a wink she said “I could make you forget too, but I prefer the idea of you knowing I can always make your life much worse if you cross me.”
“Next I wish that each cellphone I own had an app that only I can access and nobody knows about. I wish any statement I write down about a person in this app, would become true. ”
Noticing Jons surprised look she scoffed “Oh please. Don’t tell me you buy into that vapid-cheerleader cliché. Aren’t you and Karyn in the ‘looks don’t matter’-camp. Well hate to break it to you, but running a school takes smarts. I even read books with long words in them. Scandalous right?” she mocked.
“Well let’s get to work.” Sarah fished her cellphone from the nightstand and began to type. Every time she laughed silently at a particular clever idea Jons dread grew a bit more as he watched helplessly while Sarah ruined his life.

She watched Jon with feigned interest, before chuckling “Right, you still can’t talk.” She squatted down before Jon bringing her eyes level with his (and giving him a look down her generous cleavage) ” I bet you are dying to know what I have planned for you.” She whispered, before inching forward to nibble at a frozen Jons ear “I promise you it’ll be sexy.” She murmured.

Jon tried to think of baseball instead of the sensation of Sarahs breasts pressing against his chest as she continued to nibble his ear between sentences “You know, if you had played your cards right, if you hadn’t looked down on me for being popular, you might have had a shot at this. I used to have a bit of a crush on you in grade-school you know.” Her hand lightly caressed the front of Jons jeans, and much to his embarrassment his hips gave a reflexive little twitch to press his hardening member into her hand. “We got along well in grade school. I even used to have a bit of a crush on you.” Sarah continued

“Your girlfriend thinks I am a bitch. But I know she’s the reason you suddenly decided that joining the squad meant I was just an airhead now. And maybe it is for the best…” she scooted back a bit to look Jon into the eyes “…I always knew I wanted to be on top, and you just lack the ambition.” She gave him a kiss, letting her tongue dance across his lips for a few fleeting moments before getting back to her feet “You made your choice, so now you get to join your dumpy little friend as she and everyone else who crossed me will remain in this town to dance to my amusement, while I move on to greater things. ” She made a gesture indicating her body “I have outgrown this school and town, in more ways than one after all. “ she opened her window ”You are free to go back to your life. ”

“Please…” Jon tried to plead as he involuntarily started to move towards the window, but Sarah stopped him with waggle of her index finger. “Uh uhu, You had your chance.” She chided, watching a defeated Jon climb out the window, closing it behind him.

Sarah watched Jon walk down the road until he was nearly out of sight, grinning in anticipation of Jons face when he found out just what she had planned for him. A few moments later there was a flash from inside her room.

As Sarah settled down in front of her laptop, to watch a video of a worried Jon dragging his feet as much as the compulsion would let him as he continued to march on without know the destination.
After a while Sarah pulled out her cellphone again to make one more change “When not around me, Jon will mostly ignore the fact that I and the stone are out there.” Having the guy constantly worry what she was up to and if she was currently spying on him would probably turn Jon into a neurotic mess. And that would be no fun to watch, not when Sarah could watch him struggle with much more entertaining problems.

Maybe she had played up the ‘evil bitch’-angle a bit too much, Sarah mused. But she’d been worried mentioning the more benign changes she’d made to help Jon out, would set him too much at ease. And besides, Sarah wasn’t in the habit of showing weakness. So jon would just have to deal.

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