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92. A trip to the movies

91. An important conversation

90. Making Mikelle a blonde

89. Mikelle wants a makeover

88. The next morning

87. Cheer advice

86. At practice...

85. A tale of two lunches

84. A new week begins

83. Sunday Morning Sickness

82. In the forest...

81. Cait's Place

80. Turnover

79. Power Play

78. Background Knowledge

77. Do You Believe in Magic?

76. At the restaurant

75. Ash Meets Jade's Family

74. Family Time

73. The Next Day

Nicole's World: Movie Time

avatar on 2018-11-02 14:32:46

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“Ok, thanks for letting me know. I’ll tell the kids.” Nicole looked up from her breakfast as her dad put down the phone. “That was Daffie, the school secretary. He just called to say that the school’s closed because of the snow.”

“Awesome!” Britt shouted. Nicole smiled. Even though she enjoyed school, nothing beat a snow day.

“Yes, well...lucky for you two,” Nicole’s dad, Cassy, said as he pondered how he should take action. Normally, as he was a househusband, he’d stay at home with the kids, but he couldn’t today. He had a hair appointment that he couldn’t miss. He had spotted some greys in his hair the other day and made an appointment for as soon as possible.

He looked at the clock. He’d best get an early start if he was going to have to travel through the snow.

“Listen, kids. I’ve got an appointment at the salon that I need to get to. Do you think that you can look after yourselves for a while?” He asked while knowing really that they could. Nicole was 17, after all.

“Of course,” Nicole said. Cassy smiled.

“Good. Nicole, you’re in charge until I get back. It probably won’t be until later in the afternoon.” Nicole nodded in understanding.

Cassy headed upstairs to finish getting ready. Nicole turned to Britt.

“So sis, it’s a snow day. What do you want to do?” Britt paused in mid-crunch as she thought. Then her face lit up as she came up with an idea.

“Oh, I know. There’s this movie that I really want to see,” she added as she continued to eat her cereal. “I didn’t think that I was going to get a chance to go and see it. But seeing as school’s closed, we could go today.”

Nicole nodded.

“Alright, what kind of movie is it?”

“Hi there, two for The Avengers, please.” Nicole said as she and Britt walked up to the kiosk. The cashier smiled and nodded as he rung up the tickets.

“Would you like anything else?” the boy, asked smiling at Nicole. Nicole felt a bit flustered. There was something about the way the boy looked at him.

“Uh, no I’m good, thank you,” she coughed. “Britt?” Her sister rolled her eyes as she ordered some popcorn. They took their tickets and popcorn and headed to their seats.

The screen was pretty full for a Tuesday, although Nicole figured that most of the customers were fellow students, seeing as she recognised a few of them. They were mostly nerds although there were a couple of girls from the football team there.

“Hey Nicole,” Jax said greeting them as they walked up to their seats.

“Hey,” Nicole replied.

After the usual amount of commercials, the film finally started playing. Nicole was interested to note from a poster within the theatre that there were no male superheroes in this film. In fact, there were hardly any male characters in it at all. The ones that were in the film were portrayed as the heroine’s love interests and were usually cast in the stereotypical damsel-in-distress role. What's more, they always seemed dressed in the most revealing outfits.

Nicole watched with interest as the boy (who was a waitress) got kidnapped by the film’s villain and the crew had to go and save him while, at the same time, they needed to work out a way to save the world. She rolled her eyes as she watched the boy do nothing to protect himself except scream and call out for his lover’s help.

Goddess, Nicole thought to herself. The men in this world are completely helpless. At least back in my world, the women were able to stand up for themselves. Heck, they even had starring roles in these types of films.

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