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I wouldn't mind a more detailed description of Aiko and Jon(Junko?)

By Great Sage - 2019-02-05 13:02:16

On Sitting Around the Kitchen Table

I've been thinking about this and I am inclined to agree, especially as I intend on playing with this idea in my Zoe branch ( given her twin and her lover are both Goth that is going to seriously influence Chloe)

By Great Sage - 2019-02-05 13:00:29

On Zoe Races To Greet Her New Sister

Love the story for now and really curious to see how Jon will react when "she" see her new sister.

By Goryu - 2019-02-04 19:39:46

On Sitting Around the Kitchen Table

Look, I know.
Rowling and I are from the same city and I hope she doesn't mind me playing with something inspired by her novels, don't worry it won't outright be a rip off of the Potterverse.

By Great Sage - 2019-02-04 13:49:02

On Special Academy: Magic

Thanks Ormosier, that really means a lot to me

By Great Sage - 2019-02-04 13:18:33

On ...Supers

thx for the chapter, love your branches

By Anonymor - 2019-02-04 11:07:00

On ...Supers

Please note, clearly known IP are used in this and consequent episodes, I , in no way, claim ownership of these names, consider names of real world creatives to be an homage to those than made the comics I love and the names of fictional characters to be just representative of how comic mad teens might talk.

Also, clearly this is an homage to Whately Academy and the original sources that inspired that, enjoy :)

By Great Sage - 2019-02-04 08:22:36

On ...Supers

Thank you Mira, it makes a big difference when my crazy sexy stuff gets some love, this one is my favourite too

By Great Sage - 2019-02-04 07:02:16

On Exotic Jon

Stay Tuned :)
I can say their connection has gone VERY deep

By Great Sage - 2019-02-04 07:00:15

On SSTRS: The School Slut - Lovely Bodies

You've got me wondering just how deep their connection has become, can they do twin speech or is it even more where they can actually feel each other desires and thoughts?

By avatar Mira - 2019-02-04 03:48:16

On SSTRS: The School Slut - Lovely Bodies

A+ for best choice in sexy twinification, god I hope they fall for one another :D

By avatar Mira - 2019-02-04 03:31:57

On Exotic Jon

Just throwing it out there. Jon and Karyn could have forgotten to fix reality, they may have been so focused on getting the mess undone that they didn't realize the original wsih made it so that Karyn doesn't have parents anymore (why would a penis have one)?

The wish was pretty simple, "I wish Karyn was my penis", so thus her family wouldn't know of her as a daughter, she wouldn't have a room, etc...

By avatar Brayn - 2019-02-03 16:56:34

On It worked

It's not like you have to stick to one storyline, Fiction Branches gives you the option to split the story here, imo just continue writing and if you dislike the outcome, start another branch from here

By avatar M3t3r0x - 2019-02-03 10:12:39

On Next steps

Yeah... and completely intentional! Not like I didn't know where to go from here or anything.

By Literally Noone - 2019-02-02 20:40:11

On Next steps

The absolute cliffhanger, Jesus

By avatar M3t3r0x - 2019-02-01 16:40:44

On Next steps

If there's one thing more dangerous than the pull out game, it's being at peak arousal with a wishing stone in your hand. Really hope this doesn't go south for Jon. At least not permanently, heh

By avatar M3t3r0x - 2019-01-30 09:00:37

On The cliche oral sex scene


"Also, being Goth isn't genetic, it's cosmetic so Zoe would have been disappointed anyway, unless she could use the Psychic bond to influence the Zoefied Jon to trying out the Goth look. I am enjoying your contributions though, keep 'em coming, it encourages me to write more knowing how much of a kick folks get out of this."

I was thinking about this but forgot to address it when I first replied.

I feel it is a question of Nature vs. Nurture but in this case we have both. John's nature would have changed to match Zoe's; maybe not 100% but probably 80%+. Genetics influences everything. With Zoe manipulating him along the proper lines I don't doubt he would become a Goth Girl. If he'd contracted it as an adult with a more firmly developed identity the odds would start swinging against Zoe but as a teenager going through massive changes I don't see much resistance being mounted.

By Capt - 2019-01-29 20:14:45

On Zoe Races To Greet Her New Sister

Aiko is still around, at least in my version of events. If she weren't I'd be writing myself into a corner pretty hard given the stone's range limitation.

Also, thanks for the compliment. =-)

By Capt - 2019-01-29 10:13:50

On Zoe Races To Greet Her New Sister

Also, being Goth isn't genetic, it's cosmetic so Zoe would have been disappointed anyway, unless she could use the Psychic bond to influence the Zoefied Jon to trying out the Goth look. I am enjoying your contributions though, keep 'em coming, it encourages me to write more knowing how much of a kick folks get out of this.

By Great Sage - 2019-01-29 06:25:31

On Zoe Races To Greet Her New Sister

Ah Gawd, that made me laugh out loud! Poor Zoe. Is Aiko still around or has she left for Japan? This is going to cause psychological stress for them both until they can be together

By Great Sage - 2019-01-29 06:22:29

On Zoe Races To Greet Her New Sister

lol this is cascading wonderfully out of control.

By avatar Mira - 2019-01-29 01:58:05

On New name, look, and even personality.

Hahaha, poor John, doomed by triple whammy.

By Denkkar - 2019-01-29 01:51:32

On A Foreign Exchange Student Going Home Soon

Thanks for your kind words. It goes without saying but I'll say it anyway, anyone is welcome to continue this. I won't be upset if someone has one idea to continue it and I have another. I've seen that sort of thing even though we can tack new branches on wherever.

By Capt - 2019-01-28 20:00:47

On A Foreign Exchange Student Going Home Soon

A fine addition, I liked the comedy moment of Karyn and Zoe arguing over who got to Imprint Jon, I look forward to seeing how Jon deals with is need to be with his new Twin

By Great Sage - 2019-01-28 17:48:38

On A Foreign Exchange Student Going Home Soon

ooh, very nice.

By avatar TheScienceWizard - 2019-01-28 16:20:53

On Lucy comes up with an idea

I'm glad you like my take on the branch. There's a lot of things I've thought about doing with it that I wanted Karyn in on, and some other things i don't. Thanks for the positivity, I'll do my best to update weekly.

By Literally Noone - 2019-01-27 21:18:41

On Going to Karyn's

Loving this story line

By Great Sage - 2019-01-27 16:10:19

On Jon and Athena go to the mall

I love how you focus on everything beyond the initial idea of the branch just as well for the authentic experience. Even though this was a little too much in too little time/text imo, it still warms my heart to read :D Going through a rough patch right now and this story here is helping me smile even then, I mean it. Thank you :) Looking forward to more, as always. Can't wait to see how Jon's fantasies will play out now that Karyn is in the game as well!

By avatar M3t3r0x - 2019-01-27 08:55:44

On Going to Karyn's

yeah, i have no idea how to write this stuff, lol

By avatar TheScienceWizard - 2019-01-26 19:51:25

On A Little Exploration

That will be changed soon ;3

By avatar TheScienceWizard - 2019-01-26 15:11:55

On Zo'

Ah fair enough, thanks for letting us know. Looking forward to new stuff :)

By avatar M3t3r0x - 2019-01-25 11:27:28

On Will out

Nice reference to some of my Christmas stories with the Santa thing.

By avatar Anonymous51 - 2019-01-25 11:11:07

On Hat of names: A surprisingly normal morning at school

Sorry, uni is back in my life with a vengeance. I've got writing time this weekend though!

By Literally Noone - 2019-01-24 23:25:34

On Will out

I'm excited to see someone continuing Tobias' multibreast story line. Good luck with this man, hope you will continue.

By avatar Mira - 2019-01-24 15:52:24

On Well, compared to Karyn...

Big shame that Jon is so indifferent/opposed about his new equipment

By avatar M3t3r0x - 2019-01-24 13:52:19

On Zo'

Good episode!

By avatar M3t3r0x - 2019-01-24 13:25:36

On On toward Lunch

I don't know about eight heads, but two heads and six arms would probably do just fine. :D

By avatar Mira - 2019-01-23 13:54:07

On Wish it

Just do whatever you like. The whole point of having a branching storyline is that you can branch a story, from any point, in any direction you like. You won't get in another author's way because they can always just ignore you and keep extending their latest story.

By avatar Phoenix - 2019-01-22 18:46:21

On Hat of names: Staking claims


By avatar Mr. C - 2019-01-21 18:52:50

On After School

And Zoe is.... [rolls dice]

By avatar TheScienceWizard - 2019-01-21 18:39:10

On After School

also meta, i had to include some meta

By avatar TheScienceWizard - 2019-01-20 17:23:38

On Last Lessons

Yay! More of this excellent branch!

By bigbustgazer - 2019-01-20 16:10:21

On Jon focuses on his plan

"have i overused bell sound effects?"

By avatar TheScienceWizard - 2019-01-20 15:39:25

On Last Lessons

Yo are we gonna see a new chapter soon? The wait is KILLING me!

By avatar M3t3r0x - 2019-01-18 13:24:48

On Will out

I’m enjoying this branch quite a bit! Keep up the good work~!

By avatar Mr. C - 2019-01-17 17:51:02

On Lunchtime

The pictures of Jay/Jade are of people clearly over 25, were there no teenage nerd pictures available? :)

By Great Sage - 2019-01-17 14:49:01

On Jay and Jon are converted

Why did I even write this episode: I have no idea, I should have just skipped straight to lunch....

By avatar TheScienceWizard - 2019-01-17 09:40:27

On On toward Lunch

up next: an episode where I go too deep into something that could be skipped with 2 sentences.

By avatar TheScienceWizard - 2019-01-17 09:30:42

On Gym class

Did he specify that he wanted to be a human girl?

By Catprog - 2019-01-11 18:38:03

On The demon is summoned

Heh, why do I have it in my head that a "Karyn" Jon would ask Jon to become another "Karyn" Jon?

By avatar Mira - 2019-01-09 17:55:18

On I wish Karyn had clothes that fit her new body

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