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Oooh, cant wait to see what comes out of this one... perhaps some of the girls will use the male filter which transforms them as well

By avatar Nabruv2 - 2019-05-11 11:41:46

On A strange camera filter


By avatar TheScienceWizard - 2019-05-10 17:58:41

On Jon loses his head, and his body

So... this is a parody of Westworld, right? Like, not the TV show, which came out 8 years after this was written, but the original movie? Why not call it Breastworld? The joke is right there!

By Noble Six - 2019-05-06 13:59:01

On Girl World

I did the same thing, made it hard to figure out what was happening, on the other branch and A51 retconned the next piece because it was pre editing.

By The Guest - 2019-05-02 16:06:07

On Melony is Very Confused (Alt)

I have a habit of making swaps and reality alterations a bit of a Shell Game, so the confusion in my version was intentional. I wanted it like the magic wasn’t quote sure who was supposed to be who. But I can see how 3rd Person Omniscient was probably not the best choice.

By Ziggu45 - 2019-05-02 08:54:07

On Melony is Very Confused (Alt)

Yes, I went through that as well, it isn't fun

By Great Sage - 2019-04-30 13:03:47

On People Start Coming Together

Scarlett raven id love it if you’d add to the reaction part. I want to know how you’d write Lonna’s feeling about being a student and Lauren’s having Lonna’s life.

By Switcher - 2019-04-29 20:53:09

On They figure it out

What a class act Biff's dad is, no wonder Biff became such a jerk with that asshat as a role model.

By Great Sage - 2019-04-29 14:14:57

On Biff returns home, no sign of dad.

The reaction I described was actually one we ended up doing in my old school. We had a small scorch mark on the ceiling for a while after that.

By avatar Tenkuu23 - 2019-04-29 14:06:00

On Chemistry Class

More, More More!

By Great Sage - 2019-04-29 11:50:06

On Dennis spills the beans

Great twist over Brianna transmission. I loved the addition! I can't wait for the next chapters

By eavatar - 2019-04-27 14:00:17

On BlackMagicVirus

This is a lovely surprise! It's really good, too. Like the direction!

By avatar ZamZam - 2019-04-25 21:33:59

On BlackMagicVirus

I wanted to, as mentioned, have one branch where we follow Biff and the other where we only hear about Biff's day from him after the fact.

By The Guest - 2019-04-24 16:57:26

On Biff Comes Out of the Closet

Or are we just wanting to write out the events of Day 3 in the other branch with the understanding that exactly the same thing happened here, and you're wanting Biff to relay the info from that branch?

(Btw, for readers that have no idea what we're talking about, read the Reassignment branch instead of Diplomacy branch after the second gurney dream)

By avatar Matisguy - 2019-04-24 12:10:08

On Biff Comes Out of the Closet

Hang on, what day do we think it is? Biff's family and Jon were kidnapped on night 2 and I figured Jon would be returned on night 3, so we'd have to detail what Biff was doing in the meantime on day 3, in between Jon's kidnap and return, most significantly a possible confused Meetup between Biff and Karyn. If we want Biff and Jon to interact on Day 3, I think it'd make most sense on the other branch, right? There it's not set that Jon had to leave for a full day.

By avatar Matisguy - 2019-04-24 11:53:46

On Biff Comes Out of the Closet

@bryan but thats kind of exactly what the site is in the current method. its full of stories most people wont touch or see cause they are in such a big blob.

By Beta - 2019-04-24 02:00:58

On Suggestions for site redesign

It's been discussed, the original site design limited the number of "parent" stories deliberately to avoid style plagues of a large number of interactives with only one or two episodes. The idea we were working on was large interactives that eventually took off would be promoted to root level wtih YAWYW, FOG and AF.

We just don't want the site overloaded with junk content either.

AS for ANFCD, at the moment the site is still being developed, the ability to "promote" stories is being worked on still.

By avatar Brayn - 2019-04-22 23:35:25

On Suggestions for site redesign

the And Now for Something Completely Different! branch for example at the very least needs to be on the front page.

By Beta - 2019-04-22 19:28:17

On Suggestions for site redesign

its really sloppy that the site just piles all of the stories into one story. just let people post new branch stories so they arent all hidden away in some sub story never to be updated. if this site just had a feed of new branches like how is it be way more active.

By Beta - 2019-04-22 19:14:34

On Suggestions for site redesign

they need to make it possible to sort by date when you search.

By Beta - 2019-04-22 19:02:02

On Suggestions for site redesign

Love it! I’d love to see how Lonna feels being in Lauren’s life and vise versa how Lauren feels about having Lonna’s life before I add. I just want to see what direction you want

By Switcher - 2019-04-18 18:54:03

On Student, Teacher Conference.

Admittedly I’m unsure when I wrote this. I just wanted to add to the catworld and this cat spirit popped in my head. I might try to think of another idea.

By Chompy - 2019-04-17 12:14:19

On A strange spirit encounter

My first question of the spirit is how do they know if they have met someone.

If they are looking in the memories then Jon and Karyn would have no memories pf the spirit and will be getting a visit.

By Catprog - 2019-04-17 04:07:53

On A strange spirit encounter

Really looking forward to the next chapter. I want to add on after I see where you go with Lauren and Lonna’s interaction with each other and those new lives!

By Switcher - 2019-04-14 22:24:58

On Finally

Ah well, understandable. Not really up to date on that stuff, but crossing my fingers for you. Education comes first

By avatar M3t3r0x - 2019-04-14 03:50:11

On Spending the night

Yes, it's the end of term so I'm a bit scrambled.

By Literally Noone - 2019-04-12 19:49:13

On Spending the night

Curious to see where it diverts from here!

By chicha - 2019-04-12 10:53:45

On Getting Ready to Go

You okay dude? Just busy or...?

By avatar M3t3r0x - 2019-04-12 08:14:50

On Spending the night

Paragon Branch
Seems to be taking the archetype/role of each candidate, and pushing them to become an idealized, attractive female version of that. Names drawn directly from versions of the original names. The results also tend to be some of the most forwardly seeking Ronald's attention.
Randy the Jock has become Ranae - a statuesque, amazonian volleyball player with a fantastic physique and a confident idea of what she wants from Ronald.
Leonard the Nerd has become Laine - a voluptious, short haired chic geek whose nerddom largely manifests as sexy cosplay.
Jon the protagonist has become Journey - a petite hippie with an affinity for the supernatural (and other alternative things) and an enormous mane of curly brown locks.
Jay the otaku has become Ji-Yu - a beautiful and shy Korean girl with a hidden wild side and talent for drawing explicit art.

By chicha - 2019-04-06 16:58:26

On She's finished.

Femme Branch
Branch seems to push its candidates to hybridize between their old archetypes and a new one, with a prevailing theme of femininity. Progress is less individualized here, with attention spread out among four ongoing characters in addition to the completed two.
Randy the Jock has become Mandy - a graceful and willowy dancer involved with student leadership.
Leonard the Nerd has become Hallie - a soft, shy girl whose retains geeky interests while also benefiting from a pampered, possibly sheltered lifestyle.
Currently changing are Karyn (who has shifted to become a twin of Sarah McMillian), Kyla (a nerd who has become more put together, professional, and poised), Jon (who has become smaller with distinctly expressive blue eyes), and Jay (who has also grown smaller, and developed a fiery, spunky personality).
Also notable is that Ronald, the perpetrator, is in a class group with the latter three changing and Biff Meadows, the school bully. Much to Ronald's consternation, Biff's bullying has shifted into flirtation, which Kyla, Jon, and Jay are all coming around on. This is likely due to the fact that Ronald wished his potential girlfriends to become attracted to guys like him, and Biff's selfish and manipulative personality actually isn't too far off from a guy secretly manipulating his classmates into a harem.

By chicha - 2019-04-06 15:49:22

On ...and the inevitable backfiring ensues

Radical Branch
Seems to be about making the characters contrast from their former selves in major ways. Also seem to be shifts in appearance type or heritage to accompany this. Names seem to extrapolate from the back half of the original names (ranDY - Dalia, leoNard - Nadelie).
Randy the Jock has become Dalia - a petite, biracial would be student politician
Leonard the Nerd has become Nadelie - a redheaded senior who serves as the school's sexy librarian assistant.

By chicha - 2019-04-06 15:23:45

On Ronald Doubles Down

Man I hope we get a new chapter soon

By avatar M3t3r0x - 2019-04-03 10:19:52

On Spending the night

I am imagining him gaining a tail and the magic transforming him at odd times.

By Catprog - 2019-04-02 16:54:55

On A 'Simple' Check Up

thx for the chapter

By Anonymor - 2019-04-01 16:43:13

On A 'Simple' Check Up

Hope so, just waiting for the Muse to poke me again :)

By Great Sage - 2019-04-01 07:13:59

On SSRTS - Cheer: Kick Ass

Not bad, sorry I haven't added for a while, Inspiration depends on me not being stressed, I'm on holiday now so hopefully more will come

By Great Sage - 2019-04-01 07:07:52

On SSTRS: The School Slut - Lovely Bodies

:D Awesome. Pity he isn't a girl with a figure like his moms but I'll take what I can get. X3 This is a fun start to the story Code, keep up the good work. Thought his sisters new form was particularly funny. Gotta wonder what his dad is like. As for Sarah, succubus maybe? Or a cerberus or hydra girl so she can admire her own superiority?

By avatar Mira - 2019-03-31 19:09:38

On A Monster Himself!

@Code if you're logged in you can change your theme under account settings. You can find account settings by clicking your name in the top right corner of any page.

By avatar Phoenix - 2019-03-30 04:14:31

On Suggestions for site redesign

hope you continue it code

By Anonymor - 2019-03-29 07:23:49

On A Monster Himself!

How's it going Great Sage?

By avatar Mira - 2019-03-28 15:32:11

On SSTRS: The School Slut - Lovely Bodies

Going to be continuing this Great Sage?

By avatar Mira - 2019-03-28 15:31:15

On SSRTS - Cheer: Kick Ass

Oh ho, now this is perfect. A sexy kitsune mother, and best of all a sexy dullahan Karyn. Perfect choices so far in monsters to use Code. Love it! Personally I'm hoping Jon's own change takes particularly well after his mother.

By avatar Mira - 2019-03-28 15:19:27

On A few changes.

I like the direction you are going with this; however I feel that changing the name of the main character for no real reason and changing the point of view from second to third person in your narrative is a bit grating. I feel that it takes away from the merits of your contribution.

By IshAsh - 2019-03-27 21:50:04

On He starts to transform into her after a mistaken wish

Heh, this remember one of your game.

By Goryu - 2019-03-27 21:28:47

On Anna's regret is heard by Anne

Love this oine!

By Goryu - 2019-03-27 21:25:56

On Her Brothers Totally Cassie!

Will you be willing to add?

By FidishagtidizbV - 2019-03-27 20:46:21

On He starts to transform into her after a mistaken wish

Love this type of chapter.

By Goryu - 2019-03-27 18:57:30

On He starts to transform into her after a mistaken wish

Wonder what Jon is going to become, thx for the chapter

By Anonymor - 2019-03-26 05:54:39

On A few changes.

Perhaps a way to change the background color? Like instead of blue it can be red, green, etc.

By avatar Mr. C - 2019-03-25 23:48:17

On Suggestions for site redesign

Also a simple limit on how wide the text can be, for readability you don't really want lines of text to average more than about 80-100 characters IIRC or your eyes have touble landing in the right place when you go down a line.

I often find myself resizing my browser window when looking at FB just so the lines of text are shorter.

By bigbustgazer - 2019-03-25 02:24:55

On Suggestions for site redesign

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