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Leaving this one open to outfit choices for the writers who continues it, as well as where they go.

By HelixFeather - 2020-04-01 13:44:55

On Audreys plan to go out

I see what you did there.

By Kylo - 2020-04-01 09:58:52

On Fixing the Broken Chain

Amazing o.o

By Goryu - 2020-04-01 08:37:35


You guys are on fire!

By Goryu - 2020-04-01 08:17:01

On Audrey minded Josh

I'm really curious now o.o

By Goryu - 2020-04-01 00:01:23

On Later

Wonderful, this open a lot of possibilities.

By Goryu - 2020-03-31 17:49:21


Hey, keep encouraging and I’ll keep writing when I can. :)

By HelixFeather - 2020-03-31 17:29:39

On Twinning Sarah: Method of conversion

Hear me out. what this story needs is a direction to eventually end in, a device which allows the mystery to be understood by the characters and then acted in, the Athena branch is my attempt at adding in this device.

By Kylo - 2020-03-31 13:54:40

On Danielle Puts On a Skateboarder's Knee Pads, and Gena Shares a Memory of a Weird Experience With Sarah

This story is the one i'm most curious. Nice chapther.

By Goryu - 2020-03-30 20:10:15

On Mind-Mirror Mosquitos: Spreading through the office

Nice one, remember me of the life merge.

By Goryu - 2020-03-30 17:49:50

On Mike no more...

Hey you guys are on fire, nice chapthers.

By Goryu - 2020-03-30 17:44:42

On Audrey makes her move

A "twinning" death note where she can put how the transformation will happens.

By Goryu - 2020-03-30 16:24:27

On Twinning Sarah: Method of conversion

This story is really interesting.

By Goryu - 2020-03-30 16:21:18

On Mind Mirror Mosquitos: Todd begins to change

Great job on this! Please continue

By FidishagtidizbV - 2020-03-30 14:36:03

On Mike no more...

Add another please

By FidishagtidizbV - 2020-03-29 16:50:35

On Josh panics

Yes. It's really weird...

By Immaterium - 2020-03-28 09:20:34

On You Are What You Wish

Would you mind adding?

By FidishagtidizbV - 2020-03-27 20:15:07

On Josh loses his mind more

Nice pack of chapters too.

By Goryu - 2020-03-27 19:35:44

On Josh loses his mind more

Wow, nice "pack" of chapters.

By Goryu - 2020-03-27 19:34:45

On Josh begins to “grow”

I’m gonna try and add more in a bit too.

By HelixFeather - 2020-03-27 00:04:05

On knowledge transfer complete

That’s fine, I’ll add more when I can

By FidishagtidizbV - 2020-03-27 00:01:40

On knowledge transfer complete

Apologies for the short one readers.

By HelixFeather - 2020-03-26 23:59:15

On knowledge transfer complete

Slight continuity error her mind was copied in last, but I’m willing to run with this error as it makes things go a bit more interestingly.

By HelixFeather - 2020-03-26 23:27:40

On Audrey has an idea

Keep it coming!

By FidishagtidizbV - 2020-03-26 22:52:24

On Mind and Outfit

I thought it would be interesting if someone just stayed put and called. And if someone else couldn't change.

By The Guest - 2020-03-26 21:35:53

On Jay Stays Put and Tim Walks Home

Great chapter.

By Goryu - 2020-03-26 21:28:03

On Audrey squeezes the remote in anger, accidentally triggering it. But what were the settings?

Great job! Keep adding please.

By FidishagtidizbV - 2020-03-26 18:51:19

On Audrey squeezes the remote in anger, accidentally triggering it. But what were the settings?

To be honest, this is set in the spring, so many people will have had a birthday in the year. But I think we're on the same page.

By The Guest - 2020-03-26 18:01:14

On Age is But a Number

Yeah, where I live, it's K-5 for Elementary, 6-8 for Middle School, and 9-12 for High School too.

By avatar Anonymous51 - 2020-03-26 17:02:14

On Age is But a Number

I'm not sure you can trust your friend to know how to count properly. He does have a Florida education, after all.

(I can make that joke, I lived in Florida for all of K-12)

By avatar Ms. Cork - 2020-03-26 02:23:34

On Age is But a Number

It depends if you are going from starting to ending age. Elementary here is Grades K-5, Middle 6-8, High School 9-12. So, a 12 year old in the Spring, which is supposed to be, would be 11 at the start of the year. I asked a friend of mine in Florida, and he said Middle School in his area is 5-8. So, it may vary. Someone once set Lake Point near PIttsburgh. I checked. In the suburbs of Pennsylvania, it is also 6-8.

By The Guest - 2020-03-25 21:06:13

On Age is But a Number

HMM curious.

By Goryu - 2020-03-25 20:10:09

On office full of employees.

For me, middle school (or junior high school) was 12 to 14 years old. Then high school was 15 to 18. But ages could vary.

By avatar Anonymous51 - 2020-03-25 19:57:31

On Age is But a Number

Haven't I been punished enough?

By The Guest - 2020-03-24 18:19:16

On Linda is Much More Athletic

That was me. I didn't do the cheerleader branch though, that was churl.

By wokka - 2020-03-24 16:54:49

On An exhausted but still attractive single mom of two, who could really use some help around the house...

Please continue!

By hello - 2020-03-24 11:47:02

On My recent additon to Beautiful Genes

I guess you'll have to be punished.

By avatar Ms. Cork - 2020-03-23 23:27:01

On Linda is Much More Athletic

Oops, that's my fault.

By The Guest - 2020-03-23 18:28:22

On Linda is Much More Athletic

Actually, Linda already got inside the house in a previous episode, using a spare key. (Musical Closets Variation: Yes, Jon is Stephanie's Friend)

By avatar Anonymous51 - 2020-03-23 16:57:51

On Linda is Much More Athletic

It might take me a while but I will get there eventually. Work permitting, which I still have to go to in the middle of everything that is going on.

By avatar Ms-Scarlett-Raven - 2020-03-23 09:47:42

On Intervention

Bunnies or rabbits? Those are the same thing.

By Bunnie - 2020-03-20 23:59:41

On Bunnies

Normally, I don't think a person affected by the wish would be able to reach their destination so quickly, so I just figured that Zelda must live very close to the school.

By avatar Anonymous51 - 2020-03-18 23:12:27

On Zelda Whitefield's Bedroom

With a little surprise that I was thinking that Mary had set up for her friend. It might get Lauren a little distracted and before they do go back.

Lauren might have a reason for not wanting to be a teenager again.

By avatar Ms-Scarlett-Raven - 2020-03-16 20:09:29

On Lonna wakes up.

Sorry, I guess I missed that.

By avatar Anonymous51 - 2020-03-12 08:44:24

On Nadine Tells Stephanie Who She's Supposed to Be

I said 'Ms. Wright' in the last branch. Can change it though.

By The Guest - 2020-03-12 07:26:58

On Nadine Tells Stephanie Who She's Supposed to Be

I tried my best to look up the word Elutian, but I can't find it anywhere.

By Bunnie - 2020-03-09 23:33:13

On Idle Fantasy

I added a few more chapters and look forward on where you take it. If there is something you’d want to happen let me know. Can’t wait to read what you add

By Switcher - 2020-03-09 19:05:34

On The Dreams of Lonna Tran

Famous last words.

By Goryu - 2020-03-09 18:55:14

On She goes to talk to Josh, fiddling with the remote

Hey i know this story, was you then Wokka who post this one and the cheerleader?

By Goryu - 2020-03-07 19:12:32

On An exhausted but still attractive single mom of two, who could really use some help around the house...

Thank you for the critique and the kind words.
I shared the feeling that the intro was too long. I had a shorter one already written up, but wasn't sure how to make alternate intros work with he structure of this site.
Did some rearranging that will hopefully offer a smoother experience.
I'll go over the long intro in the next few days and see what belongs on the cutting room floor.

By broom11 - 2020-03-04 12:06:11

On The Wages of Sin - Intro IV

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