Great storyline! I would keep the sexy voice to match the body, but drop the valley girl talk.
By Elron -
Well the three Karyn sisters turned out hot as hell in the end. Heck even the Jon's/Jill's body turned out pretty hot. Wasn't expecting him to get turned into a girl and conjoined as well in the end. Nice turn of events, though heh could have maybe done without the poop. Nice stories Different Writer. Will you do more conjoined and multi body part stories in the future?
By Mira -
Such a great body for sure. Well written and enjoyably read. Love how addicting that body appears to be. What a great form you have given them.
By Mira -
On Karyn and her clones have sex
Haha, two torso is a great conjoinment option for sure. Funny as well to see Sarah just continue to be a bitch to her bodymates.
By Mira -
Hey, you on the Discord at all? This is definitely different but it's enjoyable.
By ZamZam -
Going to leave an actual branching spot here for it people want either to have Karyn accept her copies and fuck over Jon together, or have her freak the fuck out and have the copies take out their mommy issues on Jon.
By Different_Writer -
On The Karyns invite the Original Karyn over to talk.
Yeah, this deviated away from the norm a bit. I couldn't really see any path in which the clones found out about what Jon was like without them turning on him.
Once they realize that they can just wish that Jon can't undo the wishes without their permision, he's probably going to spend his life as a sextoy.
By Different_Writer -
On The two-headed Karyns find out what Jon's been up to
Jesus, what's better then one two headed Karyn with an extra sexy body and awesome amounts of twin play? Well two two headed Karyn's with extra sexy bodies and filled to the brim with twin play of course. That was awesome, and the prospect of them hiveminding themselves together sounds even better not to mention depending on how it ends up worded the original Karyn might also be pulled into the new three bodied five headed new Karyn filled with desire for Jon.
As for continuing it at this time before the girls get access to the stone again. I'm imagining there is probably a lot going on in Jon's head about what he is going to do to take care of the whole real Karyn clone Karyn situation. Now that is if he is thinking rationally, and well we know Jon, he's probably letting his arousal addled mind wander in many ways while daydreaming through the school day. I wonder if he's gained a kink for multi-limbed and headed girls now.
By Mira -
On Karyn uses the cloning machine
Not entirely sure how to continue this. I guess Jon at school, trying to take care of her perverted urges, before returning him to find two two-headed Karyns.
By Different_Writer -
On Karyn uses the cloning machine
The twin play in this was awesome. Jesus, so well written. Loved the whole thing and all of the interplay she had between her heads and all the twin talk.
By Mira -
On Karyn uses her two heads to fuck Jon
Yes. This is everything I was hoping this chapter would be. So insanely perfect. Loved it all for sure, and loved the choice of giving her a second vagina. Well written and well planned.
By Mira -
On Karyn explores her two-headed body
I wanted to comment on the first posts you put up but I'll put it here instead. Holy cow how crazy awesome this is to see. Didn't think I would see much of any new conjoinment content coming out. Has been fantastic to read and such a awesome scenario. The whole thing is hot as hell and this is just getting more exciting now playing into not just conjoinment but also multi-head with Karyn now having two heads and two brains to think and do things with. Thank you so very much for making this all. I hope you keep on making more. This stuff is great.
By Mira -
I'm not on Discord. What can I fix to make this less confusing?
By thisguy10101 -
On Summer
I was probably just tired, but I couldn't really figure out what I wanted to do with this chapter. I knew the beats I wanted to include, but I don't think it worked.
By Perri -
On Finding Mrs.Black's Missing Body
Great start. Maybe a different branch for each person's box? And of course something unexpected has to happen.....
By Elron -
On AF: John, Divorced Father, experiments
If it helps any, I was just making stuff up as I went along. I figure as long as everything's internally-consistent, it's not too important how well my made-up magic system tracks with real-life traditions.
By Ms. Cork -
Really enjoying this branch from Cork. Had some ideas of my own - I don't normally go for the "realistic" wiccan-style magic stuff so hopefully this sort of fits.
By wokka -
how to ruin an exciting story...
By LadyViolence -
On Gary makes Jon into a creepy hag.
Thanks! Your encouragement is very motivating, and I'm really glad you enjoy my stuff. :) I've actually been around. I post a bit on, and I recently published a game on tfgs. I still keep up with FB, I just don't post as much as I used to. I'm looking forward to your own additions!
By Perri -
Nice to see you back Perri. I enjoy your work a lot. Hoping to be able to add to some of it when college is finally finished in a few months. Keep up the great work!
By Free -
Yeah that helps Claire. Will this be a story line you will be continuing?
By Mira -
Added a few chapters to what you requested for Anna and Amy. I hope you like what I wrote.
By Switcher -
On Thank you to those who write in the drafting board
I'm really enjoying this FM, please keep it up
By Great Sage -
On Getting dressed and having breakfast
I'm enjoying this, even if it's confusing. Are you on the FB Discord at all?
By ZamZam -
On Summer
@Mira Thank you! For better visualization of the 4th shirt, think of the hem of the top is slanted in the , as I had a more 80's style in mind. So it shows some skin on the left side and about half the navel, while covering the right side. Hope this helps!
By Claire -
Really love the transformative shirt theme and cool to see you continuing it. Also nice to add in the bit on making more shirts. I do like 1 and 4 the most for myself though I did have a bit of a hard time visualizing what option 4 looks like.
By Mira -
Why did his voice change?
By Bunnie -
I'm looking forward to see how Sarah reacts to the new (and probably slightly nerdy/tomboyish) addition to the cheerteam.
By broom11 -
On Turning Jon into a cute high school girl
I just want to clarify something about how other people react to the change, in that they will have one! people will notice that things have changed. They won't think it's too strange, but say a close male friend of Jon's might ask him what having boobs is like, or if he saw Jon getting changed for gym and realised Jon has a vagina might even ask him about that if he felt like it wouldn't be too awkward a thing to do.
By bigbustgazer -
Your image didn't work, you should really try the preview before submitting.
By bigbustgazer -
On Mischief
Well, not bad thoughts for a chapter of the early 21st century. Yes, the plague made Europeans realize that our life is rather short. But it was curiosity and more rational thinking that created science.
By Immaterium -
Nice chapter.
By Immaterium -
On Making Sure Sarah Doesn't Cause Any More Problems
What a twist...
By Immaterium -
This chapter explains a lot about Karyn...
By Immaterium -
On Karyn Adores Sarah McMillan
Please feel free to add episodes
By thisguy10101 -
On At home
Please feel free to add episodes
By thisguy10101 -
On Ride home
Please feel free to add episodes
By thisguy10101 -
He can be anything he wants to be. And she's controlling what he wants to be. Except it sure doesn't sound like he wants to be this.
By Bunnie -
On “I think you just gave me an idea…” Karyn said with a big grin.
Emit is just asking for cosmic retribution.
By Magaso -
Well spotted. I think I noticed at some point that "Falcon" and "Fusion" were both 6-letter names that started with "F" and ended in "on," so in a world in which cars are fusion-powered, it's more likely that Ford would have revived the "Falcon" name in the U.S. at some point.
By Catfish -
Ha, good question. I'll try to take that into account if I ever get inspired to write more in this storyline. (Wow, 2018... imagine if this was taking place in 2020!)
By Catfish -
So once they crossed the 'border' Sarah would no longer be attracted to nerds like Leonard, right?
By Elron -
I love that comment at the end. The car that is not fusion powered is called a Fusion. Brilliant!
By Elron -
if you mean the outline or tree that is on CYOC, there already is one. It's in the links at the top of every chapter. "Outline from here".
By Kanati -
On [This is a link](
Ok. Thanks for your answer.
By Immaterium -
On Quick Fix
Harem time?
By Immaterium -
On harem
He knows. Start protocol delta17.
By Immaterium -
Nice, i notice the part "oh ok, madison family into sarah" but i also notice the change you decided to do. Well i think this will make everyone happy xD
By Goryu -
I think my two favorite things to do on FB are to change people into Sarah, and to change Sarah into other people. Honestly, this story started out as very Jon-centric in my head, and Sarah wasn't going to change at all. But then I decided to treat it more as a Sarah story, so it's going to get the best of both worlds. I've got a few Jon elements that I definitely want to insert into this narrative, but Sarah's definitely getting more attention than she was originally going to.
By Ms. Cork -
And now the effects of the wish are on a rampage.
By Goryu -
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