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I don't think we actually disagree all that much on the basic literary theory here, at least not enough that an argument about the place of plot in erotica or the agency of the protagonist is going to yield much productive fruit in regards to the story here. That said, it does seem pretty clear that we certainly do have a direction we want this story to be going, at least in the short term (Heck, that's kinda the point of the whole transformation masochism thing here, I think, in that we need to keep up a clear, terrible-in-a-sexy-way end state for all this stuff we're doing to Jon). NGL, I actually have quite a few uncertainties and reservations about writing through what said end state actually is in all its gory detail. In the abstract, as it is now, it's great, mostly defined by a vague feeling of impending regrets, lowkey sexual abuse, and that sweet TG angst, buuuut when that sort of thing becomes concrete and we actually have to have Sue living it I'm not convinced its actually gonna be quite like that. Part of me even thinks it might be worth it to call it quits and cry "FIN" before we actually get to that point in the story specifically so we can keep it all as nebulous and uncomplicated fantasy material, left up to the reader's (and author's) imagination. But let's assume we don't do that. What, concretely, happens then? If ya ask me, the biggest concrete detail acting as a switch case for all the possible branches from here is what happens to the stone, so let's start with that, hypothesize what happens if it goes where.

The most obvious thing to happen with the stone is that John/Sue just holds onto it through everything and uses it as they see fit. Honestly, man, I don't think you're seeing why this case presents such a huuuuuge problem with the fantasy for me. Think: Once Jon loses his masochistic fantasies once and for all, and is feeling all this regret and remorse over all the everything he did and thinking lucidly about how to solve Sue's current problems, he's still going to have the stone. And bluntly, man, if you have a problem that you can't think of a way to solve with the stone, it's almost always going to be because you weren't thinking hard enough rather than because the stone can't do it. As long as he has the stone and can effectively use it, there's always going to be some way out of Jon's present predicaments: he could switch minds with Sue's nephew, the copy of his original self. He could time travel and prevent the wishes from being made in the first place. He could replace David with another more husband more suitable to Sue's tastes, and give David a wife more suitable to his. He could force Sue into an exercise regimen that he magically guarantees will eventually give Sue the lithe, slender body she wants. He could do just so many things with just a little outside-the-box creative thinking, as long as he still has the stone and can use it effectively. And for us the authors, who really want him to be hopelessly stuck in Sue's body and life with no way out, that's a big problem. If we insist that he still keeps the stone anyway, then at some point before he loses his masochistic fetish we basically have to make sure he'll no longer be able to use it effectively, somehow. The other branch introduced the "Josephine" alter ego for specifically that purpose, and I figured having Sue behave poorly in the face of temptation was a step in the right direction in this one; maybe we even have a "David Interprets" branch where her husband gets power over the wishes, idk. Just something to make it less of a get-out-of-jail-free card for Sue.

The second most obvious thing to do is to just get rid of the stone. Have it stolen by magpies or unwisely wished away by a horny Jon or smashed with a sledgehammer or however we want to write it out. This is definitely the way to make sure Jon is 100% inescapably trapped as Sue forever, but honestly I kinda don't like this idea because as soon as it happens, this narrative is going to hard right turn out of TF Highway and into Slice-of-Life avenue. You're absolutely right in that more-or-less plotless Slices of Life are not a bad thing in and of themselves, but if you ask me to do it right you really need exceptionally interesting settings or circumstances to carry the writing, and right now Sue is kiiinda just your average everyday housewife in your average everyday small town, albeit curvier and prettier than most housewives (no matter how much she may deny it). It doesn't even really make for much sexytime unless Amber and Lucy are away or asleep, and David or Sue happen to be in the mood, at least if we wanted this to be a healthy sort of relationship where boundaries are respected and so forth. But what if... it wasn't?

By avatar Matisguy - 2021-12-02 17:16:49

On "I've Been a Bad Girl..."

> he starts acting rationally, it means masochistic sexy fun times'll be over

Sure. And who says that's a bad thing? It might be not fun for Jon any more but it can still be fun for us, the readers and writers. I, for one, would love the story to take a darker turn once Jon realises just how much he has fucked himself over and that there is pretty much no way out. Not because I like to see people suffer, but rather that's how I'd design my own magical TG experience if I had the power to do so. Like, honestly, most if not all of the wishes I'll make Jon wish upon himself in this storyline are something I'd wish upon myself when designing my perfect future life. Even with the full awareness that once my current high is over there will be only regret left. Maybe even because I know that regret will be there. The only thing I'd change was I wouldn't make myself a MILF but instead a naive, young woman, still not used to what womanhood means and thinking of herself mostly as a girl. But hey, that was dictated by the starting conditions of this storyline so I won't argue.

By Alojz - 2021-12-02 10:09:56

On "I've Been a Bad Girl..."

Yeah I understand what you're getting at and I believe it's got a lot to do with the common belief that a story has got to have some sort of arc, with the characters being actively driven towards a something, either to escape a predicament or to accomplish a goal. And while I agree that that's the case for most writing, I think it's not absolutely necessary. There is plenty of writing out there that's pretty light on (or completely lacking) plot and instead focusing on something else - world-building, poetic prose, being a vehicle for the authors philosophical discussions, you name it. With erotica, I'd argue that the principle goal is not necessarily telling a compelling story but rather getting the audience off (and indeed getting the author off). That's not to say that there is no well-plotted TG TF fiction out there, because there certainly is. I'd just say that it's not a requirement.

One could even argue (i.e. I will) that when someone's fetish involves wanting to experience the feeling of total and absolute helplessness, then the protagonist can't be allowed to have a goal to pursue. A goal gives hope for change, and so kinda cancels out the hopeless helplessness. At most, the goal could be the protagonist trying to figure out their place in their new situation and somehow come to terms with it. So an internal journey rather than an external one.

By Alojz - 2021-12-02 09:59:18

On "I've Been a Bad Girl..."

Based Jon.

By avatar M3t3r0x - 2021-12-02 00:57:38

On All milk and no play

I find pretty creative the way how it was revealed that people simply couldn't understand what Jon was saying, like that thing of him grabbing the phone and recording he talking and then listening to it, I think it was a pretty creative well-thought-out idea and I wasn't expecting it. It would be interesting if, among the reality alterations – despite he having his adult body – had the strength of a little girl and any adult could, like, move him around, hold him and so on as if he was an actual toddler. Actually, I suspect that this might be already the case, although isn't that clearly stated you see people moving him around and changing his diapers, things that if he weight the same as a normal adult would make the whole process a little trick... anyway, just my two cents.

It would be nice a scene explaining how the physics work in this alternate reality, and, honestly, it would be just nice to see him realizing he had the strength of a little girl and seeing his utter total helplessness XD Like Biff holding him in his arms and so on.

By whitepantyhose9x - 2021-12-01 21:37:19

On Supermarket

@Alojz, peace is relative. He may just find what he needs, not what he wants.

By Nowhere - 2021-12-01 13:52:55

On Karyn makes some observations

@broom11 I though the exact same thing. Though judging by the pit of depravity that is our humble company I wouldn't count on Jon being left in peace too much ;)

By Alojz - 2021-12-01 12:00:48

On Karyn makes some observations

When you finish this story you really should post it on Fictionmania so that more people could appreciate it! XD Also thank you very much for going in this direction. You have a writing style that I find very appealing and very hard to bump into, most of these stories end up being too much focused on sex and folks making out rather than telling the people's day to day life and how they deal and struggle with their new lives. It reminds me a little of Itsme from Fictionmania and the old (now deleted, sadly) stories from SandySeeker on

By whitepantyhose9x - 2021-11-30 21:57:53

On Next morning (Alt)

Let's see if Karyn handles the card better than Gary ^^

By broom11 - 2021-11-30 19:30:04

On Karyn makes some observations

PS. Honestly, I figure keeping Jon always somewhat horny is more convenient at an authorial level at least for now; if he goes lucid, he'll probably start acting rationally, and if he starts acting rationally, it means masochistic sexy fun times'll be over unless we've already worked in another means to force the situation. Said "means" could be David, I think, which is what I figured I'd work in here. We'd need something like that if this goes on past the 20 minute mark when David gets home anyway, unless we really shift the focus and tone of this thing once that happens. (BTW, was figuring at first that once the 20 minute thing kicks in Jon'd probably be more lucid and less horny as a rule, since obviously-terrible ideas wouldn't be tickling him so much.)

At least, such is how things are in my own estimation. There's probably some other way of handling things that I'm not clever enough to see atm, and I get the feeling you have something in mind already; I'm curious to see what that'd be. Happy Writing, man!

By avatar Matisguy - 2021-11-30 01:22:46

On "I've Been a Bad Girl..."

Sure. It's not like I'm all that committed to any one direction or vision for this thing anyway; I'm kinda playing it by ear, thinking "Oh this effect sounds cool!" And piling it on. But yeah, whatever I had in mind is kinda way less important to me than having a good, cooperative collaborator, so, sure, I'll see what I can make out of any other sister episodes.

By avatar Matisguy - 2021-11-29 19:19:04

On "I've Been a Bad Girl..."

Hey, so I see that you've set this up in the direction of Jon ending up being this permanently horny thing, where most of his misery comes from just needing release too much. To be honest this is a little mutually exclusive with a pretty prominent kink of mine - feeling sexualised even when NOT in the mood. I think I'll write a sister episode to this one rather than continuing here but that decision has not come lightly cause I think it'd be awesome to keep collaborating. So if you feel like adding to that other one maybe we can find a common ground later on?

By Alojz - 2021-11-29 19:07:07

On "I've Been a Bad Girl..."

Amazing. It's so good to have an encouragement to write more in a form of other people contributing. It's good to have some kind of proof that I wouldn't be writing just for myself.

Expect an episode or two from me later today. Hopefully this will be a start of a new flurrry of additions to the dramatic retelling of Jon's exceptionally misguided decisions!

By Alojz - 2021-11-28 05:04:57

On *Loud Horny Noises*

To Switcher: the name change modification would have been OK if there wasn't a dependent episode with Barbara down the line.

By avatar ZamZam - 2021-11-27 00:02:39

On Barbara wishes to be Karyn

any more coming?

By lb05 - 2021-11-26 11:59:59

On Enter the temple

Just saw this, and I love it :D Lots of great stuff here - if I weren't neck-deep in trying to get through the home stretch on my novel, I'd be trying to come up with a follow-on right now ;)

By nothingsp - 2021-11-25 13:42:40

On Long Walks and Long Talks

Thanks :) I really do want to get back to this story someday when I'm not so busy - glad you're enjoying it!

By nothingsp - 2021-11-25 13:41:39

On Diana makes a friend

Because I like toying with people.

And in all seriousness, absolutely, go on right ahead.

By avatar Matisguy - 2021-11-24 17:18:40

On Molly's Toybox

How dare you introduce a character named Molly and not call the storyline “Molly’s Dollies.”

…In all seriousness, this is a fantastic premise. Mind if I add to it?

By Enjeubleu - 2021-11-24 17:02:43

On Molly's Toybox

Hey T W, wanted to tell you that the "link" field when you submit a story determines the link that's seen when you're on the story before this one.

By avatar ZamZam - 2021-11-21 14:16:17

On A new reality

Wooohooooo new Episode!!!

By broom11 - 2021-11-19 05:17:14

On Long Walks and Long Talks

Intriguing! I really like the setup, can't wait to see what will follow next. Great idea!

By Turtleback - 2021-11-19 03:01:31

On Oblivious Wishing

...You might not like what I had in mind for Karyn, then, heh. See I kinda figured I might accentuate the whole "she's from a stupidly inhospitable desert world where survival is never a given and its totally okay to pin dangerous fate-of-the-world quests on some random 17-year-old's shoulders" vibe that I figured I was getting from her arc, and making her into a warrior princess in a way that sorta necessitates being "mean" to her, but now I'm kinda wondering...
Oh well. We can always repost an edited branch anyway.

By avatar Matisguy - 2021-11-17 09:40:31

On The clockwork tries to help

Heya feel free to try adding something. As long as you are not 'mean' to the characters, or place them in impossible situations im sure it's fine. It's all free. I'm sure nothingsp wouldn't mind, we rarely have a plan.

By Chompy - 2021-11-17 01:05:11

On The clockwork tries to help

Nice continuation!

By B5 - 2021-11-16 22:55:38

On Paige McMillan 2!: The College Years- Zoe's wild Adventure

Hey Chompy, do you have a Discord account, and if so, what's your username? I'm thinking of reviving this here branch, but it occurs to me I probably shouldn't move forward without at least some idea of where you and nothingsp were going with it, so then, maybe we could get in touch and chat about it?

By avatar Matisguy - 2021-11-16 12:44:31

On The clockwork tries to help

@Christine L.
Wouldn't most of those issues be solved just by having a bigger version of the star map, or even just creative use of the existing one? Simply look at the spherical bite it's taken out of the milky way and measure it's curvature, then you can work out where the center of the sphere is (and thus the location of the World-Destroying aliens), and the radius of the sphere (and thus how long ago the aliens destroyed the universe, once you divide by the speed of light) to within some nice margin of error. Of course that doesn't solve the issue of actually getting back there and fixing it, which the stone may or may not actually be capable of; but anyway the point is the star map they already have can already solve a lot of problems if they decide on time travel.

By avatar Matisguy - 2021-11-13 20:21:55

On Universe's End solution?

Pretty good. I added a few bits of information.

By Christine L. - 2021-11-11 20:33:15

On YAWYW Base Character Reference Sheet

In this case, it'd require a LOT of complicated wishes to pull off a 'time travel' solution. It'd require knowledge of both space and time, and knowing just when and where to time travel to, how to reach the alien civilization that set off the universe-destroying weapon in the first place, and all sorts of other things. I might add more to that story along those lines, along with exploring the viability of another solution Zoe mentions when she learns of the full scale of the impending disaster.

By Christine L. - 2021-11-11 17:53:35

On Universe's End solution?

Holy fuck, man.
Sarah's story, man, it just gets me. This branch is phenomenal!

By avatar Matisguy - 2021-11-05 13:54:34

On Diana makes a friend

Hi thanks for the comments. I am starting to feel more inspired to write again. I've always felt nothingsp is the true genius and inspiration. I'm working on a new story at the moment so hopefully once ice settled on the plot I'll write it up. Magic ring was an attempt to set up a magic girl story but it didn't quite work for me.

By Chompy - 2021-11-04 13:37:18

On Emit's dragon.

I don't plan on stopping, but there have been a lot of change in my life right now and I have less time to write. I'll try to get the next episode ready soon, but I can't promise anything.

By Soitu - 2021-11-04 13:30:39

On Enter the temple

Don't stop please!

By Loco Murdok - 2021-11-03 06:11:59

On Enter the temple

This is so emotional seriously I'm impressed.

By N/A - 2021-11-02 11:41:21

On About this time, across town...

It is so cathartic seeing Jen, normally in most stories undecisive and kinda self loathing, yell "you idiot!" to evil Luc- aherm i mean, mean goddess fox Michelle.

By N/A - 2021-10-31 21:10:41

On The world reacts against Michelle

Ok I really wasn't expecting Iridiscent Sun Jon and Arcade Anomaly Jon to friggin form a multiversal council. Where's the fairy from tho?

By N/A - 2021-10-31 19:16:13

On Whims of Chaos: The Council

Must say, really interesting story so far, I had seen your writing through your collaborations with Nothingsp but this is actually my first time seeing you take the lead of the story and I must say, quite pleased. You really have quite a creative approach to how transformations operate, If you could recommend any other recommendable works from your catalogue I'd be glad to look into them. Thus far I have read Iridiscent Sun, Iridiscent Stars, Arcade Anomaly, Adaptive Adoption, D.I.Y. Dullahan and up to this page of the Mist.

By N/A - 2021-10-31 10:25:59

On Emit's dragon.

Hmm do we mayhaps have a "Main Villain" on this story now?

By N/A - 2021-10-31 09:43:24

On well that's awkward.


By N/A - 2021-10-31 08:25:13

On The pun-ishment is neverending

Hmm Zoe being interested in Biff's Sphinx form is really ironic considering what happened in that one special Arcade hehe.

By N/A - 2021-10-31 07:29:22

On What's that horrible itch?

"Magic". Actually I guess its more interesting. And also Athena kind of wished for it with the slip. So at least she would know. I think you could chalk it up as part of the parameters of the wish Athena was forced to make. We never see the full parameters because she only notices it when its 70% burned. Everyone is magically forced not to realize who the exchange student is so there is precedent for it being able to do that. Also its fictionbranches, do you honestly expect people to be consistent on here.

By Marazh-no - 2021-10-30 00:42:07

On Morning Confrontation

Thanks ;)

By Chompy - 2021-10-29 18:43:51

On Preparing to go watch a movie

The more things change...

By N/A - 2021-10-28 10:04:47

On MYST: The Myst falls

Enjoying the this story so far. Thanks for sharing it

By funfun74 - 2021-10-27 20:24:27

On Unexpected Connections + Unique Opportunity

"The Wishing Stone" Real classy there.

By N/A - 2021-10-27 18:46:11

On Preparing to go watch a movie

Mind. Blown!!!!!
Now it all makes sense, fantastic chapter.

By Great Sage - 2021-10-26 13:12:25

On The Next Morning: Ms. Holloway

How come Zoe and Athena don't recognize Jen but the mother does?

By Great Sage - 2021-10-25 12:39:17

On Morning Confrontation

I have a couple ideas. But I wrote it for people to write on.

By Kylo - 2021-10-25 03:21:37


A really great concept with a really great execution! Do you have any plans for it?

By Enjeubleu - 2021-10-25 01:00:03


Good to see this continue. this is well thought out, the characterizations
are brilliant

By Great Sage - 2021-10-24 13:38:06

On Answers

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