<3 Loving where the story is going anyways. Thank you for these additions. Planning on adding more?
By Mira -
It seems like the whole point of this branch is just to be as confusing as possible.
By Thisisnota Realname -
It’s because they’re simps and you wrote something based and redpilled as heck that their puny minds couldn’t handle buddy. I see in the internet archive they used to have a rating out of 10 system but if you ever see this, be assured apparently all the old ratings are gone so there’s that at least. Which is also kind of a pity since a rating system is better than a simple upvote system with no downvoting but of course that’s no use if they get triggered and rate down your content for ideological reasons because they’re brainwashed slaves.
By Thisisnota Realname -
On Disapointed
Very redpilled. But all the same I kind of would expect different behavior out of Karyn. Remember she ostensibly is best friends with Jon, that makes her probably pretty atypical for a female, I would expect better than an utter lack of sympathy, continually pidgeonholing Mark and standard shaming responses out of her. I’d almost want to continue from here but the problem is now her character is ruined beyond redemption.
By Thisisnota Realname -
On Not what she was expecting (long sorry)
This…. this is the sort of thing this website was made for.
By Thisisnota Realname -
As far as depth goes, this is nothing. Branches like 'The Bench', 'Musical Closets', and 'Iridescent Sun' have an insane amount of episodes, most of them by the same author.
Anyway, I've got more twists to come. Including some that will make the whole problem a lot harder to solve by using the most obvious method.
By Christine L. -
On The origin of the Transformation Guns
I kind of have to respect your dedication to writing at such depth so far in from the original starter passage.
By Thisisnota Realname -
On The origin of the Transformation Guns
She also left off the part about only respawning as soon as it is safe to do so without immediately getting killed again or severely injured
By Thisisnota Realname -
No problem :)
By User616 -
Thank you so much User 616, now to go modify episodes.
By Gooose -
Have you got the formatting correct? You need ![optional alt text here](link here)
By User616 -
@Hikaru It doesn't even have to be that... it might be that the best romantic match in terms of personality an interest is a guy... and I though I could have sworn I wrote it to only include women... going back to check I didn't. So it could match him with another guy and change them both. Or change their sexualities. Or give them transformation powers. Though technically the "satisfy each other" part should only kick in if they decide to start a relationship.
By bigbustgazer -
Still having trouble getting images to embed.
By Gooose -
What a ride! Look at Zoe making the mature decision, but still not thinking it through. Who knows how many more episodes Jon, er Sandra, might have over the next week.
By MaryMary -
On Zoe's Mom: Things get 'easier' for Jon
Awesome addition! Always love a thicc, submissive Jon. Can't wait to see the next addition!
By MaryMary -
On Jon encounters a man and woman in the hallway
I was thinking it could be messed up if the perfect partners wish worked properly, but Jon messed up a wish in some other way and the perfect partners made it worse--Jon changes into a girl for some other, temporary reason, and the perfect partners wish finds him a partner while he's a girl.
By Hikaru -
Totally different idea of the "will both be able to satisfy each other" thing than what I had in mind. Love seeing your take.
At some point I'm going to write my planned take. Which was more they gain sort of powers based on the other persons deep fantasies/fetishes... which might change over time.
By bigbustgazer -
Really fun chapter, looking forward to what you do with it. I have to wonder if Sarah isn't going to get a change as well.
By Perri -
I think broom said it very well. Read what you enjoy. Don't read what you don't enjoy. For my part I don't even look at the number of upvotes before skimming something, the upvote has always seemed to be more of a passive encouragement for the author rather than a mark of what's good or bad.
By Perri -
On upvote lists for writers and submissions
There an old story called "A Whole New World" by Bfboy, also about reality alteration and ABDL, where a group of young adults are teleported to an alternate reality where they are treated like babies, you and your readers might like reading it as well:
By whitepantyhose9x -
Hmm, I tried putting it parenthesis as the formatting directed but it's still showing up as just text for me. What error am I making?
By Gooose -
@Gooose: when you add an episode, there is a "show formatting help" button just below the title textbox. Clicking it will show you all of the rules to FB's formatting system.
The relevant part for you here is that putting a URL link with an image extension in parentheses will embed the image, but there are all sorts of formatting options you might want to use in the future.
By Ms. Cork -
Excellent. Cant wait to read it
By Thewayodaworld -
On Jon talks his way into the gym
I really like Jon being embarrassed, I think there is many scenarios work exploring, like he being changed naked in publicly and so on. Keep up the good work 👌
By whitepantyhose9x -
I can understand why DevArt needs something like that. There are thousands of new additions per day and for artists offering commissions gaming the system means more money coming their way.
Here, the community is small enough you quickly learn to recognize authors by name for good or for ill. And awesome stuff like the "Iridescent Sun"-story predate the whole upvote-system and are literally underrated as a result. So checking out zero-upvote additions to branches you like the concept of, is a good policy anyway.
Upvotes seem more of a way to pat the author on the back for work well done, without jumping the hurdle of composing an original sounding comment.
By broom11 -
On upvote lists for writers and submissions
Not sure if there's a better way to embed an image.
By Gooose -
matisguy I have seen some “empty “ pages, I suspect that’s what happened, that the writer of a page deleted it even though it had descendant pages and the result was a page with empty as a title and no text but followup pages.
By Thisisnota Realname -
Hi Everybody, I have some idea for continuation for this cool branch, but probably won't be able to submit updates regularly. Sorry! Also sorry if my English is far from perfect, but doing my best here! Any remarks will be appreciated!
On a side note: I know that in parent story Karyn's surname is Johnson, but somehow the surname "Blacks" fits better for me. For now let's assume that her mother had kept her maiden name, and we will see if I will have to refer to Karyn by her surname later on...
By White_Raven -
Oh great, another one written by a writer that thinks the world is set against females. What a surprise considering the writer has a girl’s name.
By Thisisnota Realname -
Oh and I’m quite excited to see what you might come up with. Always enjoyed your additions so far!
By Chompy -
On A fairy looks at her old life...
I like this direction!
By StrangeDaze -
Well not sure I had an idea either. I admit I do enjoy Barry’s story but an old fashioned ‘detective’ story is fun too.
By Chompy -
On A fairy looks at her old life...
Nice chapter*
I'm using speech to text right now and it's unreliable.
By Perri -
On A fairy looks at her old life...
Nice. I'm actually getting some ideas for the mythological girls as well. I don't know if we have the same direction in mind though. I'll just add a chapter in the next few days and we'll go from there.
By Perri -
On A fairy looks at her old life...
Have you considered joining the FB Discord server? You have a lot of good story ideas.
By ZamZam -
On The New Bethany Enjoys Being Young
:D Thank You!!!
There's definitely more to come. I have a planned stopping point that I am working towards, but there's still quite a bit of adventure left for Jon.
By ThisIsNoOne -
On Jon talks his way into the gym
Please dude, write more of it!
By whitepantyhose9x -
On Let’s mess with both their heads!
Thanks! I have a few ideas where to take this, might need to split it into two branches to do it though.
By Gooose -
On Becoming the Woman of the House
I am absolutely loving this
By Enjeubleu -
On Becoming the Woman of the House
I'm really falling in love with this story more and more with every new chapter. One thing I was wondering, I think the same way reality was bend to make Traver and John as lightweight as actual babies, maybe reality was also bend so that whenever Biff tried to use the bathroom, the pee just go downwards, like defining the law of gravity, I think it would be a funny concept.
Also, maybe you're not into it, you are the writer here, but I really think that in the same way Karen is stuck living the life of a woman, it would be somewhat funny to have some woman living the life of a little boy?
Although there isn't much difference in the life of a baby boy and a baby girl, so maybe it won't be interesting to simply put a woman in the kindergarten being treated as a baby boy...
So maybe, I don't know, showing a girly girl stuck in the life of a 10 years old boy or so (which obviously starts to differ from the life of a 10 years old girl and so on). I just found the concept of a girly teenage girl, who are into pretty stuff, having to be a "disgusting" little boy who plays in the mud and do other disgusting little boy things, absolutely HATING to not be able to wear her pretty dresses and doing ballet, and maybe even being bullied because of showing any behaviour that is not the expect from a teenage boy. The idea of one, instead of falling into their roles like all the previous characters, just feeling miserable and hopelessly, and straight out hating their new lives seems interesting, although somewhat dark, obviously.
Maybe a teenage girl switched lives with her young brother, but, like, she remembers what happened, but he doesn't, he just thinks he was always a young teenage girl. I find amazingly dark the idea of a teenage girl feeling envy of her young brother cause now he is living her life and doing ballet and wearing her pretty dresses anda yadda yadda, while she has to play stupid child games and stuff.
Also, another reality alteration that would be interesting, in the sense of preventing people from getting out of their roles is: in the same way that Trevor and John aren't able to tell others what is going on (people just hear nonsense baby noises), maybe, if we are talking about a person stuck in the life of anyone who isn't a baby, that person simply not being able to tell others, like whenever they tried... they simply can't form the words and speak out.
By whitepantyhose9x -
I've said it before but I'll say it again: I am loving this story. This is one of the few long term branches that has stayed consistently good AND has the transformation process be something I am naturally interested in. I love how the TF mechanism is technically partially under Jon's control, but he still has to struggle to figure out what works and doesn't. Please don't stop.
By Thewayodaworld -
On Jon talks his way into the gym
because in the future, most things will have space in their names. The best place to buy space pies will be space arby’s where they’ll have a deal where you get a space soda for free with the purchase of a space pie and a space sandwich, but only on space wednesdays
By Thisisnota Realname -
>Thus gentle touch from Sharon's hand was all it took to send Trevor over the edge and he exploded with an orgasm
I'm so glad I find this story! You are a LEGEND, dude! I love this, I don't know even know how to describe, like he is pervert but no matter what he does, people just see a baby girl. I wish I was a billionaire to make a movie out of this story 👌 Thank you so much. Those sort of stories, involving role swap/ABDL with reality alteration are somewhat to come by, so I just to thank you so much, cause you are very gifted author written an amazing story.
By whitepantyhose9x -
Thanks! :)
By ThisIsNoOne -
On Jon gathers supplies for tomorrow's journey
This is so hot. One of my favorite branches rn. You're really good. I would like to see they doing it while Jon watches. :)
By Bruna -
Keep up the great work, I always look forward to your new chapters.
By Morphology -
On Jon gathers supplies for tomorrow's journey
The link looks valid on our end, which probably means that Discord itself is having a hiccup, and unfortunately there's not much we can do. We've made a temporary invite for now that expires a week from this posting (expiry: 06/18/22), and hopefully that solves the problem:
By Ms. Cork -
Indeed. This is why I always keep a 'Whole Story so Far' open in another tab when writing new episodes in a long-running thread.
For example, in Transformation Guns, I keep that tab open so that when I think about bringing in another member of the quasi-canon cast, I have to look back and see if they've appeared or been mentioned before, and if so what was their last known status and whereabouts in the story leading up to the episode I'm writing.
And the more characters (quasi-canon or new ones introduced in that story) one brings in and the more they get changed, swapped, or whatever, the more you have to keep track of. It can be tricky, but as long as one looks back on what's come before frequently, it can be managed.
By Christine L. -
I would, but DIscord seems to be having troubles. The 'invite' expired for some reason.
By Christine L. -
The other principals mentioned are all principals of Jon and Karyn's high school in other branches. Principal Davison is the one that appears in the most branches. But I thought it'd be fun to mention the others as existing in the world this branch is set in, but as former principals or ones that were in the running at the same time as Simon Davison, but didn't get the job in this particular branch. I made sure they were all 'default' principals in those branches (as opposed to those who later get the job via magical shenanigans).
It's been a while since I ended an episode with a 'who gets transformed' cliffhanger. Loved doing that. Got some more twists to come, including the origin of the Transformation Guns.
By Christine L. -
On More drama at the principal's office
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