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They're not pregnant because of Karyn's wish earlier, before the second change, it was worded such that it would apply no matter which way around they had sex that they could only get conceive together if they both consciously wanted to. Back in this chapter, before any sex, “I wish that Jon and I would not be fertile together unless we both consciously decide we want to be.”

Nope, I'm male and cis. I do pee with morning wood by leaning against the wall behind the toilet, mostly because it gets me an angle where I can aim down far enough without discomfort. Jon's reactions are based at least partly on imaging myself it his place.

Men and women are still physically different, hormone levels stay different after the change, so aside from having boobs men still have a mostly male body shape, aside from their pelvis. Men would still also have a lower healthy body fat %, and fat deposit patterns would still be different for men and women. So men wouldn't have quite as much curve, generally bulkier waists and so men's waist to hip ratio would still be different from women's on average. Remember, up until people turn 18ish at the youngest, mostly older, they develop as they would without the change, and post change men get boobs, and just skeletal changes to their hips, and even there probably not as much as one might expect. The top part doesn't really need to get wider, just the bottom to pass a baby's head.

Men still have much higher testosterone levels than women, with all the effects that has on psychology. Women still have much higher estrogen levels. The change causes what triggers breast development to change, and other things, probably it created new hormones to keep systems working in both men and women, I'm not a biologist so I don't know what would be needed to make this work.

I didn't go into more detail in the story because it was already WAY to info-dumpy, but yeah, any change to men's anatomy, imagine it's the least it can be to make pregnancy almost as reliable as it is for women. Probably men are more likely to need a C-section since they're more likely to not have room.

I very intentionally constructed to change such that gender identities would be able to remain since I thought anything that erased all separation would probably be a bit much for most people to handle, and well because I wanted them to remain.

I also think that even if there weren't easy ways to tell men and women apart anymore people would cling to their previous identity.

In other words, yes, effectively anyone over 25 is the same sex but gender identity would almost certainly remain, as would sexual orientation based on what sex people were born... or in some cases changed appearance to.

By bigbustgazer - 2022-07-05 01:14:55

On Breakfast, Existential Dread, and Love

I guess you can read it that way. I did intend to be that she really is just super into boobs and isn't attracted to the rest of a woman's body, she's into Jon's body more than just his boobs.

By bigbustgazer - 2022-07-05 00:45:40

On Dining, Philosophy, Reality, and Sex

Nope, I've read some of it a long time ago... but that's not where this came from.

The shift to one arousal or the other happens well before orgasm. The physical responses are different since they involve different body parts, and well it triggers different desires.

Female orgasms do actually last slightly longer than male ones on average, as measured by having people masturbate hooked up to machines. I don't recall the exact method, if it was measured with neural activity or based on how long the body kept doing the associated muscle contractions, but there was actually a study. Meaning that yes male and female orgasms are different.

In this world, no you can't have two different orgasms at once, because long before that your body would have picked a "mode".

By bigbustgazer - 2022-07-05 00:42:53

On The Other Change

don’t get me wrong though, I am not putting down your story, it was deeply engaging and a very interesting plot, it just seemed to have some things that stood out as mighty strange. It was a good story, it just had a few details that didn’t sit right and didn’t seem thought through enough.

By Thisisnota Realname - 2022-07-04 23:32:50

On Breakfast, Existential Dread, and Love

Well that was sure something. A few thoughts and questions though

  1. What was the explanation for why they don’t think they’re both already pregnant? They had unprotected heterosexual sex each way, with each of them the female at least once. It seems to me most likely they would both be pregnant. They didn’t wish for any temporary contraception measures to be in place over them, right?

  2. A question for you bigbustgazer. Despite your username, I’m rather convinced you are female. Every bit of this does not seem like something written by a male. The characters and motivations were extremely female. Jon being overly preoccupied with his feelings and whether they were real or counterfeit and put in place by the stone 3 steps back despite exercising his free will and making decisions and changing his mind several times on his own with no influence from the stone. He plainly thinks like a girl and did throughout the story. And a real man would know peeing with morning wood isn’t feasible if he leans against a wall a certain way, it simply can’t be done, the prostate literally cuts off flow from the bladder until the erection is mostly gone and a man would have known that. The whole story struck me as something written by a woman who is not as knowledgeable about men as she thinks she is. Just wondering out of curiosity, feel free to ignore this question if you don’t want to say what you are in real life.

  3. It also seems pretty weird to me how preoccupied they were with gender and who was what. Jon insisting he was still a man, Karyn insisting she wasn’t into girls (and is in deep denial), when they have literally destroyed the difference from the very human condition. It doesn’t even make sense to talk about men and women as if they are different things after this change. Jon and Karyn are no longer a man and a woman, they are now the same sex, they are both. Yet it seemed pretty artificial and hard to believe the extent to which they went out of their ways to pretend otherwise and I don’t think this was even lampshaded by the narration of the story. It seemed very misguided to me, this omission from everyone’s understanding.

By Thisisnota Realname - 2022-07-04 23:26:54

On Breakfast, Existential Dread, and Love

well Karyn is certainly in denial in her continued insistence she’s not into females

By Thisisnota Realname - 2022-07-04 22:13:46

On Dining, Philosophy, Reality, and Sex

fun fact in reality though, an orgasm is basically a seizure in the brainstem so it would actually be physically impossible for a hermaphrodite to experience separate arousal systems for male and female unless they literally had 2 brains.

By Thisisnota Realname - 2022-07-04 18:19:25

On The Other Change

SOMEONE had been reading the left hand of darkness I believe.

By Thisisnota Realname - 2022-07-04 17:14:20

On The Other Change

of course plenty of men don’t like boobs and I’m not just talking about gay or asexual men, but some just see them as the hunks of fat that they are and prefer them flatchested

By Thisisnota Realname - 2022-07-04 16:52:04

On Karyn's Desire

for variety sake they could do it differently next time around like making Jon all the way a girl and Karyn a lesbian for a few days, or making Karyn a man.

By Thisisnota Realname - 2022-07-04 16:47:37

On The End of Jon's Boobs

though I hope it goes in a direction where there’s an actual conflict or else I’m afraid the currently 17 pages left are just going to be solid porn with not much of a plot.

By Thisisnota Realname - 2022-07-04 02:45:54

On That wasn't what Jon meant

good job. Not a lot of these stories where Karyn takes control without Jon’s permission and does something weird to him but doesn’t just do it out of inexplicably instantly having become a psycho but here she is doing something he’d never have wanted on his own yet it’s all in good fun

By Thisisnota Realname - 2022-07-04 02:37:46

On That wasn't what Jon meant

What Perri said above is correct. The upvote may be encouraging, but it doesn't really say much. A recent episode I wrote got an upvote, but I don't know where the upvote was because of the transformations in it, the pop culture references, the humor, the awkward conversation in the hallway prior to all that, or some combination of the above. Or maybe the upvoter just like the episode in general.

In any case, it's best not to take upvotes too seriously. They're not that much different than the 'like' function on social media sites.

By Christine L. - 2022-07-03 18:23:18

On upvote lists for writers and submissions

Oh, and I LOVE the names of the cats. Clearly whoever named them is a fan of a certain popular sci-fi franchise.

By Christine L. - 2022-07-03 18:16:21

On Moar Cat

I love this one! It's a cute story here. Of course the human characters are likely to be really confused about how this reunion came about.

By Christine L. - 2022-07-03 18:15:26

On Moar Cat

The cafeteria chaos episodes were fun to write. I liked being able to work in a lot of the Lake Point High School 'quasi-canon' characters into this one, and include some pop culture references.

Clyde Meehan and Starla Stanfield are new additions to the Lake Point High School cast, as is the lunch lady Enid Parkes. Everyone else in this episode has appeared in at least a few other branches besides this Transformation Guns story.

By Christine L. - 2022-07-03 18:08:15

On Chaos in the cafeteria

If you know the song being referenced, feel free to play it during this episode. In my mind, it starts just as Athena tells Jay "I've got this", and ends when Coach Barry blows the whistle to indicate the fight's over.

There have been a number of branches where Athena has some variant of an anti-magic pendant. One variant protects its wearer from magic, and the other variant just protects them from memory or personality alteration. I decided that in this branch, Athena would have one of each variant. It made sense to me.

As for the premonition, it probably came around the same time as Jon's unfortunate wish that "something interesting would happen", but Athena doesn't know about that yet at this point in the story.

By Christine L. - 2022-07-03 18:00:55

On Fortunately, Athena DOES have the pendant she's thinking of

and the parents of the year award goes to….. some other family

By Thisisnota Realname - 2022-07-03 12:40:46

On Indentured Seating: Jon comes to

Cats seem telepathic sometimes….

By Chompy - 2022-07-03 01:18:33

On Catgirl world - Tabitha in class

wow does this branch deserve more love. It ties different pieces of the story together perfectly and if Jon gets pregnant from this and actually gives birth, it won't just be Karyn but Jon too will have very strong and a deeply personal reason and vested interest for making the new reality permanent that would likely supersede the strength of desire to have his original body back, and allows the character Bernie the chance to grow as a person in the process, and actually drives the story forward instead of just being aimless filler material. It looks like passiveobserver got a real hate following based on his last post, I’m guessing the others writing this story ignored this branch solely out of resentment and contempt for him personally which is a pity since his writing is better than theirs. I kind of don't even want to read the other branch now, they should have just accepted this as canon and continued from here. It looks like the best writers left this place possibly out of disgust. I keep looking at the last few posts of writers and they obviously leave for that reason, lalilu and mystchevious are other examples making this very clear. And I don't see anything recent from BroomB but I bet the reason is the same.

By Thisisnota Realname - 2022-07-02 19:06:12

On a fateful crossing of paths

ironic that this would prove to be your final post on fictionbranches when you are clearly facing the same issues based on your post “disappointed” (corrected spelling) and actually are in agreement with the one this is a reply to.

By Thisisnota Realname - 2022-07-02 18:52:56

On up to you

doesn’t seem likely to me that the catgirls’ behavior would be so fundamentally different than humans. Do you not think your caveman and monkey ancestors ate all sorts of gross things? Bet they would be more likely to eat a live mouse than a catgirl raised in modern culture. They should culturally be just the same as humans if they were raised alongside them. I would expect they would be as revolted by eating a live mouse as a typical human, but if not then it definitely wouldn’t be the case that a whole room of humans would be shocked and appalled by this behavior. All the humans and catgirls seem so mystified by the behavior of the other species when it’s pretty easy for me to understand and I haven’t even been living together like they have in their world, so it should be even easier for them if anything.

By Thisisnota Realname - 2022-07-02 17:22:49

On Tabby and the mouse...

"Maybe she isn't really your sister," thought Jon. "I mean- maybe she just calls you sister? Girls do that.. right?"

Karyn shook her head. "No- I- I can sort of tell we're sisters." She gestured to her nose. "You must be able to tell Tabby is your sibling too right?"

So they can communicate with telepathy then? If I say something in quotes accompanied by 'thought Jon', that means Jon was thinking those words, right? And then Karyn responds to it.

By Thisisnota Realname - 2022-07-02 16:08:28

On Catgirl world - Tabitha in class

you know, another thing is they shouldn’t give birth to singletons but have litters if they have 6 breasts. They wouldn’t have evolved to have 6 otherwise, so it really makes little sense that all of Jon’s siblings are just catgirl versions of themselves. Instead of Jon’s brother being a single girl named Tabby, she should suddenly find him replaced by like 4 sisters all the same age.

By Thisisnota Realname - 2022-07-02 10:44:15

On Jon and Karyn observe the world...

actually there are a few all female species like the whiptail lizard, it is called a parthenogenic species when they do this and the males disappear entirely, so it actually should have had no trouble granting the result of the roll without complication, it would probably be better to explain it by the stone only affecting things within a few miles if you didn’t want to have the whole world population changed and explain it as best as possible. It seems much less likely they would be able to interbreed with humans since they would be much more distantly related to humans than lions and tigers are to each other, or horses and donkeys, and even they are too distant for their reproduction to be a complete success since the offspring are usually sterile and riddled with other genetic problems

By Thisisnota Realname - 2022-07-02 07:53:02

On Karyn has an idea...

And so here I fix what (to me, anyway) was a plot hole with Gladys Brewer. I always pictured Lake Point's MTI branch building to be far, far in another part of town from Lake Point High School. And the more I thought about it, the more I thought there was no way Gladys Brewer (in her pre-Babe Gun form) could just run all the way from McMillan Tech Industries to the high school, and get there at the moment she did.

I also needed to account for where Mycroft Brewer was, so that we know where all of the six Transformation Gun collaborators are at this point in the story. So I establish here that Mycroft drove Gladys home, and then Gladys left home and went to the school, taking with her the Fat Gun she had stolen from MTI. (This Fat Gun was in the batch Jeffries teleported to the non-basement levels of the building).

Jessica Davis is another one of those cheerleaders that appears in several branches, though not as often as Tiffany Sanders, Melissa Smith, and Amber Levine. She's only occasionally used, and while she has run into Athena in some branches, I don't think she has been in the same episodes as Jay Duncan and Leonard Drullers (though she might have, and I just haven't seen them). It makes sense, however, that she doesn't usually interact with them, as they're not in her usual social circles.

It's fun to sometimes have the opportunity to end an episode with at least two cliffhangers. Here, we've got one at MTI, and one at the school. I plan on adding more soon.

By Christine L. - 2022-07-01 21:55:41

On Rachel McLewis is in trouble, so let's check in on her. Let's check in on Mycroft Brewer, too

If these Transformation Guns are from MTI, then they must be from the other two batches Jeffries was trying to teleport to the Pittsburgh branch of MTI when the Teleportation Chamber's power source overloaded. Perhaps they didn't reach their intended destination. I pretty much left it vague as to what happened to those specific batches.

Aside from those two batches, all Transformation Guns outside of MTI (Lake Point Branch) and Lake Point High School are the result of the wave from the overload transforming normal guns into Transformation Guns. They were, in effect, created outside of MTI so they didn't come directly from there.

Anyway, up to the episode this branches off of, the fate of those last two batches of Transformation Guns that Jeffries sent through the teleport was left ambiguous so these COULD be (at least in this spinoff branch) those last two batches. However, there's no Random Gun in either of those two branches. Samantha switched one with a Restoration Gun, and removed the other one just before the teleport.

I probably won't add to this spinoff branch, as I didn't really want to get Mikey involved in all this.

By Christine L. - 2022-07-01 21:42:04

On Meanwhile, At Mikey's School...

Am happy Jon is a lesbian with a girlfriend. We need some not half bad lesbian shit.

By Marazh-no - 2022-07-01 05:29:19

On Jon investigates his new memories to kill time

It’s interesting you can infer the difference in the ideologies of the writers by the pronouns they use for Jon. With this one we get a sudden shift to he/him/his again. This one would probably contend you are what you identify as. And not just that, but now Jon is suddenly all sensitive about it and deeply traumatized over the change in body and hung up on "his" gender identity while before this page "she" was simply going with the flow and enjoying it. Honestly though, I would expect to a normal person, that having half a body, never again to have privacy, being immortal and forever bound with your childhood friend would be far more significant and worrying, and a change in gender would be incidental by comparison.

By Thisisnota Realname - 2022-06-30 20:26:33

On Waking up the next Morning

Of course if this was supposed to be taking place in the year 2000 then gold should be 250 to 300 dollars per ounce and those 1000 ounce bars would only be worth a quarter million each.

By Thisisnota Realname - 2022-06-30 11:57:42

On Meanwhile, back at Jon's house

Thanks for all the details! Appreciate the help ^_^

By NicerRockHedge - 2022-06-29 17:33:26

On Introducing (Just a Bit) of Chaos

I hope everyone enjoys this addition! Again, I definitely will slowly be picking up the pace, but I want Jon to get entrapped by his wishes. I'm always happy to hear any recommendations for some entrapment ideas

By NicerRockHedge - 2022-06-28 18:24:40

On An Unexpectedly Easy Cafe Experience

Well, as Principal Davison notes in this episode, the change only happened an hour ago, so it's too early to tell how it will affect society. But some Transformation Guns are more obviously troublesome than others. And I've thought of ways some people might object to even the more obviously beneficial ones, like the Jock Gun. Will professional athletes be thrilled at the idea that anyone can make themselves into perfect athletic shape, meaning that they aren't as special any more?

Glad you liked the Babe Gun scene. It's one of my favorites, and was fun to write. Not just the transformation itself, but the reactions of Jacques and the audience to it. Anyway, I'm planning on writing more material with the Babe Gun in the near future. Stay tuned.

By Christine L. - 2022-06-28 14:07:53

On How will Kyla, Nicole, and the others react?

A little more info: you can modify any episode that you wrote, unless another author has written a child episode. This is to ensure that stories stay as consistent as is reasonable, and that one author can't make another person's work retroactively inconsistent. Usually this doesn't come into play for minor edits like yours, because they'll be spotted before someone else even has a chance to add another episode. But if in the future you're trying to modify an old branch of yours and you can't, this will probably be why.

Happy writing!

By avatar Ms. Cork - 2022-06-28 02:51:07

On Introducing (Just a Bit) of Chaos

Really great addition. Hope you add soon!

By NicerRockHedge - 2022-06-28 02:09:45

On And He Sinks Deeper into His Own Swamp

I mean... The guns changing means they're no longer lethal. I fail to see the disaster. XD

Also, hawt. More babe guns. Yar. :D

By The_Weirdo - 2022-06-28 01:26:22

On How will Kyla, Nicole, and the others react?

Thanks! Fixed now :D. And thanks again for the writing compliment

By NicerRockHedge - 2022-06-27 23:35:21

On Introducing (Just a Bit) of Chaos

Great writing! And welcome to the site—there should be a “modify episode” option at the top of the page.

By Enjeubleu - 2022-06-27 23:33:29

On Introducing (Just a Bit) of Chaos

Also, realized I messed up the previous title and put nolink. New to the site: any way to modify that?

By NicerRockHedge - 2022-06-27 23:25:32

On Introducing (Just a Bit) of Chaos

Hopefully everyone enjoys. Apologies it's a bit 'slower'. Definitely like this whole idea, and am open to involuntary wishes which will help our friend Jon progress :)

By NicerRockHedge - 2022-06-27 23:24:09

On Introducing (Just a Bit) of Chaos

I like your take on the switch! I'm interested to see where you go with this.

By Gooose - 2022-06-27 03:14:16

On Zoe Dresses Zoe

But don’t forget this is presumably all taking place in the year 2000 when the original fictionbranches passage was posted, so Jon should not know who fictional characters are that were created after this.

By Thisisnota Realname - 2022-06-27 02:22:50

On The finest minds

Honestly this ought to be fun for anyone else to add to. Be sure to include your favorite genius character or real life person on whatever you write for it. What will Jon have his crack team of intellectual giants cook up?

By Thisisnota Realname - 2022-06-26 23:46:51

On The finest minds

Also, i was wondering if Traver has a daddy. It would be quite fun the idea of seeing a teenage boy, who everbody treats like a little girl, being changed by a man. Hell, there is some many scenarios to explore!

By whitepantyhose9x - 2022-06-25 15:10:58

On Trevor at the mall

Hey! I'm definitely going to come back, but I'm busy atm. It may be a bit before I'm free.

By avatar Perri - 2022-06-25 12:18:10

On A fairy looks at her old life...

Ah I find it hard to deny a direct request sure ;)

By Chompy - 2022-06-24 05:19:21

On Introducing Elle the Reality warper

Seems promising, write more, please :)

By whitepantyhose9x - 2022-06-24 04:25:08

On Introducing Elle the Reality warper

No probably not Mira. I was mostly thinking about this after watching a haunting youtube video called “Timelapse of the future”. I didn’t actually have a story in mind for this at all. There’s no conflict at this point, no villain, no macguffin, they simply both made mistaken wishes and are now stuck with the consequences. Feel free to write something for it yourself. Maybe have them face some problem which only they in their now botched altered states are qualified to handle.

By Thisisnota Realname - 2022-06-24 03:36:59

On to make matters worse

Yay! I'm so happy someone added to family acting! I would love to see this storyline continue! You're really good!

By Hey - 2022-06-23 21:16:50

On The New Bethany Enjoys Being Young

^ ^ ^ boy, this would be a top notch story path! i defently feels that the concept of someone having their lives sorta "stolen" by someone who they already knew, would be a cool element to it. Cause, i mean, until this point every swap that happened it involved people having their lives switched with folks they didn't know previously before the swap. So, i mean, the idea of someone seeing another person living their lives, while they are now trapped in the life of that person, but only they remember that something is wrong seems worth exploring

By Danny - 2022-06-22 04:21:22

On Trevor faces the day

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