Eventually the two plots will come together, but for awhile Karyn is going to be too preoccupied to realize what's going on with her mom or discover the linked wishing. Honestly Kyla is probably going to figure both swaps out before either swapped pair clocks the other.
By Gooose -
This kinda of reminds me of Moriarty Arms and Swapping Hotel on writing.com, can't wait for the updates.
By TGAlmeida -
On Paradise Winds Resort: Final Preparations
So will Karyn find out eventually or would this be b plot of this branch?
By Endless -
Looking forward to this branch
By Endless -
On Paradise Winds Resort: Final Preparations
I deleted that account, and a handful of other accounts for a couple of reasons. I was getting too goon brained, too obsessed with adult stories. I don't intend to continue that story. It was basically just porn. I'm going to focus my efforts on more story content when I write tg/tf at all. Every additional channel was a new investment of time and attention. Restricting it to here, one of the oldest websites I engaged with when I first started writing tg content, has simplified this hobby, and made it easier to manage.
By Perri -
On Strange Summoning: Night Shadow
Heya Perri, couple of questions for ya regarding this story. First off, do you plan to import the other 'episodes' to this website? I noticed a lot are missing. Second, may I ask what happened on the tgstorytime website? I was keeping up on this story and now it says, "Access denied. This story has not been validated by the administrators of this site." Hope everything is alright.
By josejosejose -
On Strange Summoning: Night Shadow
In the days before I indulged this website religiously enough to consider the words "I wish" to be a terrible omen, the most ominous phrase one could possibly utter to me was "what could go wrong?"
Now we have both dangit
By Matisguy -
On Vacation, All I Ever Wanted
Curious where you will take this
By Endless -
On Vacation, All I Ever Wanted
Would love to see a thread where one of the next changes causes Jon to change genders due to genetic lottery or something, and we see him swapping places with the various Lake Point females.
By Daguss -
Can't wait to see more. Zoe almost lost more than she realized!
By Daguss -
On Goth Alley
What if Jon volunteered to crossdress - pads, fake boobs, photogenic mask; wig, skirt, blouse, stoxkings, mary janes all in men's sizes. I could see Jon willing to suffer what he wrought, and testing the wish to see how loose the requirements for 'girl' are. Stephanie could pull Jon out of class an hour early, help him get set up, help him get in character enough to be a her, and stay with him when the Switch happens.
What wishes would Jon wish for? Maybe wish for a magical insurance policy with transformation and ontological riders? A magical bookmark that can bookmark his life, so he could return to his current state at a later date? To remain (along with Stephanie
) (somewhat) aware even if he himself gets swapped?
Since Jon never asked for this compound switching, Jon could reinterpert the wish to include one last swap that undoes all negative swaps.
I could see Jon going to the local police/FBI branch and say I did something bad, I wish you could help me. If there's magic, then there ought to be some kind of magical community. Jon messed up, but it's not like there's a werewolf in the comunity turning others into werewolfs in a magical epidemic, or anything.
By wingnut2292 -
How I come up with a bunch of new names at once: Andrew Lloyd Webber and Tom Stoppard are playwrights,so Andrew Stoppard is a theater geek. Tyler Herro and Duncan Robinson are NBA players, so Tyler Robinson will also be a basketball player. Paul Simon wrote a song called "So Long, Frank Lloyd Wright," so Frank Simon will be a guitar player. And, as you surmise, Mitchell Webb will be a class clown type, after David Mitchell and Robert Webb. Joe Robbie and Don Shula were both major figures for the Miami Dolphins NFL team, so Joe Shula gets to be a football player. And I don't actually know that much about football, so Richard Joo is just the name of a Korean-British classical pianist and comedian that I like. But the character will be a generic football player, 'cause I think that's funny.
By Ms. Cork -
On Saturday Sleepover Assignments
Mitchell Webb? Someone knows their British comedy :D
By Great Sage -
On Saturday Sleepover Assignments
Very interesting setup! One thing I love about magic … there’s no off button. It looks like this will snowball ;)
By Chompy -
On No wishes
Thank you for the comment though.
By Perri -
So, this was not intended to be to social or political. The whole point is they are highschoolers who've gone through a radical physiological and even psychological change, and they are fighting. I want the tension to exist for story purposes, but I also want both characters dug in. Highschoolers are kind of dumb, and often unempathetic, even to people they care about.
That said, I do intend to create some duality here, but don't have any formal plans.
By Perri -
In Jon's defense, I think he was trying to be deliberately hyperbolic there. But wishing stone's gonna wishing stone, what can you do?
By Ms. Cork -
It's quite a presumptious statement there. I'm sure there are plenty of boys at the school who are apathetic about the cheerleaders' sleepover, if they even hear about it at all. They probably have other things to do, like hang out with their friends, or work on computer programs, or do stuff that fits their interests.
By Christine L. -
While Karen is not wrong here's she is also not right. Karen is dare I say acting toxic lyrics feminine here. This is one of the reasons V.P. Haris lost to Trump in 2024. Masculinity is treated like a problem, without empathy for the guys.
Of course it not a problem for a girl to be a girl. But a guy turned into a girl would of course experience dismorphia, at least at first. Karen would cry bloody murder if a girl was turned into a guy against her will. What is needed is perspective for Karen, and for Jon and oppertunity to grieve and processes trauma.
Counciling could help for Jon and Trauma Processing. I've heard of men who went in for routine surgery and the hospital screwed up and did SRS on them. Life was hard for them, but they were living and not just surviving. The men I read about. years and years ago, were married and their marriages were in the process of being amicably dissolved.
Just as an observation, Karen and Jon seem to embody the Tiaju/Ying-Yang -Progression/Action (Yang) for Karen, and Stillness/Stasis for Jon (Ying).
By wingnut2292 -
Curious to see what you have in store here.
By Perri -
Maybe, just maybe the reason the wish was not granted is cause the stone was split, so it is possible that both of them need to make the same wish or they need to have physical contact with each other or something similar, cause from the last few sentences it does look like if they are in a similar mind set, aka mad at each other they could affect the world around them.
By TGAlmeida -
This is very cool, I can't wait to see where this goes
By Great Sage -
Can still see this going into several directions. 1. He still has to have sex with him. 2. His sexy neighbor rescues him by paying for him but now Jon has to repay her with sex.
By Endless -
Nice, I hope this is the start of a nice harem adventure for Jon, collecting girls as he embraces his new succubus life
By Endless -
Hope this ends up being either Karyn or Sarah’s house
By Endless -
On To School
Brilliant. Excited for more!
By Marazh-no -
Really good. I love this branch and I hope to see more.
By Marazh-no -
@belchest if you are still around, are you planning to continue working on these?
By Endless -
On Reality App: Getting ready for school
Great, please continue.
By Brooke -
On Tap out - Zoe answers some things
What a plot twist!
By Matisguy -
If I had a nickel for every time someone insulted Elon musk for his dumb ass decision to rename Twitter on here, I have two nickels… which isn’t a lot but it’s a little weird it happened twice…
Anyways pretty interesting start, I can’t wait to see where you go with this :)
By Nora Lua -
Great game! I wish I could read the whole thing.
By Elron -
On Cursed magical game, already in progress
What does sample of innocence mean?
By Bunnie -
On Petite
There was good stuff in "Brave," but it was basically three different movies struggling to figure out which movie they were actually gonna be. Apparently there was a bunch of behind-the-scenes drama and it was "noted" to death by studio executives several times over, which explains a lot.
Plus, anything with Mumford & Sons on the soundtrack is my eternal sworn enemy.
By nothingsp -
On Flying away
Urgh had to update. Mixed up Greg with Adam. Adam was the initial name I had in mind but Gregory makes a better werewolf name :)
Yeah I wasn’t the biggest fan of brave.
For me brave is in the heart of the simpsons syndrome of tv. You could replace that characters with the simpsons and it might even work better. The way they treated male characters was awful.
By Chompy -
On Flying away
I liked Brave as well. Transformation movies are always better then if they did not have transformtion.
By Catprog -
On Flying away
Possibly, I'd have to go back and try to remember where I was heading with it.
By Gooose -
Heh, considering how hard you're ragging on it, it seems you're not a big fan of Brave, huh. Honestly, I personally like the movie myself.
By Area82 -
On Flying away
Any interest on continuing this branch @Gooose ?
By Endless -
@Gooose well you could always write it down on a note on who is swapped with who if you decide on a rotation.
By Endless -
Not a fan of how cruel this has become.
By Great Sage -
On Game Over
My thought was Shivani, but I wasn't sure if it would be simple one to one swaps, or if there would be some sort of rotation, like, Jon's in Shivani, Shivani's in Jon's dad, Jon's dad is in Lillian, Lillian is in Mikey, etc. Not sure if I'll continue this branch anytime soon, managing massive swaps is kind of hard to keep track of.
By Gooose -
You, uh, you wrote the same paragraph ("Linda quickly realized that") twice, only the first time starts with "Seeing his reaction". 😅
By Zelo -
On Mikey doesn't want to play alone
So if im guessing correctly Mikey becomes the father or rather a father figure
and Jon the mother?
By Endless -
On Mikey doesn't want to play alone
This was a fantatic chapter and was really happy there was so much to read here. Love how the wishes and the situation seems to be snowballing out of control. Cannot wait to see how Mikey tries to come up with a way to cover this up with Jon. Always very excited to see your posts!
By MaryMary -
On Mikey doesn't want to play alone
This one seemed a lot smaller when writting and a lot bigger when posting.
Anyways should be the last one for a good while, most of the "recent" chapters have been written a few weeks ago and since then my life has been Factorio only, and with Space Age, it probably won't change for a while.
By Mikaela -
On Mikey doesn't want to play alone
using stairs like that doesn't seems smart... what could happens, I think, is Mark ends up falling, hits her head, amnesia and/or shakes loose that girl's personality - or thinks she's her
By comodo50 -
Very fun. I love a good life-swap story!
By buyerinternet -
On Jon’s day
Who did you have in mind that would swap with Jon @Gooose ?
By Endless -
@Endless Yeah, Gus is wearing a protective charm out of habit that has protected his memories somewhat from all the changes so far. That said, he didn't know Stephanie or Esme or Richard McMillan, so he really didn't notice any of those changes.
By Gooose -
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