I've always thought it was Jon.
By Elron -
On And He Sinks Deeper into His Own Swamp
Jon must really hate himself to make Sue so miserable. No masterbation? What a bummer.
By Elron -
You really think of everything!
By Elron -
This is where Sue and I differ. I'd want the sensation to be much higher than average. Who cares what her husband thinks of them. They're there for my pleasure, not his. Haha
By Elron -
This was so hot
By Oioi -
On Something interesting with Steve and Tiffany
Thanks! See forum
By LimitedPower -
On Defining the Video Jon's In
I thought the stone had a range of maybe a few miles. Most of the time it can't even affect all of Jon's hometown.
By Elron -
On Jon and Richard Watch The Tape
Finders keepers.
By Elron -
Yeah, that's what I would do.
By Elron -
On Karyn Wants To Be A Porn Star
So Joseph wished to be attractive to any girl Jon wants and he wants Karyn. But there can't be two Karyns so one has to go.
By Elron -
These are incredibly enjoyable so far - thanks for the great work.
By NicerRockHedge -
On Defining the Video Jon's In
Well Jon's bed must be on the moon LOL.
By Elron -
This is how I spend my time in my own lesbian porn fantasies as well.
By Elron -
On Closet
Wow, all 3 choices sound like fun!
By Elron -
Ima really liking this. Who wouldn't want to be Sarah? I wonder how much free will he actually has?
Please continue!
By Elron -
Oh, I hadn’t actually thought of going for that angle. I might try and work it into a later chapter though. Thanks :D
By MightyMrJ -
I predicted this all wrong... I thought his reaction was because he was feeling what would be felt if an adult hit on a teenage girl....
By The Guest -
Reaaally interesting.
By Goryu -
Can't wait to see what he does to fix this, only to make things worse LOL
By Great Sage -
On After school
Loving the recent chapters, great work. Not too be too needy, but think we might see Lydia either having an awkward night or morning with her first erection?
By Panther -
On DMU - an uneventful evening
This is comedic gold as well as being really interesting to read in the context of this branch.
By MrScade -
On Karyn's damage control backfires.
By lerch -
Awesome chapter. I loved the way Sandra's sexuality is starting to creep into Jon's mind. I hope there will be plenty of action in the upcoming week, both in alone time and with Karyn's father.
And I hope both Sandra and Zoe will settle into their new roles more and more as the week goes on.
Now I'm wishing it had been a month, or even a year until they could use the stone. Loving this story.
By Elron -
On Alright People, Let's Do This One Last Time (But Probably Not)
Great story so far!!!
By Drebble36 -
On Zoe's Panties Are in Quite the Bunch
Oooooh, gotta be good if she's being singled out. Dare I hope it's a dog dick between her legs?
By Panther -
And I can't wait to see where you go with this!
By Elron -
On Uh Oh
Yeah, it irks me every time Zoe uses Jon instead of mom.
By Elron -
On Zoe's Panties Are in Quite the Bunch
I thought I could use the mis-phrasing as a way to show Zoe's mindset and how she feels about Jon's role in a given moment, showing that she's changing and finding it harder and harder to see her Jon in there.
By MaryMary -
On The Very Rare Instance in Which You Hope for Jehovah's Witnesses
Good point. What about Zoe's father? Karyn referred to her as "Miss Gibson", but whoever it was had to have been around long enough to help create Zoe, right?
By Elron -
On What a Way to Make a Living
I'm surprised Zoe's wish didn't compel her to always refer to Jon as Mom, considering all the other changes it made to their lives.
By Elron -
On The Very Rare Instance in Which You Hope for Jehovah's Witnesses
Zoe is the one making careless wishes, but she refuses to give the stone to Jon on the pretense that he might make a careless wish. That's messed up.
Love the way Jon turned out, especially the F-boobs. Great writing.
By Elron -
On Zoe's Mom: Things get 'easier' for Jon
I like this concept
By Kingfaraday -
Thanks. I’ve got a lot of ideas for this story so stay tuned
By MightyMrJ -
No problem with your suggestions. Truthfully, I like hearing from the audience. Half the reason I write is for comments, so you commenting only encourages me :D.
Onto your ideas:
Thanks again for your suggestions!
By NicerRockHedge -
Hm. I like those ideas, don't get me wrong, but I also sorta like the idea of making a character independent from Jon. I'm split. Thank you for your suggestions :)
By NicerRockHedge -
On Time Alone
If there was a wish for his family coming back, there would need to be a reason for Joan to be in their house. Maybe by making Joan the sister of one of Jon's parents, or she's a family friend, or even something more "spicy" like she's in a polygamous realtionship with Jon's parents. If Jon wants his MILF life to be pornographic, that definitely would fit in well.
By Dargozo -
On Time Alone
IMO these chapters are the perfect length and level of detail.
As for her schedule, she might have to do things like get her hair/nails done, go shopping for new clothes, go to the bank, perhaps theres an issue with her minivan so she has to take it to a shop, or she gets a call to go visit a friend. All relatively mundane things, but with the wishes made so far (and any new ones of course) could have potential for fun and sexy scenes.
(Also i hope my suggestions so far aren't making it feel like I'm telling you how to write your story, I just really enjoy it so far and am excited to see where it goes!)
By Dargozo -
Thanks for the suggestion Dargozo :D. Used it, in a somewhat modified form - I appreciate your suggestions!
For the second suggestion, I like the idea. Some ideas I had with it were:
By NicerRockHedge -
On Time Alone
I hope I am not making too long of chapters for your liking. Sometimes I get bogged down in detail. Any ideas for what a MILF without children might do for their schedule?
By NicerRockHedge -
Really love this thread! Great job! Can't wait to see what this all ads up to for Jon and how significant him waking up on his mom's side of the bed turns out to be. Amazing chapter!
By MaryMary -
This is such a hot story so far. Perhaps an inadvertent wish could be that when around people like the neighbor boys, Jon starts to act a little clumsy and ends up in sexy teasing situations (e.g. bending over a little too far so they can see down her blouse. Or accidentally spilling the lemonade down her cleavage)
Also maybe at some point Jon's family could come back home but a wish makes them believe Joan is supposed to be there instead of Jon.
By Dargozo -
On Time Alone
Well, I provided enough clues so that if anyone actually wanted to work out that treasure hunt math puzzle from a few episodes back, they can do it, but I suspect most people don't come to FB for math puzzles. :) Anyway, I deliberately left the other Transformation Guns in the box unidentified so that I could move the story forward from 'Day one' while still leaving it open for new Transformation Guns that haven't been mentioned before to be revealed later.
By Christine L. -
By whitepantyhose9x -
This will be the last piecemeal/slower chapter. Hopefully my pacing isn't too slow! Suggestions for what happens here are always appreciated ;D
By NicerRockHedge -
On Time Alone
I love both suggestions :). Will probably put my spin on them, but thank you both for the suggestions/critique!
By NicerRockHedge -
I have no idea why, but my brain decided that Dr. Michaels sounds exactly like the Disney character, Professor Ludwig Von Drake. This isn't a good thing or a bad thing, but it is a thing and I felt that you should know.
By Ms. Cork -
Loved the idea of Jon getting horny every time he saves money at the store. Having such a mundane thing be come exciting for him is great. Things like that could be a reward for him to make him more willing to slip into the MILF lifestyle. Like a wish that every time a task is completed he has an orgasm would be fun in both making him like what's happening and having to hide the orgasm if there's anybody else around
By Dargozo -
Great chapter! Amazing imagery and deep dive into what should be a simple chore. Really showed how Joan isn't a hunter anymore, she's a gatherer and takes delight in it. It's a social event also with real stakes. Really fun read.
As for a suggestion, maybe Jon gets roped into hosting a book club or wine tasting night with the other mom's at the PTA night which is just an excuse to drink and gossip, complain about their kids, and swap stories of their sex life. Jon could wish he wouldn't be so bored about it and becomes enthralled and captivated by these lady's stories of passionate sex, possibly fantasizing about more of an exhibitionist streak with his husband. The wish possibly giving him vivid memories of his own bedroom escapades so he has something racy to share with everyone else?
By MaryMary -
I'd love to hear suggestions for wishes, both voluntary and involuntarily, for Jon. Happy to hear feedback as well :p
By NicerRockHedge -
Stay tuned cause I did have something like this in mind
By MightyMrJ -
On DMU - 2nd Period in the Library
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