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Another delicious storyline that you've created here. Already excited to see how far this one will go. Lot's of potential here and it gets even better since the Linda/Zoe taboo pairing is seldom explored. Maybe while they are adjusting themselves before doing it like rabbits we can see more of the cast checking in this hotel too. Thanks fkr writing

By Bruna - 2025-01-23 19:44:14

On ZLGT - Identity reveal and a meal

Efficiency is not just with the hotel accommodations I see, but even with the forces at work on Zoey with Linda seems to be getting her ‘turn’ next lol.

By Sje_1265 - 2025-01-23 09:29:43

On ZLGT - Zoe finds an outfit

Heya, Mr J! Intrigued on how this path will progress. Happy belated New Years to you and hope all has been well with ya :-).

Take care & ttys,

By Sje_1265 - 2025-01-21 18:09:41

On Zoe and Linda’s girls trip

You have my interest

By Paula Clark - 2025-01-21 16:43:33

On Zoe and Linda’s girls trip

Very kind. But I just spent years off and on trimming it down from novel-length...

By AnonyMouse - 2025-01-20 17:53:59

On If you mean to use a blade in the future, tend to it now.

Fucking brilliant. Can't wait to see more.

By Marazh-no - 2025-01-16 19:52:04

On If that's Athena, then where's Zoe?

Good to see your writing again

By Catprog - 2025-01-16 17:35:21

On (Apropos of nothing, a sonnet!)

not going to lie, by title, i expected a fusion device, the kind that goes 'boom'

By comodo50 - 2025-01-14 16:32:58

On The Fusion Device

@Gooose hopefully you can return to this branch and some of the older ones too

By Endless - 2025-01-14 11:40:02

On The Big Switch

I was worried for a bit that the author may have left this project. Glad to see a new addition :)

By avatar Ms. Cork - 2025-01-12 14:05:50

On waking up after being knocked out

This needs to be made into a novel, clearly a fantastic piece of writing.

By Great Sage - 2025-01-12 06:24:49

On If you mean to use a blade in the future, tend to it now.

Omg! I saw you had a chapter on the discord but didn’t realize it was for Royal Mistake until now! Great work!!!

By Enjeubleu - 2025-01-09 21:58:55

On If that's Athena, then where's Zoe?

This branch is apparently being revived, so I asked myself "Why not?"

By avatar Matisguy - 2025-01-09 17:08:45

On If that's Athena, then where's Zoe?

Congratulations, you played yourself. :P

By Zelo - 2025-01-08 08:51:01

On Graceful

I must say, going into this story I didn't expect it to be so intrigueing. Looking forward to what comes next, even if logic and expectations would suggest that Carly will likely lose the challenge one way or another and become a true mannequin in the end. Still, we shall see if that proves to be true.

By Zelo - 2025-01-07 16:33:32

On Say Nothing


By Marazh-no - 2024-12-31 22:35:46

On Jon wakes up the next day

All Rise for the Return of Her Majesty

By avatar Matisguy - 2024-12-31 10:11:58

On Jon wakes up the next day

I really love this branch, it's one of my very favourites. I really like Steve/Abigail's slow character development. The entire hat of names gimmick is really neat too.

By bigbustgazer - 2024-12-30 15:13:41

On Hat of names: Sweet dreams and don't let the bed-spiders bite you

I finally had some time off and wanted to get back to this. Ended up doing something a little more chill after last chapter, but I do wanna keep escalating things for Jon and his mom moving forward

By Enjeubleu - 2024-12-30 14:32:24

On Jon wakes up the next day

I wonder how the three Sarahs will react when they meet eachother. Will they act "normal", with only a nagging feeling that something's wrong? Will they freak out after seeing clones of themselves, followed by a concerning feeling that "it's how it's always been"? Will they keep their identical names or will two of them change after some time? Maybe just stick to using nicknames to tell them apart?

So many questions, so little to go off of for now!

By Zelo - 2024-12-28 18:09:41

On There's More Than One Sarah

Damn, I wish this was continued.

By avatar M3t3r0x - 2024-12-27 04:03:19

On Karyn gets a call from Jon

I am the original author, although I lost my original account a long time back. Nevertheless, I've collected all the segments together with edits to mesh more smoothly. I've changed the character names and finished the story.

It is now an E-Book titled "Shrink Racked"
by Jaime Sparkz

The book is published and available for FREE and can be found at
Or you can google for it.

I went this route to obtain a public copyright and ISBN. I have no intention of making money off of it, I just wanted to try to prevent others from ripping it off and selling it as their own, I've had that happen before.

I hope you enjoy it!

I have another E-book in the works. It could be awhile but it's looking to be about twice the size of this one. "Smashwords" has merged with another bigger service and I've yet to figure out if I can do FREE publishing through the merged entity.


By avatar LimitedPower - 2024-12-27 00:07:40

On A Parting Gift?

There's a degree of repetition in this which leads me to believe you copied and pasted a lot of the earlier chapters, try not to do this in future it looks bad, other than that, an interesting premise

By Great Sage - 2024-12-24 13:26:28

On Checking out their costumes

@Gooose do their powers work on each other?

By Endless - 2024-12-19 17:17:48

On The Big Switch

Okay. You will need a translator to know what they're saying. I have removed the exact translation, but here's a summary. The two men realize that they have somehow lost contact with their agent, and they're not sure what's going on and what to do. At this point, they seem to know less about what's going on than the readers do. There's also Easter eggs for those who actually DO translate the text, and a reference to a meme that might be lost in translation.

By Christine L. - 2024-12-13 13:15:38

On написано с помощью онлайн-переводчика

tl;dr you don't have to know/translate Russian to get this episode. We aren't meant to know the evil scheme and Cork just hid a lot of Easter Eggs instead.

By avatar Matisguy - 2024-12-13 07:43:26

On написано с помощью онлайн-переводчика

Yes, you know something's up when a bunch of boys recognize a Street Fighter II cabinet one minute but the next don't remember a prominent character from that game and instead get confused with a character from Taming of the Shrew. :) That conversation was hilarious, by the way.

By Christine L. - 2024-12-12 02:14:24

On Andi Really Hates Video Games Now

You should check your opening quotes, a lot of them are combining with the character that comes next. Random accent marks on letters that should be an opening quote followed by the letter makes it weird to read.

By bigbustgazer - 2024-12-10 01:34:40

On a step forward, but two back

This is a brilliant episode, in writing and direction.

By AnonyMouse - 2024-12-08 08:12:22

On Last But Not Least, Karyn

The name Twyla was chosen in honor of Twyla Tharp, one of the most respected and accomplished dancers and choreographers of the 20th century.

By avatar Ms. Cork - 2024-12-05 17:06:38

On Playing Billiards and Losing Some Balls

I liked it until her name was Twyla. No it isn't. No one is that mean to their kids. Name reads like it's said with a speech impediment. (just wait, it's the authors real name and I am going to look like a jerk)

By Kylo - 2024-12-05 14:04:56

On Playing Billiards and Losing Some Balls

I love the work you're putting into this one. This set-up can go several very fun directions, and I can't wait to see where you're taking it. Please continue!

By avatar Ms. Cork - 2024-12-05 00:57:50

On With friends like these...

Not sure if this one is worth trying again. I didn’t like my last attempt but thought I’d give it another go, probably no appetite for a side story with Michelle and Trevor but thought it was worth a try

By Chompy - 2024-12-04 13:33:37

On A missing friend?

This rework is quite good

By iamweirdo - 2024-12-04 10:43:50

On Short and Stacked

Technically (unless the terms are different in the US compared to Australia) the opening statements from the defence attorney sound like they're actually coming from a prosecutor. The defence attorney would represent the defendant who in this case is self representing.

That said... I look forward to reading the next few chapters as I like where this is going!

By avatar buyerinternet - 2024-12-02 06:22:38

On Opening Statements

Haha very good pickup! I thought it was just displaying 2 comments for me, not everyone else!

By avatar buyerinternet - 2024-12-01 07:49:26

On Dinner Conversations

Nice. So basically some of them have superpowers now

By Endless - 2024-11-30 23:51:41

On The Big Switch

@buyerinternet Seems like Susan isn't the only being that got duplicated. :P

By Zelo - 2024-11-29 14:29:23

On Dinner Conversations

What an abstract and fun idea. I love it!

By avatar buyerinternet - 2024-11-28 19:39:54

On Dinner Conversations

What an abstract and fun idea. I love it!

By avatar buyerinternet - 2024-11-28 19:39:53

On Dinner Conversations

That was unexpected! Funny, though.

By Mr.Big - 2024-11-28 09:05:43

On Who Is Michelle?

Hey, thanks for the feedback. They won't just be straight swaps though. She has fun little added experiments to add on for each pair.

By Gooose - 2024-11-25 22:27:19

On The First Guinea Pigs

Making a wish for a competent magic instructor, one capable of handling all of the girls in the Sisterhood would be a smart idea. Don't rely on a potentially too powerful unpredictable artifact to cast your magic, learn magic yourself and grant your own wishes. Smaller, simpler, noticable, reversible wishes, but those just may well be features not bugs.

By wingnut2292 - 2024-11-25 02:10:29

On Denise Brewster makes her decision, and the first day comes to an end

Nice one. Thanks for taking my suggestions

By Endless - 2024-11-24 23:46:45

On The First Guinea Pigs

And yes, you're right about the Cheerleader Gun, too. Lots of potential for mischief there, especially given all the options it has.

By Christine L. - 2024-11-24 21:07:10

On Denise Brewster makes her decision, and the first day comes to an end

As far as body dysmorphia goes, it depends on the Random Gun and how it effects people's mental state to some extent. But as said several times, the Random Gun's effects are random. You're right in that Biff is suffering - so much of his identity is tied in to his being able to play sports that he can't play in his current transformed state. Fortunately, he has Sarah to help call attention to his plight.

As for Jon, Jon certainly seems to sort of fluid right now as far as gender goes, and seems all right with being a girl. It might not be just one thing that's causing this. As for how Jon's perception of movie stars might have changed, that's an interesting question. But yes, Jon is certainly going to be looking in the mirror over the next day or so, and will have to come to a decision sooner or later.

Anyway, with the MTI Day One arc concluded, the story will be getting back to Jon and Karyn, as well as the various jocks, cheerleaders, Goths, geeks, and so on. I've been wanting to get back to them in more than just brief 'checking in on them' bits for quite a while.

What's next? Well, the 'Sisterhood of the Stone' (as Zoe called their little group of people who know about the stone) will meet. A lot of people (not just Jon) will have to make some decisions soon. And maybe Lake Point High School's rivals will get into some of the Transformation Gun related mischief. We'll wait and see.

By Christine L. - 2024-11-24 20:56:22

On Denise Brewster makes her decision, and the first day comes to an end

Yay! I felt unable to contribute during the MTI arc, I'd live to see Jon and Karen talk. And I'd like to see Linda talk with Jon just to probe what he/she is feeling.

Actually, since Jon and Karen are watching movies (because live TV is kinda a no-go tonight, with all the chaos and all. Just immagine if the Dallas Coybows got hit with the Cheerleader Gun!) but I'd love some of Jon's perspective as she processes what happened to her, how much of that prior personality is left in Jon, and if she still has any changes. Like, in lots watching movies, it's boud that they see one actor who was a heartthrob in their day. Maybe Brad Pitt, Maybe Tom Cruise. Shoot Ronald Ragan turned heads back in the day. How does any of that make her feel as a girl, compaired sitting next to Karen?

Looking at her own reflection, what does Jon see? How does Jon feel? Does she cup her boobs or her hips because it's the first time that she's had access to a girls flesh, or does her brain focus her thoughts on the I securities most girls have. Is she perturbed that she looks so small/young and envies women with fuller figures? Does looking cute or pretty feel good, better than felling masculine? What degree of body dismorphia is there. Biff seems to be suffering lot, but Jon not so much.

By wingnut2292 - 2024-11-24 12:40:36

On Denise Brewster makes her decision, and the first day comes to an end

@Gooose tbf if some of the bridesmaids aren’t attractive and Linda gets swapped with one of them she would still be in a position to be jealous of Pete. Would it be better if Mikey or Zoe end up as Tatiana?

By Endless - 2024-11-24 07:27:04

On Catching Royals and Peasants

Author's note: Can you believe that this story has been taking place on the same day for 100 or more episodes which were written over the course of several years? It's crazy that it took this long to get to the end of Day One.

But now we're here. Jon, Karyn, Sarah, and everyone from Lake Point High School and McMillan Tech Industries can now move on to the next day and beyond. I've been looking forward to this for quite a while. I have some ideas for where things might go, including an arc revolving around the Lake Point High School vs. Forestville High sports rivalry and the special 'tiebreaker game'. In any case, we're done with the Day One arcs now, and can now move forward.

By Christine L. - 2024-11-24 03:17:04

On Denise Brewster makes her decision, and the first day comes to an end

@Endless They're interesting. I think Stephanie will swap with Hilde, the German instagram model, but I'm less sure of the other ones. I want to have a mix of exchanges where the Gibson group got the better end of the deal and the other way around, so Karyn might end up as one of the plumbers or Tatiana's bodyguard. I kind of want Linda to be in a position where she's jealous of Pete as well. Lots to consider.

By Gooose - 2024-11-24 01:09:36

On Catching Royals and Peasants

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