Please, write more :
By whitepantyhose9x -
Another way to interpret this wish is for Jon to experience Karyn life, like a vision or movie or something and when he comes back he doesn't know if he is Jon, cause he knows that originally he was Jon or if he is Karyn since he just lived her whole life and remembers every second of it.
By TGAlmeida -
On An Argument Between Friends
Much like a certain Djinn in another branch, your wish is my command, or at least my strong suggestion.
By Gooose -
On How Confident is Overconfident?
Basic idea is the wish sent Jon's mind back in time to the moment of Karyn's birth, and he's lived as the new Karyn, creating a different timeline. The original Karyn was shunted into the life of Alternate Jon at the moment the new timeline caught up to when she made the wish.
By Gooose -
On A Step Through The Sliding Door
Whatever you do
By Matisguy -
On How Confident is Overconfident?
I figured he's himself.. but living the life he'd have lived if born instead of Karyn...and as a girl,. but I left it open for other interpretations. I figured in this version girl yet unnamed(but not Karyn...too confusing) just didn't choose a path that led to being in the bedroom with male Karyn)
By The Guest -
I wonder who Jon is in this new life, is he someone completely new, ie was a whole family and backstory created to realise Karyn wish or is he on a family that he knows something about, can't wait for more updates.
By TGAlmeida -
Thanks, it's been a fun one to write so far.
By Gooose -
On Homeroom
It's been a while since I've been so invested in a branch. Great story, fun plot, and an interesting mix of recycled characters.
By Hmm -
On Homeroom
I'm sure she's not the only licensed driver...besides she might not have gotten a license and makes Biff pick her up.
By The Guest -
A friend who already has a license and car, like Sarah? Yeah I don't Julia would like to be friends with her, maybe someone else.
By TGAlmeida -
I wonder what would happen if CiCi and Mackenzie meet.
By TGAlmeida -
Uh oh
By Marazh-no -
Karyn's home life seems particularly interesting to me here. Clever, clever, using both Bethany and Alyssa for it!
By Matisguy -
Classic misunderstanding trope.
By TGAlmeida -
I wrote this a while ago and I haven't made any progress on it so I figured I would post as is.
By Marazh-no -
By Marazh-no -
The intention is that the spark of Karyn and Sarah's big fight was some kind of engineered sitcom misunderstanding, with both of them feeling like the other turned on them.
By Gooose -
I did that in my fork..but Zoe is being repurposed as an upgraded yours she could be elsewhere.
By The Guest -
An interesting notion, but I do have the Gibson family written off as moving to Greece. That said, the programs that played Zoe, Mikey, and Linda might be similarly repurposed like Jon was into Mackenzie.
By Gooose -
Sadly, “yandere” and “robot” don’t appear to be available tags. Maybe one day.
By lifesmainantagonist -
On Jon ensures control. Or not.
I wonder who she has her heart set on? Maybe Zoe? LOL Or, and this could be really interesting if done right, she plans on making Jon her love interest and basically redeeming that character from blandness?
By Great Sage -
Gooose, you are hella creative.
By Elron -
On A New Personality to Go with the Model
I don't care, as long as Project J has bigger boobs than Karyn.
By Elron -
No, they won't become clones, but most of them will get good enough to pass as who they're supposed to be. In either case the physical stuff is the easiest to learn. Larry will be a fair bit sweeter than Sarah, since he has very recent memories of being on the bottom of the totem pole. Jay's probably going to be less of a bully than Mike was etc. The first two weeks is all about getting them up to speed with their new bodies and lives, learning to act like who they appear to be, but as time goes on they'll be encouraged to make their lives their own within reason.
Some participants are going to throw themselves more into their roles than other. Jon in particular is really leaning into his impersonation, and going to get immersed in the role, while someone like Ms. Wong is going to do the bare minimum for the class requirements.
By Gooose -
On Partner Time
The kids seem to be adapting to their new bodies pretty quickly.
So will they eventually become clones of the original owners of the bodies?
For example, will Larry become as conceited and stuck up as the original Sarah?
By Elron -
On Partner Time
Don't spare the details, I'm loving where you are taking this. Thank you.
By Elron -
That's the plan, Guest! I think some programmers, particularly those who aren't working on the Mackenzie side of things will be more wary of pushing the two together again, but perhaps seeing the benefits once Mackenzie gets to strut her stuff a little bit
By Gooose -
I can also see people pushing the new Jon/Mackenzie as Karyn new friend, they already worked before, the problem was that Jon was too bland/generic, but Mackenzie is a lot more interesting and that is kinda the reason they are doing this.
By TGAlmeida -
Sarah is definitely going to be driven crazy by her.
By The Guest -
Plan is for a higher up in the program to tell them that it's unsafe to swap while pregnant, so Jon will end up swapped longer than the rest of the class.
By Gooose -
From a timing standpoint, Jon should be back in his own body long before having to deliver babies - unless the machine breaks down and he gets stuck. Just sayin'.
By Elron -
Oops, I spoke too soon LOL
By Elron -
Seems like the swaps would lead to "experimentation" and experimentation could lead to "unintended consequences," like pregnancy....
By Elron -
Hey Gooose, I love body swaps, and the further the fish is from the water, the better.
By Elron -
Well, the director is also an AI, I'd imagine.
By The Guest -
Hey, perhaps they could have met during the 2002 World Cup which Korea and Japan co-hosted. More reasonable timeline-wise than the Olympics...
By ZamZam -
On A New Personality to Go with the Model
I like the addition of cutting together a traditional 2d version of the show.
By Gooose -
Funnily enough I had considered going Latina but ended up veering for Korean/Australian instead. Interesting variation.
By Gooose -
The irony...I was writing an alternate branch before I read this, and I was going to put in a line saying, "One of the programmers wanted to make you Australian."
By The Guest -
On Program J Gets Her New Character Model
Hmm, I've got a rough idea for Jon's new role, but it could be compatible with being Karyn's sister, something to consider.
By Gooose -
If they want to change the show but keep Jon, maybe make Jon into a family of Karyn, her mother, sister or even a cousin, that way the still are a "secondary character" or maybe Jon becomes Rebecca who in theory should have been Karyn friends, so many possibilities.
By TGAlmeida -
Yeah, I'm going with the idea that she's more malleable early on due to the massive changes to her brain chemistry, and eventually she'll shift back towards a more in control equilibrium. Lily may also discover that empathy goes both ways once Rose begins to stand up for herself a little more.
By Gooose -
On Arriving at the Vanderfields
Interesting development, as long as Rose/Jon is not suddenly a doormat and re-exerts herself a bit later on then I think this is a fun direction to go
By Great Sage -
On Arriving at the Vanderfields
I tried to make sure I didn’t go so far as to box the next writer into a corner, if there is a next writer. So I think it’s perfect with leaving it with Jon just starting a wish. The next part could start with it being something extreme, or something mild, or with it simply not completing the wish in front of the viewer so that they’ll have to guess what he asked for, possibly for several chapters.
By lifesmainantagonist -
On clash with the outside world
I thought that the mental changes would take more time, but this is not bad.
By TGAlmeida -
On Arriving at the Vanderfields
Some guys have all the luck.
By Elron -
Decided to play with the psychological effects of the Syndrome, particularly the deep connection and empathy between the two new twins. At the moment, because she was prepared for the change and Rose wasn't, Lily is exerting far more influence on her new sister and that's affecting how she reacts to her rapidly changing circumstances.
By Gooose -
On Arriving at the Vanderfields
That sounds interesting, I think with mine I hadn't yet made up my mind on where to take that aspect of things, but was generally tending towards the twins sort of sharing families
By Great Sage -
Cool, I like it
By Great Sage -
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