Thanks, I had this idea for almost a year, it's kinda intended to be a more lighthearted almost slice of life-ish thing. Not to say this couldn't be taken to any other legths, just well, kinda wanted to push towards a more, considerate protagonist with this one. More a wholesome "flight of fancy" than a "power fantasy" if that makes sense. Anyways I don't think I am continuing this anytime soon so anyone is welcome to write their iwn stuff from here.
By N/A -
On Embody Fiction, Weilder of the WonderLocket.
This looks amazing! Surely nothing can go wrong :D
By Great Sage -
On Embody Fiction, Weilder of the WonderLocket.
this is like the ending of that terrible penn and teller movie where everyone stumbles upon the ever increasing heap of dead bodies and commits suicide because they just can’t handle seeing a bunch of dead bodies
By lifesmainantagonist -
Leave it to a new writer to come in and ruin it. Honestly it was already ruined though, because Jon was supposed to be able to talk again as soon as she was done with the pregnancy, she was only supposed to be stuck raising the babies until they no longer needed a mother, not stuck unable to talk for all that time. But this just ruins it totally.
By lifesmainantagonist -
Too much inconsistency, none of these writers understands that everyone including Jon and Karyn are supposed to not know Jon was originally male.
By lifesmainantagonist -
On The next day
Best branch ever.
By The Guest -
@lifesmainantagonist The wonderful thing about Fiction Branches is, if you don't like the way one author wrote a story... you can write that same story in a different way. There is no need to disparage writing that doesn't fit your tastes, you can just write a branch that does fit your tastes instead. We want to encourage writers, not put them down, even if they haven't been on this website in ten years :)
By Ms. Cork -
@lifesmainantagonist You're implying some kind of foul play, which feels a lot like a complaint, especially in conjunction with some of the other posts you've been making. While there isn't a good way to find a complete answer to your query, much more likely is that the date in question represents one of the several times that Fiction Branches had a re-launch, which, especially in the days when it was closely associated with Sapphire's Place, will bring simultaneous attention to multiple past users. Another possibility is that, during one of the several times that Fiction Branches had a re-launch, some data was lost in the transfer representing a particular 7-year period. Heck, if my fuzzy recollections serve me right, in 2008 there wasn't even a username system yet. Anyone could just title any branch under whatever username they wanted, no password required. It was a simpler time.
Like I said, there isn't a good way to find the true answer here, but just in general, I'd advise some cooling of jets. Nobody is using Fiction Branches for some strange ulterior motive. We're just here to write stories. If you're curious about the history of the website, I strongly recommend joining the Discord server, although I know you've stated reservations about it in the past. Posting comment replies to old threads like this doesn't give the impression of curiosity, it gives the impression of complaint, even if that might not be your intention.
By Ms. Cork -
well first of all it’s not a complaint, but it’s a mystery why a bunch of users disappeared for 7 years and then reappeared at the same time. I just found another one. WTBPA. Add that to Katra and Bruce_Leach and Daniel_Cougar. 3 of the 4 of them reappeared on June 2 or 3 of 2008. Pretty big coincidence, 3 users disappear for 7 years and all come back on the same day? So are they all the same person?
By lifesmainantagonist -
Just a pair of double quotes huh. I think WTBPA intended to put something in those quotes for what the sign said and forgot.
By lifesmainantagonist -
Interesting premise, Who is Xia? Are her parents important? So many questions !
By Great Sage -
On A chinese girl trying to escape her bodyguards
It’s hard to tell when this is supposed to be taking place. 2000? The date the most recent chapter was written? Some time in between? Youtube started in 2004 or 2005 and Rebecca Black’s Friday was in 2011, but that’s fitting since the previous chapter was from the end of 2011 when it was recent.
By lifesmainantagonist -
On Foothold
tf was that ending?
By lifesmainantagonist -
Weak. The vengeance loses all meaning if you wipe his memory, then he’s just torturing a mental invalid with amnesia and what’s the point. It’s better for the sake of a story if it’s a victory with a cost too. I think the writer was just too upset by the earlier parts of the story to approach it reasonably, this page seethes with rage, a pity that almost none of these things get a satisfactory resolution if they get one at all.
By lifesmainantagonist -
On H%#l Yes!
well that’s a copout. The more obvious action is Jon sacrificing himself by making a wish that makes his/her life a little harder but that absolutely stops Mark in his tracks. Like wishing that both (s)he and Mark would get stricken by a disease that would affect Mark much more strongly and cause Jon to get sick for a day but cause Mark’s limbs to fall off and for him to lose his voice permanently, then Mark would lose his fem-master powers, as that required the use of his hands, and he could never use the stone again if he can’t speak.
By lifesmainantagonist -
@lifesmainantagonist you're complaining about things that happened 15 years ago
By Phoenix -
By Marazh-no -
They already covered why this is reversible in part 2 of this thread. They can easily do exactly the same thing that was explained in detail and already used to undo Karyn’s first wish, namely giving it a time limit retroactively, saying they wish Jon would be female for just 10 minutes longer (no reason for the 10 minutes either, might as well make it immediate). The really confounding thing is, part 2 was also written by spotty, the same writer. Did he forgot what he himself wrote earlier?
By lifesmainantagonist -
On Catgirl
you’ve just made it way too confusing
By lifesmainantagonist -
On Easy Fix
thisisnota no reread the first chapter, she was saying all guys are mindless simpletons that just are motivated by boobs, this is consistent with her character without any much needed benefit of the doubt.
By lifesmainantagonist -
On Not what she was expecting (long sorry)
Gaslighting and shaming. Oh yeah Karyn makes a real strong case here that he should be treating women as peers. Gonna do some virtue signaling and then start crying while you’re at it, bring out the whole arsenal of stereotypical female “debate” tactics? Was hoping that she would try to be the bigger person and just try to make friends with him but she only ended up proving him right.
By lifesmainantagonist -
Nice contradictions of incompatible opposites. "A Jon liked girls and was straight. A Noj liked boys but also was a lesbian." Did we also mention that Noj is made out of antimatter instead of matter but also out of energy instead of matter, is a plant instead of an animal, is an invertebrate instead of a vertebrate, is a fish instead of a mammal, is a reptile instead of a mammal, is a bird instead of a mammal, is inanimate instead of living, and despite not being living, is immortal?
By lifesmainantagonist -
So many users, I look up their history, and they were gone from 2000 or 2001 until 2008 and then they come back just to write one or two more things in 2008 and are gone again. What's that about? Katra and Bruce_Leach being the other 2 I have run into in the last few days.
By lifesmainantagonist -
Wow. They say karma's a bitch. Looks like karma hit this version of Sarah like a bitch all right. She did a foolish wish that undid herself. Ultimately she humiliated herself to the very ones she wanted to gloat over, by making them aware of her incompetence that undid herself.
By lifesmainantagonist -
I find upvotes motivate me to continue because I know people made an effort, but if you look at my work, I keep going regardless sometimes. I'd rather have some thoughtful comments
By The Guest -
On you should change the system
If I continue, we'll see Rebecca again. But my sentiments exactly. I want Karyn to remain unpredictable.
By The Guest -
Ha! Take that Programme script writers, your lame Rebecca hart plans fail again :D
By Great Sage -
Upvotes are intentionally anonymous. Given the nature of the content on this site, I figured that making upvotes public could discourage users from voting on good content because they wouldn't want their name tied to that content. I think the privacy of upvotes is far more important than making sure no one "cheats". And to that point, I'd like to emphasize that this site is NOT a competition to see who can get the most upvotes (or views, or any other metric). If you're trying to compete with other authors to see who can be the "best" author, you'll have to look elsewhere.
Exposing the IP addresses of our users would be an extreme invasion of user privacy. There's no way a feature like that is ever getting implemented.
By Phoenix - - This comment is from a site Moderator
On you should change the system
I think you are ultimately overthinking this. There's not a prize for having a bunch of upvotes and there's not really a reason for it to be public knowledge. Think of it as closer to "kudos" or "good episode"
The author can upvote their own post, but again, there's not a prize for having a bunch of upvotes, so it doesn't matter.
By Melody -
On you should change the system
It was 11 years ago. Do you have any suggestions? I could always be convinced for a reboot.
By The Guest -
And that's the end of it. A pity, it was going well for a while, and then its direction meandered from anything that could lead anywhere meaningful and then you just didn't know what to do with it and then lost interest.
By lifesmainantagonist -
This gives me an idea for my version of this... love the chat feed.
By The Guest -
@lifesmainantagonist: This is a warning. It's okay to be frustrated, but it's not okay to make personal attacks against other users. Let's keep things civil here.
By Ms. Cork - - This comment is from a site Moderator
On Morning 3
Poor Zoe/CiCi. The gods/programming team have taken notice of you.
By Hmm -
when you’re upvoting everything you write and then signing in with your alt accounts to upvote it again gooose, do you ever stop and say to yourself “I’m really a dishonest and useless person, I should not upvote my own content and let the upvote count reflect the assessment of the free marketplace of ideas”?
By lifesmainantagonist -
On Morning 3
The cool thing here is that they is so open for interpretation that it could mean, the Gibson family or Jon and Karyn or Jon, Karyn and Jon's family, or even more people if she was not thinking about anyone in particular and just said they, it is a good way to phrase it for future authors.
By TGAlmeida -
Ugh, kinda wish I didn't give Alyssa the same name I give Karyn's mom in most of my branches. It's just going to keep confusing me.
By Gooose -
On Morning 3
I wonder how "Karyn"/Jon will react to the new Karyn life.
By TGAlmeida -
This is an interesting way to connect Mackenzie and Karyn.
By TGAlmeida -
This is amazing.
By Hmm -
Serves her right. He accidentally turns himself into a girl, and she takes the rock from "him" and refuses to change him back because "But Jonnnn... I like you this way!", but when she messes her own body up, Jon is expected to fix it without delay? Nope, karma b.
By lifesmainantagonist -
He shouldn't be able to undo it. He wished he was a girl. That's it. No chance to twist that.
By lifesmainantagonist -
On "I wish that I looked the way I did before."
Except that he already earlier wished "I wish that any effects of the wishes made with this stone for the next 48 hours will and in exactly 48 hours from now on." I'm pretty sure the and is supposed to be "end", so it would be "I wish that any effects of the wishes made with this stone for the next 48 hours will end in exactly 48 hours from now on." In other words, it shouldn't matter what this woman wishes for here, she can't make it until he dies because he already limited it to 2 days.
By lifesmainantagonist -
I half expect Sarah's programme to go through a critical Runtime error over this LOL
By Great Sage -
Actually, tigers don't have slit pupils like small cats, they have round irises like humans. See for yourself
By lifesmainantagonist -
no, a female fox is called a vixen
By lifesmainantagonist -
I'm very much liking this branch so far.
By Marazh-no -
I like Sarah inner thoughts, wonder if/how she will retaliate.
By TGAlmeida -
TMI. This should be broken into parts. The first part where it is revealed that the relationship with Karyn was all fake and just because of a wish should be a hub, that anyone else can start from. Because now with it all being a monolith, everyone is stuck with this whole complete huge story where she dies and gets resurrected and all the drama involved as their starting point, or starting something similar from scratch. And it's a big waste for the same part to be replicated multiple times, or for something virtually identical, everyone having to reread slight variations of the same thing many times.
By lifesmainantagonist -
Please, write more :
By whitepantyhose9x -
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