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That's certainly a possibility. She still thinks she wants to tell her eventually, and share the stone again, but she's getting deeper and deeper and has no firm plan of when to ever do that.

By Gooose - 2024-02-28 23:30:37

On Karyn's Place

I wonder if she'll reach a point that she feels like she can never tell Jon about the stone again, or if she's already reached it.

By bigbustgazer - 2024-02-28 22:22:52

On Karyn's Place

So, Jon is definitely being influenced on some level just by the sensations and feeling of her new body, and the wish to be able to access muscle memory is influencing that, it's not going to change her orientation. She's still attracted to girls, though there might be a few bumps along the road as she syncs up more with her new body. For that matter, Sarah still likes boys, and he's going to go through a similar process, the main difference is their willingness to embrace their new forms.

The other thing influencing them is Karyn's wish that they'd follow her advice on things relating to the swap; they're going to be unconciously compelled to follow her commands like we saw here with the instruction to lean into Sarah's mannerisms.

Karyn is definitely tumbling down a slippery slope in pursuit of her fantasy in this branch, and she's going to continue to do so. Things are going to snowball on her.

By Gooose - 2024-02-28 21:03:07

On Karyn's Place

If Sarah's body is influencing Jon's behaviour... is he still into girls? Or is that just the "muscle memory" wish Karyn made?

It does make me wonder if there will be a clash between that muscle memory and Jon's mind if Karyn does get him into bed with her. Will he still feel male urges/reactions from his male mind and also feel female urges/reactions from the female muscle memory?

That first paragraph! Yeah... she didn't even for a minute consider that there might be another way to get what she wants, she just worked out how to do the fantasy she already had.

By bigbustgazer - 2024-02-27 23:49:19

On Karyn's Place

Wow! Just... wow!!! Might have been the hottest chapter of this website story. Amazing work with the pics and loved "slutty Biff" seducing the new Molly who is still adjusting to her new reality as a jock and testing her dominance. Thanks so much for writing this :)

By Bruna - 2024-02-27 22:19:55

On DMU - Biff and Mollies new routine

Lucy and Sarah sex scene was great. I wonder if Lucy will try her luck with Robert in his new outfits too. It would be interesting.

By Bruna - 2024-02-27 22:17:26

On DMU - 4th morning at the MacMillans

Loved Mickey's new appearance! Wonder how Simon in Karyn will mix with Zoe in Jon. For now, Zoey is happy with his girlfriend Athena, but I guess Simon will soon get some desires of the old Karyn. Maybe not toward Zoey, but a lesbian crush ?

By Bruna - 2024-02-27 22:15:48

On DMU - More changes in the house

Hey. I missed you and this storyline. Hope everything is well with you, dear. And once again nice chapter with the great pics to go with the plot. So, I guess that the only thing lacking in the transformation now is the voice and a little bit of mental/relationship changes, right? That's cool. Waiting for see what you have in mind.

By Bruna - 2024-02-27 22:14:02

On DMU - Day 4 starts off well

If he didn't want to be male, then why did he fight so hard to stay male?

By Bunnie - 2024-02-26 02:15:32

On Girl

Confusion about rude Jon, about Howard being there, or about the egg thing?

By Gooose - 2024-02-26 02:04:15

On Angsty Jon Gibson


By avatar Matisguy - 2024-02-26 01:22:05

On Angsty Jon Gibson

Yeah, he'll be able to choose his swap as it happens. I wrote it that way so if another writer wants to change who Jon switches with, it's easier to split off.

By Gooose - 2024-02-25 21:04:13

On A Surprising Reunion

Jon wished for his swap not to be random... but didn't say who he'd swap with... Is he going to get to choose at the time of the swap?

By bigbustgazer - 2024-02-25 20:15:09

On A Surprising Reunion

Yeah. I like the fact that she's clearly been thinking about the idea of Sarah's body and Jon's personality being her ideal so long and so much that when she had the stone she didn't even think about and discard other possibilities, she just made that one literally happen.

By bigbustgazer - 2024-02-25 20:12:09

On Karyn (Alt)

Oh, there were definitely other options to what she did, and she's certainly being selfish with the course she's gone with. Down the line she may indeed have to reckon with her choice here, and subsequent choices she's going to make. The stone is essentially absolute power, and we all know what that does.

By Gooose - 2024-02-25 04:10:29

On Karyn (Alt)

Yeah, but it's a much easier moral case to make for altering herself mentally than someone else physically. Altering herself is her making a choice about herself, so I can't really see a moral objection to it, especially something like just altering her sexuality, where her "self" would remain intact. I understand she might not want to be straight, but like given she hasn't even told Jon she isn't straight... she doesn't seem comfortable being lesbian either.

The actual text of the story to me implies she just didn't think of it. Especially the bit about how she's tried to convince herself to go for Jon anyway. It's sort of an interesting blind spot, and if at some point she realizes that wishing herself straight was an option, it might make for some interesting character moments for her, since it's already too late to that. Especially if she tells Jon about the stone again, and he points it out.

Hell she wouldn't even have to be straight, just wish for a Jon-specific exception, so she's not interested in men, except Jon. That would be tricky to phrase in a way that guarantees what she wants though.

By bigbustgazer - 2024-02-25 03:40:29

On Karyn (Alt)

So, you're right that some of it is contrived for the transformation story, but her rationalization here is that she's trying, at least at first, to avoid altering people's minds as much as possible. She could also have just wished Sarah to be a nicer person who was interested in her, and wished Jon's unrequited feelings for her away, but she didn't. Morally speaking she's on a bit of a slippery slope regardless, but she's trying to rationalize and justify what she's done.

By Gooose - 2024-02-25 03:26:00

On Karyn (Alt)

I wonder if pointing out that she could wish herself straight would make Karyn feel more guilty or if she would rationalize that away. Did she consider that? Obviously she wouldn't for the reasons of making a transformation story... but still.

By bigbustgazer - 2024-02-25 03:15:25

On Karyn (Alt)

Jon and Sarah's dynamic is starting to remind me of this ngl

By avatar Matisguy - 2024-02-25 00:43:29

On Sarah Fixes Jon's Room

To hell with it. I uploaded the last chapter anyway. Maybe sometime in the future someone will find it and care.

By lifesmainantagonist - 2024-02-23 13:25:22

On God Foxes

it’s not Biff that’s at fault for this, it’s Karyn. 100%. It’s like she covered him in fish blood and then kicked him into a tank of piranhas and then condemned and swore vengeance against the fish for being so evil for what they did next

By lifesmainantagonist - 2024-02-22 12:55:09

On Discovered

Welcome back, missed this

By The Guest - 2024-02-22 12:33:44

On DMU - Day 4 starts off well

You already got the answer you wanted but I have seen this several times actually. Not the bimbo mean girl thing but taking turns changing each other and being unaware of it. Just a few days ago I found one where Karyn turns Jon into a fox person and then he turns her into a horse person: Of course the root cause is further back with a magic pencil which leads to lots of different things. Earlier I found one where she ends up a thumbelina sized fairy and I don’t remember what he was or where it was located. I’ve seen this premise at least 5 times. Here’s another one, where Jon turns Karyn into a clown in a variation of humanity where humans are sexually dimorphic and women look like clowns

By lifesmainantagonist - 2024-02-21 22:07:44

On Any help?

I swear you guys are gonna give me the weirdest kinds of kinds if this keeps going. @_@

I kinda like how this turned into some sort of dark comedy at the tail end of the story.

By Zelo - 2024-02-19 19:24:27

On The Karyns transform Jon


Uhh, I didn't expect me to go this far into this branch, as I'm not really into conjoinment too much, but Fiction Branches once again proves that a good story (or at least an emotion-driven story) can "save" and keep you interested in anything.

By Zelo - 2024-02-19 19:07:27

On Karyn gives them a chance

By Zelo - 2024-02-19 18:58:12

On The two-headed Karyns find out what Jon's been up to

@lifesmainamtagonist Yes! Oh yes please! I know it'd probably be tough to determine where a storty lands on the "porn-to-story scale" (not to mention the ratio could change between chapters due to different writers), but it'd certainly be a good piece of information to know before reading.

By Zelo - 2024-02-19 18:11:21

On Karyn explores her two-headed body

FTP, nonsensically enough, is short for Frotterotransformationalpartialism, which is a term coined on the old Naga's Den website with kinda started the whole thing a long time ago.

By Gee-chan - 2024-02-19 16:46:09

On Karyn, Sarah and a Fluffy Cat

Jon you goof, you can just wish to know where Karyn's original bits are so you can swap them back.

By bigbustgazer - 2024-02-19 14:56:43

On Karyn swaps Jon's legs with her own

I had a thought, since Sarah is leading a boy in mind into the girls' locker room. What if Sarah stated "Please don't perve on the girls here, they didn't ask for this. Just act like a normal girl... whatever you do with Karen aside.”

This would have Jon 1) no longer attracted to girls... for the most part. She's more 4/5ths boys and a few specific girls that she has strong relationships with, like Karen. I suppose Kayla and Yuki would count in that category too as fellow Nerds, and maybe Athena and Zelda... but then maybe not.

You might need to split the effect with "Don't perve on us..." and later "Honest advice: This will be easier for you if you let yourself like boys."

I can see a couple of reasons for Sarah making these statements. One is privacy, another is to cover her ass when the Matron comes to investigate. Though Sarah has done nothing wrong (save but possessing her absolutely sparkling personality), but if guys are not to know magic, the choice is to either make the man forget or to make him apart of the female cause.

One benefit of changing Jon to ack like a normal girl is that all the small things girls do, put in a bra, reapply makeup, etc. becomes easy and almost 2nd nature to Jon.

By wingnut2292 - 2024-02-19 12:52:43

On Leaving the Gym

I’m pretty sure that ftp acronym is not a thing. I look up with translators and it says the f word is portuguese for brother. And just by ftp it seems like the acronym for female to part and I didn’t think it was what I wanted at first since it would be mtp in this case, but of course if p is the destination then it’s not really important whether the subject started male or female. Perhaps change it to “htp” for “human to part”.

By lifesmainantagonist - 2024-02-19 08:53:31

On Karyn, Sarah and a Fluffy Cat

You know, there really should be another series of tags that identify the type of story in the parameter of whether it’s 0% story 100% porn like this thing, or story driven, or some combination thereof, maybe a scale from 0 through 10 for “porn driven”, and a second scale from 0 through 10 for “story driven”. Just to tell perspective readers what it’s going to be. I’m not putting down someone that wants content that’s completely devoid of anything but fap fuel, or if that’s what you’re looking for one day and the next day you want something else you’ll know what you’re getting as you look for it, I come across something like… this and I’d like to know that’s what it is so I can save my time without starting to read any of it.

By lifesmainantagonist - 2024-02-18 22:13:27

On Karyn explores her two-headed body


Slowly raises hand

Slow and somber round of applause

By avatar Matisguy - 2024-02-18 18:07:48

On Jon and the Cheerleaders Face Off

That is everything that was there until I got stuck back in 2011. Feel free to add away from here.
Peace Out

By avatar Ms-Scarlett-Raven - 2024-02-17 10:12:34

On During the night

Still updating this only two or three more posts and everything after that will be brand new for 2024 and not from 2011

By avatar Ms-Scarlett-Raven - 2024-02-16 09:17:53

On Meanwhile back with our Victim /Hero

Jessycat was fast. 23 minutes and 51 seconds for this, well thought out with formatting and I don’t see any errors, maybe she put it into a word processor first.

By lifesmainantagonist - 2024-02-15 08:25:03

On Smoking can be hazardous to your wishing

good stuff 👌

By avatar TheScienceWizard - 2024-02-08 11:08:45

On Like me, like you! You feel me?

If she can wish for anything why is she making him work hard so she can steal the wages she has no use for and torturing him like he’s her biggest enemy and did something unforgivable? He’s just her boyfriend. I guess this is just another psycho revenge fantasy against nobody in particular.

By lifesmainantagonist - 2024-02-08 10:00:34

On ...Jacob was lactating

Sarah’s in high-school and her mom is 30 years old? Hmmmm....

By lifesmainantagonist - 2024-02-08 09:16:03

On And the rock goes to ...

I didn’t notice before this was the science wizard’s first one. He was off to a good start!

By lifesmainantagonist - 2024-02-08 00:49:13

On ATail!?

Pretty fun stuff so far. It's nice to see that there are some new ideas around, and people doing things that haven't already been done before. While I was there for the Discord chat mentioning the idea, I didn't know if it'd ever happen.

Some pretty good work there. I'm sure it took a while to come up with the lyrics for the song, and imagine how the basic YAWYW translates as a musical. This was a pretty clever handling of the usual 'Jon and Karyn realize they've made an accidental wish and are freaking out' scenario, done in musical form. Looking forward to seeing where it goes from here.

By Christine L. - 2024-02-02 14:00:49

On Overture

I'll see where this goes, and maybe do my own take on this. There's at least one character I introduced as an addition to Lake Point's 'theatre' crowd who might fit in with this scenario.

By Christine L. - 2024-02-02 13:53:58

On The Lake Point Musical

Absolutely did hear the music! What a great use of the concept, really love the song you wrote here and the dynamics between Jon and Karyn. Their back and forth was great. Plus I'm always a sucker for the 'shaming someone for cursing before they say the line', that got a good chuckle out of me. Really, really enjoyed this. Excited for the reprise and the big villain introduction number.

By avatar MaryMary - 2024-02-02 07:47:33

On Overture

If you heard some kind of music in your head while reading this, I'll consider it a win.

By avatar Matisguy - 2024-02-02 04:12:32

On Overture

MaryMary (aka. tango) threw out the basic idea for this on the Discord about a week ago, and it was rattling around in my head enough that I had to make at least a one-off out of it.

By avatar Matisguy - 2024-02-02 04:08:32

On The Lake Point Musical

My thanks to the clearly one single person who has upvoted every chapter of this series, usually by the time the view count of each chapter gets to 20. If you reply with some contact info I’ll e-mail you the last chapter if you want.

By lifesmainantagonist - 2024-01-28 10:34:12

On Language and Possibilities

Could anybody continue these episodes I would but I suck at writing

By Eldridge - 2024-01-27 15:38:33

On Jon needs some new clothes

That sounds interesting!

By whitepantyhose9x - 2024-01-25 19:06:56

On Jon immediately regrets this

So basically a hentai version of Midori no Hibi.

By lifesmainantagonist - 2024-01-25 01:00:24

On chick for a dick

Haven't seen anything on this thread in a bit. Hoping it continues, great episode.

By jessica.cave - 2024-01-23 12:43:22

On Reunited for the First Time

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