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Perhaps a similar moment if Zoey can have a reflective surface to see how Alice sees her further fueling the lust she’s currently experiencing. If anything, a conversation later in the day with Z and Lin discussing how they ‘scored’ with their respective women will be quite a treat for us and eye opening for them.

By Sje_1265 - 2025-02-08 23:31:14

On ZLGT - a not so cold shower

Agreed with the sentiments regarding So frustrating how it to work with either as a reader or a writer. It still has some great content being posted by other friendly writers of the genre so I try to navigate it to support others works.

By Sje_1265 - 2025-02-08 23:21:32

On ZLGT - Z goes poolside

Hot, hot, hot!!! Wonder if Zoe will realize how much Alice looks like the valley girls that she despises in her real life and if it will only fuel her new dominant instincts.

By Bruna - 2025-02-08 22:29:02

On ZLGT - a not so cold shower

Oh, is really a wasted potential. Great stories and interactives, but a pain in the ass to deal with membership and free access.

By Bruna - 2025-02-08 22:25:55

On ZLGT - Z goes poolside

Oh! I love how you managed to advance the plot in the middle of a hot sexy chapter. Sierra is keeping the boxers and asked Linda to came back tomorrow? Something is in motion here and I like it!

By Bruna - 2025-02-08 22:23:50

On ZLGT - Linda gets used

Glad you guys are enjoying this thread.

Vanessa - unfortunately I’m not in as much now as my membership expired and getting anything done on there without one is such a hassle

By avatar MightyMrJ - 2025-02-08 16:19:25

On ZLGT - Z goes poolside

Oh my wow, gonna need a fan to cool off from these recent few chapters lol. Linda had quite the encounter with the sensual & assertive Sierra, Bruna hitting the on the head with their commentary. Eager to see how Zoey does with Alice as she hasn’t missed a beat with applying her own charisma to girl laying out in front of her invitingly. Great chapters, Mr.J!

By Sje_1265 - 2025-02-08 12:29:49

On ZLGT - Z goes poolside

Amazing! I love all your work, both here and in . Please continue with both! You’re so creative

By Vanessa García - 2025-02-08 12:26:37

On ZLGT - Z goes poolside

OMG! You truly nailed it. Sierra is making Linda feel like a boytoy. Wonder how things will go with Zoe. It will be interesting if after all that bragging Linda gets dominated while Zoe exerts dominance.

By Bruna - 2025-02-08 08:23:38

On ZLGT -Sierra takes charge

Nice! A great choice of using F/F sex scenes in this new concept. It's girl on girl action, but both of them thinks it's F/M action. Hot.

By Bruna - 2025-02-08 08:21:55

On ZLGT - Linda heads out

Superb writing here. You managed to give them some mother-daughter time, showing glimpses of their real selves in a new context. Fantastic.

By Bruna - 2025-02-08 08:20:41

On ZLGT - two bros chillin’ in a hot tub

Once again, you've delicious use of images. It's funny to see Zoe gawk for girls that she would despise in her normal life:)

By Bruna - 2025-02-08 08:19:57

On ZLGT - Zoe tries her luck at the gym

great start! looking forward to more of this!!

By cool - 2025-02-08 01:24:37

On Surprise, surprise, it's a generic fantasy world.

What started as some moments between ‘bros’ ends up being quite a nice wholesome moment for Zoey and Linda being able to have fun together for the first in quite a while I’d think. Wonder if Linda will find some proper threads to show off for her meetup or if the closet has other shenanigans in mind. Quite a fun few chapters, Mr.J!

By Sje_1265 - 2025-02-06 13:02:12

On ZLGT - two bros chillin’ in a hot tub

I really hate my phones autocorrect sometimes XD

By avatar MightyMrJ - 2025-02-05 16:57:15

On ZLGT - Linda got Game

"Her chest hair was tied up in a professional bun."

I'm sure that was an editing glitch, but holy hell did the imagery give me a chuckle.

By avatar Ms. Cork - 2025-02-05 13:04:39

On ZLGT - Linda got Game

Also loved the twist and agree with Sje's observations. They appear to be embracing the changes faster this time and I am curious to see how Sierra will fit in this plot. Either way, really nice choice in making Linda and Zoe frat bros. A wonderful scenario, especially for me because I love ftm transformations and role reversals. Thanks for writing

By Bruna - 2025-02-04 22:32:26

On ZLGT - the closet strikes again

What a twist! So the closet could be a potential prime suspect if it’s not the entire hotel going by Zoey’s sudden interaction. Also makes you wonder if certain outfits have more influence, being how Linda is full on ‘Bro Mode’ right away vs how the two were as the couple previously with some degree of control with awareness. Great chapter, Mr.J!

By Sje_1265 - 2025-02-04 16:09:54

On ZLGT - the closet strikes again

I actually had this short story already mostly written in my drafts folder as part of another branch I ended up never making, so it just needed a few tweaks for this.

By avatar Matisguy - 2025-02-04 14:15:56

On ... some nerds work on a science fair project.

Ah! I know how badly it can go wrong when name tags get it wrong :D, very interesting, I look forward to seeing more of this

By Great Sage - 2025-02-04 08:31:32

On Records Mixup

Curious eyebrow raise

By avatar Matisguy - 2025-02-04 08:25:07

On Records Mixup

As soon as someone finds the motivation to write such a thing ig. You volunteering?

By avatar Matisguy - 2025-02-03 08:33:31

On Mundane Vanilla Pornography

When does the stepsister show up to get stuck in the dryer?

By avatar Catfish - 2025-02-03 01:02:15

On Mundane Vanilla Pornography

But a good freak.
I love your writing.

By Elron - 2025-02-02 08:51:17

On Jon

Maybe this will make things a tad clearer about how the wish actually works, since people seem confused about that.

By avatar Matisguy - 2025-02-01 13:19:55

On A Teacher's Personal Touch

Theodore? I'm still trying to figure out the method behind the swaps, but I liked this.

By The Guest - 2025-01-31 16:40:27

On Friends and Crushes

Uninteresting yet has some curiosities that may speak opposite; Jenny gaining the effects of the wish that Karyn wished along with now guy Kevin and little brother Zachary has some wary potentials showing of this reality :-)

By Sje_1265 - 2025-01-31 15:27:04

On Uninteresting Genderbend

Awesome branch. This is really hitting a stride and I'm here for all the paces. Great writing!

By avatar MaryMary - 2025-01-31 12:06:52

On Friends and Crushes

Apologies to Theodore Guest, but I kinda already had something in mind for Jon's before-school activity in this branch.

By avatar Matisguy - 2025-01-31 12:02:12

On Friends and Crushes

Already in love with this idea, even without any other branches the idea is already just so good

By avatar Nora Lua - 2025-01-30 15:06:18

On A less horrible mistake?

Wonder if "Aunt Linda's " new clothes will help John to change into something else not a ballerina, but perhaps more girly (and hopefully, older)

By comodo50 - 2025-01-28 21:34:13

On Anna's first class

Oh wow, didn’t even spot that one. The joys of writing on a phone with an overeager autocorrect

By avatar MightyMrJ - 2025-01-28 15:48:52

On ZLGT - Linda’s dilemma

I'm pretty new with writing those kind of story on public sites so i'm open to any help or suggestions that could help the writing. Ideas come and go with me so i try to keep the scenarios open ended so others may write their own spin for things.

By Nightgroll - 2025-01-28 15:42:58

On Jon's new Outfit (1)

I hope you don’t change ‘A warm feeling shit through her’ because that is very funny lmao

By avatar Nora Lua - 2025-01-28 14:56:00

On ZLGT - Linda’s dilemma

Curious to see what will happen after they undress. Will they return to normal or stay trapped in their new personas? If they return to normal, they will be aware of the experience and afraid but also excited to try on new clothes? So much potential here. Loving it.

By Bruna - 2025-01-28 11:57:20

On ZLGT - Linda’s dilemma

Was wondering if someone would ever update this branch

By Endless - 2025-01-26 05:56:12

On Assembly dismissal

Nice to see this one being updated

By Endless - 2025-01-26 05:55:27

On Sarah is losing patience

Very interesting turn, both ‘staff’ & ‘guests’ might be just a constantly rotated influx of people. Looking forward to how this goes :-).

Have a great weekend!

By Sje_1265 - 2025-01-25 18:42:30

On Shift Change

Great addition, can’t wait to see where you take this

By avatar MightyMrJ - 2025-01-25 02:20:31

On All Business

Very interesting. I look forward to seeing where this goes

By avatar buyerinternet - 2025-01-24 02:42:27

On ZLGT - Identity reveal and a meal

I am incredibly curious to see how Anna and this new Mikey interact with one another. Is she older than Anna? Everyone's ages seem to still be in flux. I wonder how this will influence how those changes settle in.

By avatar Ms. Cork - 2025-01-23 22:08:13

On same Linda and a new Mikey

Another delicious storyline that you've created here. Already excited to see how far this one will go. Lot's of potential here and it gets even better since the Linda/Zoe taboo pairing is seldom explored. Maybe while they are adjusting themselves before doing it like rabbits we can see more of the cast checking in this hotel too. Thanks fkr writing

By Bruna - 2025-01-23 19:44:14

On ZLGT - Identity reveal and a meal

Efficiency is not just with the hotel accommodations I see, but even with the forces at work on Zoey with Linda seems to be getting her ‘turn’ next lol.

By Sje_1265 - 2025-01-23 09:29:43

On ZLGT - Zoe finds an outfit

Heya, Mr J! Intrigued on how this path will progress. Happy belated New Years to you and hope all has been well with ya :-).

Take care & ttys,

By Sje_1265 - 2025-01-21 18:09:41

On Zoe and Linda’s girls trip

You have my interest

By Paula Clark - 2025-01-21 16:43:33

On Zoe and Linda’s girls trip

Very kind. But I just spent years off and on trimming it down from novel-length...

By AnonyMouse - 2025-01-20 17:53:59

On If you mean to use a blade in the future, tend to it now.

Fucking brilliant. Can't wait to see more.

By Marazh-no - 2025-01-16 19:52:04

On If that's Athena, then where's Zoe?

Good to see your writing again

By Catprog - 2025-01-16 17:35:21

On (Apropos of nothing, a sonnet!)

not going to lie, by title, i expected a fusion device, the kind that goes 'boom'

By comodo50 - 2025-01-14 16:32:58

On The Fusion Device

@Gooose hopefully you can return to this branch and some of the older ones too

By Endless - 2025-01-14 11:40:02

On The Big Switch

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