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9. Jon and Marsha become friends

8. supporting role

7. Even closer...

6. "So, you like holding my breas

5. Becoming unstuck

4. He's carrying all right!

3. Boys will be boys

2. Mom's Turn

1. You Are What You Wish

Some well thought-out wishes

on 2001-03-23 07:50:51

1577 hits, 81 views, 0 upvotes.

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"I wish Marsha knew how and why I appeared in her apartment."

As she sat on the bus with Jon giving her full support, realization filled Marsha's brain.

"Oh my ... Oh Jon," she said. "I'm so sorry! I was just so freaked out by what happened, I got so mad ... oh, I wish I hadn't done this to you!"

Immediately, Marsha's bra turned back into Jon. His arm and one leg were still up Marsha's t-shirt. What's worse, Jon was naked!

As Jon pulled himself out from under Marsha's top, he sat up. No one in front of them had seen what had happened. Behind them were a couple of old ladies who were staring at Jon's bare shoulders.

"I wish you had your clothes on," said Marsha. Jon was dressed again.

"Thanks," he said. "Now, may I ... "

"Here," said Marsha, handing him the rock. "I know when I've done enough damage for one day."

"It's all right. I'm sorry I surprised you. And I hope we can be friends."

"I'd like that."

The two old women were still looking. Jon smiled at them and nodded.

"I wish we were 40 years younger, Edna!" said one of the women.

"Me, too," said the other.

"I wish you were 40 years younger, too," said Jon. Immediately, two lovely 20-something women were sitting in the clothing the old women had been wearing.

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